Selina Skies

January 01, 2022 7:39 PM
In many ways, the ball looked set to be the same as ever. The house tables had been replaced with small tables, draped with white tablecloths and laid with sparkling centrepieces. Chairs with bows on their backs were clustered at each table. At the back of the room was a table of refreshments, and a floral archway with a photographer. The main space of the room was given over to a dance floor. Underneath these superficial similarities, things were a little different this year. For one thing, the prefect dance was going to be a group number. There were a few non-prefects involved, those who had already been asked as the dates of existing prefects before the matter had been settled, but it had worked out to a neatly even number, so that was all well and good. For another thing, John was not the only member of Selina’s family in attendance. Not that staff routinely brought their children (unless they lived there), but they did routinely bring their partners… It was a little strange, seeing Ema at a Sonora ball, and Selina wasn’t ever quite sure how comfortable she felt with people knowing that Killian was dating her daughter. But… well, it seemed unavoidable. And they looked very happy, which helped soften any nerves she had about it. And perhaps those differences were small and inconsequential to everyone else. She was sure there had been floundering over dresses and dates, and that there were a mixture of elated hearts and slightly bruised ones, and people who felt fabulous and some who felt self-conscious, and that every other thing was just like every other teenage ball that had gone before it – for all that it probably felt like life and death matters of a totally unique nature to the students living it.

The main student body made their way in. Selina gathered the prefects and their dates in the entrance hall, checking they were ready. Once she had everyone, she made her way in.

“Good evening. Welcome to the ball. The majority of the evening will be yours to do with as you wish – to dance, to take pictures, to enjoy refreshments. Later in the evening, we will announce the winners of the house cup, and provide a special treat for them. But first, I would ask for just a few minutes of your attention, as the prefects present their chosen opening dance.”

She initiated a small round of applause, stepping to the side and gesturing for the prefects to come in. The music started, and the group moved through their choreographed routine. When they were finished, she gave a brief round of applause, and then the music resumed, leaving the dance floor open to any who wished to take to it, and everyone else free to do as they pleased.

OOC: Writing for the prefects based on what was agreed in their meetings. Making the assumption that nothing goes horribly wrong with the dance, but happy to correct if need be.
13 Selina Skies The Ball 26 1 5

Osvaldo Alamilla

January 03, 2022 6:31 PM
Now he'd seen it all. This was Osvaldo's fourth year of working at Sonora, and the end of their 'end of year event' rotation. Out of all of them, he thought he liked this one the best. A ball was a proper form of celebration, and the end of the school year was definitely cause for celebration. He would finally have some peace and quiet again for a little while once all of the children went home. Hopefully they did all go home this time, not like winter break.

The other main attraction of the ball was that it didn't destroy the Quidditch pitch like the fair and bonfire had. He'd spent a good part of that break just getting things back into order again. The 'concert' wasn't bad on the clean up end, but with all the parents visiting it was a nightmare to prepare for. At least for cleaning up after the other events the children hadn't been around to constantly get in the way and undo all of his work.

The ball was nice and civilized, there weren't extra people here and it was contained to the Hall. All fine points. He had brought Manola and Edu as well. His wife had been thrilled about the chance to go to an official ball, even if it was one for the children. She had gone out on her attire and appearance, and he couldn't deny that she did look quite lovely. Edu stuck to his mother's side like always, which was most likely for the best.

They had watched the prefects do their odd group dance thing. He'd known it was going to happen, but still wondered what was so hard with just dancing with a partner. Kids. Afterwards, at her insistence, he had taken his wife for a quick spin around the dance floor. He knew how, but it was not an activity he practiced nor took a lot of pleasure in doing. Edu also made it a bit tricky. Now they had found a spot to consume their refreshments. While not ordinarily a social man, Osvaldo wouldn't mind someone to talk to for a moment before Manola decided it was time to assault the dance floor again. Better yet he thought, if someone came to talk to her.
2 Osvaldo Alamilla Well, there's less to complain about this one. 1503 0 5

Leonor De Matteo

January 09, 2022 9:18 PM
So far, the evening didn't totally suck. It had only recently begun, but still. Jeremy had excused himself to the bathroom and Leonor was refusing to acknowledge that she was looking forward to him returning when she noticed an adult she didn't totally hate with an unfamiliar woman and a child. Since she wasn't a moron, Leonor made some guesses and approached.

"Your wife is even more beautiful than you said," she greeted them in Spanish, smiling her polite society smile at the family. "Your husband was gracious in supporting my booth at the fair. I am Leonor De Matteo." She inclined her head to the lovely woman and refused to think about how limited the lifespan on that name coming out of her mouth was.

She was pretty sure that Mr. Alamilla had never spoken about his wife or even mentioned that he had one, although it wasn't exactly hard to tell or assume. If he had, Leonor certainly hadn't found it important enough to remember at the time. Still, the polite thing to do in society was to make everyone look better than they were and remember just how filthy they were for later uses. She filed this particular lack of shared information in the back of her brain, although when she'd ever have a need to use it she wasn't sure; it was just habit at this point.

"You all speak Spanish too?" she confirmed, realizing that she'd only done so with Mr. Alamilla and didn't know for sure yet whether his family did.

OOC: OOC - I didn't ask Jeremy's author if he could go to the bathroom for the sake of this post but . . . well, everyone has to go at some point.
22 Leonor De Matteo That's basically how I feel about you too. 1471 0 5

Osvaldo Alamilla

January 12, 2022 5:54 PM
Osvaldo reflexively frowned when the De Matteo girl approached him. He quickly hid it as he had promised Manola to not be an 'unpleasant stodgy old curr' or something like that the entire evening. However it quickly returned for another reason. He was sure he'd never told this girl about his wife. He tried to imagine a conversation between them that would for some reason make him inform the child of the beauty of his wife. He couldn't. What a bizarre thing to say.

Manola glanced up at her husband with an expression of mild, amused confusion. After taking stock of his own bewildered countenance, couldn't help but smiling with a slight chuckle to herself at this young woman. She had heard plenty about the fair, although not much about Osvaldo supporting a booth. All thought of commentary on the subject dropped from her mind as the young woman introduced herself.

Osvaldo, thankful that at least for the moment the girl wasn't talking to him any more, was unexpectedly thrown back into confusion as his wife practically prostrated herself before this child. It was admittedly a well executed curtsey, but still… what in blazes was the woman doing? "Yes, and let me say that it is truly an honor to make your acquaintance Doña De Matteo." Manola responded in the natural Spanish of one who speaks it as a primary language. A moment passed and he received a sharp look from the woman beside him. Oh, yes, yes… social pleasantries. He coughed, and paused another moment. It was proper to introduce the younger person first, but she’d already done that herself, well easier for him then. ”Miss De Matteo, this is my wife, Manola Alamilla.” Manola straightened herself up and another very brief moment later discretely elbowed him in the ribs. ”And hiding over there is Edu, he.. Our son.” The seven year old boy emerged halfway from behind his mother for the introduction.

Edu was a bit in awe of everything so far. There were far more people here than he was used to, and everything was so sparkling, colorful and fancy. The lady that came over to talk to Mama and Padre was no exception. Still sticking close to his mother, he bowed politely as Mama had shown him. ”A pleasure.” he managed to get out.

Manola, pleased with her son’s response, shot another sharp look at her husband before returning a pleasant smile to Leonor. ”You will have to forgive my husband, he does not give much mind to the intricacies of society. Which can lead to moments of unintentional disrespect.” The last sentence was pronounced just a tad bit sharper and aimed in Osvaldo’s direction. He let out a mild harumph, and she could tell he was doing everything within his power to not roll his eyes. She pulled her attention back to Leonor, ”I must say that you look simply magnificent tonight. I do hope your partner tonight fully appreciates his good fortune.”

Osvaldo's eyes wandered about the room while his wife talked. He wondered what his chances were of finding the Headmaster and perhaps finding a reason to consult with him for a while. He was one of the most sensible men in this school.
2 Osvaldo Alamilla Maybe I'm not doing my job properly then. 1503 0 5