SA10 Hall of Fame

Longest Posts (not including Events or Cowrites/Noninteractive posts)

  1. 1288 words: The world is topsy-turvy by Lucie Dupree
  2. 1224 words: Paying attention to you. by Marissa Stephenson
  3. 1084 words: Deja vu by Professor Aaron McKindy
  4. 1064 words: Missive by Talitha Cumni
  5. 1062 words: Homework by Helena Layne
  6. 1046 words: A letter for Professor Flatt by Olaf the Owl
  7. 1038 words: Disbelief (tag: Charlie) by Daniel Nash II
  8. 985 words: Swinging By to Say Hi by Amelia Pierce
  9. 965 words: I'm feeling red, but I'm seeing blue... by Veronica Kerrigan
  10. 905 words: I'm just the opposite. by Rachel Bauer

  11. Longest Event:
    1512 words: Lesson I: Intermediate Level (Third - Fifth Years) by Professor Levy