SA2 Hall of Fame

Longest Posts (not including Events or Cowrites/Noninteractive posts)

  1. 1525 words: Welcome back, I think... by Gwenhwyfar Carey
  2. 1519 words: Here's a pretty state of things...[Alumni Day] by Gwenhwyfar Carey
  3. 1503 words: How would we know any of those? by The Craven Twins
  4. 1370 words: There's a storm a'brewin'! by Philemon Papp
  5. 1295 words: Getting a bit desperate now... by Gwenhwyfar Carey
  6. 1247 words: Current State of the Union by Connor Pierce
  7. 1224 words: On my own head be it by Manfred Bulla
  8. 1224 words: You forgot all about Alfheim *shakes head sadly* by Jim Dickens
  9. 1199 words: Things that go BOOM in the lab by The Cravens and Stephen
  10. 1188 words: Calm is...not my specialty. by Alasdair Carey

  11. Longest Event:
    1532 words: It's all about Uranus.... by The Craven Twins

Student Authorities

Head Boy:
Head Girl:
Aladren Prefects
Crotalus Prefects
Pecari Prefects
Teppenpaw Prefects

Graduating Seventh Years

Top Authors

Total Posts

  1. Emily Lewis (69)
  2. Grayson Wright (58)
  3. Amelle Nicchi (51)
  4. Nathan (40)
  5. Rhy (26)
Top New Author: Grayson Wright (58)

Average Words

  1. Emily Lewis (412)
  2. Grayson Wright (404)
  3. Nathan (382)
  4. Rhy (355)
  5. Amelle Nicchi (352)
Top New Author: Grayson Wright (404)