SA14 Hall of Fame

Longest Posts (not including Events or Cowrites/Noninteractive posts)

  1. 1616 words: * Becomes One With the Madness* by <font color = red>Renée Errant {Chaser}</font>
  2. 1592 words: Merry Christmas to All!!!!! by Katrina (Kitty) McLevy
  3. 1395 words: Meeting Before Feasting by Attoria Covington
  4. 1376 words: No WE do! by <font color=yellow>Arista Thornton, Chaser</font>
  5. 1255 words: That's mine. by <font color="red">Charlie, Chaser, Captain</font>
  6. 1254 words: New Teppenyellow. (WotW) by Micheal Grosvenor
  7. 1152 words: Keep it up, Nic! by <font color="red">Charlie, Chaser, Captain</font>
  8. 1084 words: Accumulating Authority by Amelia Pierce
  9. 1080 words: Catching the Quaffle by <font color="red">Charlie, Chaser, Captain</font>
  10. 1078 words: Seeking to succeed! by <font color="brown">Amira Thornton</font>

  11. Longest Event:
    1121 words: HoH Speech, continued from Cascade Hall by Amelia Pierce