SA16 Hall of Fame

Longest Posts (not including Events or Cowrites/Noninteractive posts)

  1. 1654 words: Dropping in with your captain's speech, Aladren. by David Wilkes
  2. 1561 words: Return me to the Napa Valley, PLEASE! (TAG: Kirstenna) by Arista Thornton, Teppenpaw
  3. 1474 words: Badass got bounced by Amira Thornton
  4. 1392 words: Funny being back by Clara Abernathy
  5. 1365 words: Yep. by <font color = red>Renée Errant {Chaser}</font>
  6. 1328 words: Badass trying out by Jade Owen
  7. 1275 words: After the frog by Megan Brownbriar
  8. 1244 words: Turning it towards TEPP to WIN! by <font color=yellow>Arista Thornton, Chaser</font>
  9. 1223 words: But my guys can break your arms at will? by Caitlin Bauer
  10. 1223 words: Memories... All alone in the moonlight... by Arista Thornton, Teppenpaw

  11. Longest Event:
    1405 words: A Whole New World {Intermediate} by Professor Light