SA5 Hall of Fame

Longest Posts (not including Events or Cowrites/Noninteractive posts)

  1. 1537 words: One Can Hope... by Mika
  2. 1515 words: Probably not the most likely duo... by Helena Layne
  3. 1432 words: I might not make it through day one by Jenna Howard
  4. 1156 words: And a-going by <font color="brown">Craven Twins, Beaters</font>
  5. 1078 words: A not so enjoyable interlude by <font color="red">Geoffrey Spindler, Chaser</font>
  6. 1051 words: Blasted Enter Key...(Gwen) by Connor Pierce
  7. 1046 words: Mirror, Mirror (fourth year girls' dorm). by Catherine Raines
  8. 1025 words: More like 'Cranial Agitation for Terrified Students' by Mia Kerova
  9. 1021 words: Good advice. by Helena Layne
  10. 1010 words: There are only so many possible "seeking" or "shiny" puns by Jennifer Zucchero

  11. Longest Event:
    1312 words: Way Bigger of a Deal Than I Ever Expected by Mika via Owl

Student Authorities

Head Boy:
Head Girl:
Aladren Prefects
Crotalus Prefects
Pecari Prefects
Teppenpaw Prefects

Graduating Seventh Years

Top Authors

Total Posts

  1. Nathan (95)
  2. Allegra Brockert (74)
  3. Grayson Wright (65)
  4. Amelle Nicchi (56)
  5. Echo Elms (54)

Average Words

  1. Grayson Wright (552)
  2. Emily Lewis (421)
  3. Rhy (406)
  4. Nathan (373)
  5. Amelle Nicchi (354)