SA15 Hall of Fame

Longest Posts (not including Events or Cowrites/Noninteractive posts)

  1. 1539 words: Sibling Union by Amelia Pierce
  2. 1509 words: Handicapped Hero by Elijah Errant
  3. 1420 words: The Diagnosis by Andrina Thornton
  4. 1378 words: Room Two: Advanced Aviators Anonymous by Professor Light
  5. 1372 words: Not really, it's only divination. by <font color = red>Renée Errant {Chaser}</font>
  6. 1325 words: Wild Boars Eat Hawks for Breakfast. by <font color = brown>Elijah Errant {Beater}</font>
  7. 1265 words: Did I shock you? by Renée
  8. 1224 words: Heading for a goal (KEEPER!) by <font color=yellow>Arista Thornton, Chaser</font>
  9. 1194 words: Not a fan of subjects? by Shiloh Romano
  10. 1177 words: Here Quaffle, Quaffle, Quaffle by <font color = red>Renée Errant {Chaser}</font>

  11. Longest Event:
    1900 words: Substitute Lesson [3rd-5th Years] by Danielle Holland

Top Authors

Total Posts

  1. Grayson Wright (159)
  2. Nathan (85)
  3. Allegra Brockert (85)
  4. Gami (48)
  5. Amelle Nicchi (31)
Top New Author: Lily Spencer (25)

Average Words

  1. Grayson Wright (558)
  2. Allegra Brockert (557)
  3. Nathan (516)
  4. Amelle Nicchi (492)
  5. Casey (395)
Top New Author: Lily Spencer (392)