Zara Jackson

Written By: Rhy

Zara Jackson

Character Information

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Amandla Stenberg

Student Demographics

Alumnus (SA32 - SA38)
House: Teppenpaw
Badge(s): Prefect


All Time

Total Posts: 156
Total Threads: 50
Total Words: 62311
Longest Post: 1270 words
Longest Thread: 20 posts

Physical Description

Zara is of mixed race black American and Irish American heritage with, as is to be expected, her dad’s genes strongly winning out in her appearance. She has midtone skin and brown eyes. She tries to emphasise her curls and is proud of her natural hair. She has a slight gap between her front teeth and sometimes a light dusting of freckles is visible on her face - the one throwback to her mom’s side of the genepool. She smiles often, and the gap and the freckles tend to give an air of cheekiness to the expression. Whether one exists or not is open to interpretation.