Amethyst Brockert

April 14, 2023 12:28 AM
The new bed rule really sucked. It went completely overboard and was unfairly punitive when it did not need to be. Amethyst could not imagine that anyone, other than the one overbearing control-freak parent who had wanted it to begin with, was happy about it. Even Grandfather, the school’s own Headmaster was not in favor of it. Granted, that might be more because he hated being pushed around by someone who thought they knew better than the powers that be at a school that had been around for ages and could decide not just for their own kids but everyone else too-Amethyst herself also took exception to the latter point-rather than actually caring about anything that this new rule actually affected. She most definitely could not see him caring about anything affecting the ability to socialize which was the main issue.

However, the Crotalus did care. And also, she cared about being Head Student.Especially with her two closest friends getting prefect and her being left out. If people saw her doing something good for everyone, maybe they would vote for her when it was time to pick Head Students for her year group.

So, Amethyst had decided to put up a petition. After all, it wasn’t as if it hadn’t been done before. And that was a petition that had caused a change to Head Student elections and made them gender neutral, meaning she now had to compete against her entire class for the position. And that one had only six signatures. A tiny portion even in a school as small as Sonora. But yet the Head Student elections changed anyway.

Which meant that if her petition got more than that, they would have to change the spell on the beds. If she got more than six signatures and they didn’t fix it, then that would be supremely unfair and Amethyst would certainly have no choice but to put up a fuss in that case.

So, having obtained permission from Grandfather to do so,she entered the Cascade Hall and put up the petition which read as follows.


The new spell on our beds is unfair and goes completely overboard. It not only prevents people from doing inappropriate things as was the intention, but also prevents people from sitting with their friends and talking, studying or playing games. This impedes our social development and ability to connect with people and form bonds among our peers

This version of the spell is not the only way. During the last Bonfire, a similar, less restrictive version, prevented more than one person getting
into a bed rather than simply sitting on one.

We, the undersigned, ask that if we can’t have this spell completely removed from our beds, then it at least be amended so it works like the one on the cots in our Bonfire tents and we can at least sit on our beds with our friends again.

All students are encouraged to sign.

Thank you

And then she placed her own name on the petition

Amethyst Brockert .
11 Amethyst Brockert Petition 1532 1 5

Jasper Brockert

April 17, 2023 2:14 AM
OOC: CW-Talks about disability and discrimination of those with them BIC:

Soon Jasper would be graduating from Sonora and going off to college. He had gotten into Pumine, which was his first choice. While Pumine was best known for its pre-Healer program and associated medical school, they also had a good special ed program. As in a program to teach people like the Teppenpaw to teach special ed, not for people who were in need of those services themselves. Although he did hope it was an overall disability friendly place. Those with disabilities were often placed at the bottom of the totem pole when it came to people fighting for traditionally disadvantaged people having rights. Especially when it came to the intellectually disabled and mentally ill.

These things needed to be destigmatized and accommodated. Jasper had a sister and cousin who fell into the category of being disabled. Although arguably Sapphire’s biggest issues were parental neglect and a psychopathic older sister rather than the epilepsy. As for Miles, his disability was being allergic to just about everything. His food allergies in particular were an issue, since it was hard to find something that he could eat. Not only that but cross contamination was a potential issue too, and food that was otherwise safe for him also had to be prepared separately from food that others ate. Plus, if someone had, say, been eating peanuts, they had to make sure to clean themselves up, to make sure they didn’t set off a reaction and every single surface that was touched by an allergen had to be disinfected before Miles could go near it.

It all kept Uncle Elmer and Aunt Madeleine’s house elves exceedingly busy and they had more of them than the average pureblood because of it as well as it making Topaz a bigger threat to Miles’ safety. Now that the Aladren alumna was an adult, they felt comfortable banning her from their house like they had Uncle Eustace-and even though Allegra didn’t have allergies, she and Josh had decided on a similar ban for Topaz. Jasper felt this was a good idea, and planned to do the same with both of his more…evil relatives when he was out on his own.

However, another issue regarding Miles was that there were some out there that said a child like him should be homeschooled rather than a school changing how it operated. Now, certainly, if Jasper’s aunt and uncle decided that was the right thing for their child-and they absolutely were not leaning in that direction at all- then that was fine and it was their choice but if a school would not let a child come to school because of a disability, just because it would be inconvenient-which was admittedly true-for the institution, then that was discrimination based on a disability.

Fortunately, Miles was not just a Brockert but the grandson of Sonora’s Headmaster, so Sonora would be as allergy friendly as possible without restricting the access of other students to milk, eggs, wheat and the like. Even if it was something that Uncle Elmer and Aunt Madeleine or the Brockert family had to pay for themselves. Which could also be arguably considered a charitable donation.

It was interesting however, that an old pureblood man like Grandfather would be more willing to accommodate disabilities than a previous administration that was run by someone who one would think would be more…enlightened. Ian had once told Jasper that they had told his grandparents that his mom would have to take this immune boosting potion in order to continue attending Sonora. Of course, that had been a no brainer because it was a potion that would help her but it was still wrong to try to remove a student from school because of a disability.

Actually, it had been sort of funny because Ian’s grandpa Charles had written an angry letter for that very reason-his daughter being discriminated against based on a disability-but then got something from the school about the medic finding this new potion that would boost Valerie’s immune system and then Charles was all grateful.

However, the point still stood that Valerie was disabled and faced discrimination because of it and that was Not Okay. The fact that Grandfather was more empathetic towards those with disabilities-largely because of Miles and Sapphire-was sort of weird.

One could argue, though, his willingness to change things because of one allergic child-who, yes, was his grandson, and therefore he was admittedly biased-was hypocritical because of what Amethyst had told Jasper about Grandfather’s stance on the bed spell. Which existed because of a parental complaint and which Grandfather disliked, mainly because of that.

There were differences though. Number one, Aunt Madeleine and Uncle Elmer were not complaining and being “overprotective control-freaks who wanted to impose restrictions that affect children other than their own.” (A quote that Jasper was unsure at this point was Amethyst quoting Grandfather or a quote from the fifth year herself). It was not over protective to do all they could to keep their son from going into anaphylactic shock and dying, it was the right amount of being protective.

Secondly, well, the bed thing wasn’t a life or death thing like if Miles accidentally ate a peanut or experienced cross contamination from someone cooking something dairy on the same surface as something that Jasper’s cousin could safely ingest. So yes, there was a difference in the reason for Grandfather’s different attitudes between the two situations.

Plus, Amethyst, who was the one who was trying to make a change here, was not advocating for same-sex, same-house to be able to do inappropriate things that nobody else could do. Which would be unfair, Jasper was all for gay rights, but that should not mean that those couples should be able to…do those things when say, Owen and Jemima or Emerald and Winston wouldn’t have been able to or Val couldn’t with either her boyfriend or girlfriend. That was equal and fair.

However, it was also extremely unfair that they could not sit on their beds and talk or anything. What Amethyst was suggesting and what Jasper thought would be a more than fair compromise was using the same version of the spell that was used on their beds on the Bonfire tents.

Also, she was his sister, and Jasper liked to be supportive of his family. Most of them anyway.

He placed his name on the petition.

Jasper Brockert
11 Jasper Brockert Signing 1496 0 5

Ida Stanford

April 18, 2023 6:52 PM
Ida wasn't quite sure what to make of the paper hung up on the board. It was a petition to have the school's bed ruling modified, that was simple enough to see, but she was a bit unsure how she should interact with it. Rules were generally put into place for a reason, and if you were to live within a given society you were to follow the rules.

She was perfectly aware that bad rules could be made, or that the people in charge of making the rules could make a mistake. They were only human after all. If rule needed to be questioned, this was the appropriate way to do it. She just wasn't sure if this rule was so bad.

Ida had grown up with two traveling Auror parents, who handled all sorts of problems. While she didn't have all of the details on 'inappropriate things' one could do in a bed, she had a very vague, general idea. If that was the intention of the rule, then it was probably a good one. She really wasn't in a good position to judge.

Amethyst made some points about other people sitting on beds for social reasons, but she didn't feel that they were terribly relevant for her personally. She had nothing against socializing with her friends, but they didn't really need to be on her bed to do that. Beds were for sleeping after all. Did it affect others? Perhaps, they would be the ones to sign it though.

Ida moved on without putting her name on the paper. In the end, it just didn't seem like it was something that was worth questioning authority over.
2 Ida Stanford Hmmm... 1571 0 5

Philippe Delachene

April 18, 2023 10:04 PM
Philippe had felt mildly guilty about the bed rule since it came out. Even though his boyfriend had graduated over a year ago, he couldn't say for sure that it wasn't his fault - or partly his fault - that it existed at all. He was the target demographic it was meant to protect after all, though he certainly would not have appreciated it at all had it been put in place two years ago.

When he saw the petition, he felt that it was a good suggestion, and his only hesitation in signing it was that he was maybe a little too close to the issue at hand, and it might be viewed that he was trying to lessen restrictions on guys like himself doing inappropriate things at school . . . which wouldn't necessarily be wrong, in all honesty; that had been one of the perks of being in a same-sex-same-House relationship, and while it no longer applied to him, he did feel a bit bad for Oz and Xavier.

On the other hand, he had an entirely platonic relationship with Jasper and it was still crimping on their roommate vibe. It wasn't like their bedrooms had couches in them for hanging out or working on homework together on, and the beds had infrequently served that purpose if they'd needed to look at the same book together or to exchange birthday gifts or something.

He hesitated again when he saw one of the names on the list was Jasper's, worrying that having both roommates sign, when Philippe was openly gay, might start rumors about the two of them, but it was a good petition, and he really didn't see the harm in sitting on beds together, particularly when there were enchanted objects like sneakoscopes that implied intention was able to be accounted for. It was no doubt a much harder spell to do in bulk, but it was surely possible that a more nuanced restriction could be implemented.

In the end though, he supported the initiative, and he was Head Student, so he hoped his name helped carry some weight on it, even if he was graduating soon, so he added his own signature to the next line on the list.

Philippe Delachene
1 Philippe Delachene And Me 1489 0 5

Olaf Brockert

April 20, 2023 7:27 AM
The bed rule did not personally affect Olaf in the slightest. He was probably one of the least sociable students in the entire school and was unlikely to invite anyone to hang out in his room. Had it been even possible, nobody would be sitting on his bed but him and he certainly wasn’t going to do anything inappropriate with his male housemates as not only was he pretty sure that he liked girls, he was also pretty sure that it would take a lot for him to actually find someone that whose company he found tolerable for an extended period of time. Which was the only way that Olaf would want to do those inappropriate things with anyone.

Nor did the second year care one little bit about “social development”’ or “bonding with one’s peers”. He had yet to find anyone that he had any desire to bond with. Which had pretty much more to do with the fact that Olaf found most people annoying than anyone specific other than Leo doing anything especially offensive. Socializing and being around others was a pretty low priority for the Aladren. As in it ranked second only to Quidditch in things that he did not care about.

However, he did care about people having rights and not being overly restricted in unnecessary ways. Olaf did not want to live in a totalitarian state. Today, it was sitting on your bed with your friends, which didn’t affect him, tomorrow it could be something that did, like everyone having to join a club-or worse, mandatory athletics beyond first year flying-or something that restricted the library beyond just the Restricted Section.

When there were too many rules that interfered with people’s daily lives and freedoms, that was fascism . Olaf might personally not want to sit on anyone’s bed or have anyone sit on his but he felt that others should have that right. He most certainly respected that Isla wanted to be able to have private conversations with her friends. Privacy was a right that he felt very strongly about. If people were talking and someone overheard them, then before long, what they said became gossip that went around the entire school and harmed the person who’d originally said it

Plus, from what Olaf understood, this rule came from some overprotective parent and Grandfather was annoyed about it. The Aladren could certainly understand his grandfather’s irritation. Sonora was a school that had been around forever, it was a well respected educational institution. How dare someone suggest that they know better than a school that had been long established!

And a rule like this could hurt the school’s enrollment, which was not exactly high to begin with because who wanted to go to a place where everything was so strict? And if one parent complained, and got their way, then others could do that too, and before they knew it, they could all be forced into extracurriculars or even sports .

Also, Olaf was pretty sure that Amethyst was going to keep bothering him until he signed her petition and he most definitely cared about getting her off his back. So, he signed his name.

Olaf Brockert
11 Olaf Brockert Signing 1564 0 5

Cole Pierce

April 20, 2023 9:36 PM
Cole was pretty sure the entire House of Teppenpaw was deeply inconvenienced by the new bed rule. They were the social House, so even if one was so unlucky as to not have a roommate, they still probably wandered up and down their Hall to visit the people in their neighboring rooms. And when room visiting, or hanging out with the roommate(s), the most comfortable place to sit was on a bed. Sure, he and Lenny each had one, but there were tons of times over the past three years when the most logical place for both of them to sit was on just one of the two beds.

He guessed girls were even more inconvenienced, since a good half or more of those times were so he could help Lenny with his hair. Lenny liked having it braided overnight, but had trouble doing it himself, so Cole came over and sat behind him to do the braiding. He was getting quite good at it, and felt he was now well equipped to have daughters sometime in the far distant future.

Now they had to do it on the floor, and that hurt his knees and it wasn't as comfortable for Lenny either. Using their pillows only helped a little. They didn't have near enough of a height difference for braiding standing up to be feasible. Cole had tried. He could reach, of course, but his arms got tired faster and it was harder to see what he was doing. They'd tried using a stool, too, and that worked but neither of them had liked it. So it was relegated to the floor, and Cole didn't hesitate a moment when he saw the petition to amend the bed rule, immediately signing it and calling Lenny over to do the same.

As the psuedo-twins walked away, two more names were added to the bottom of the list in different handwritings (Cole's was the neater and more legible one, he was pleased to note):

Cole Pierce
Lenny Pierce

OOC: Cameo by Lenny is not god-modding because Lenny is also mine.
1 Cole Pierce Adding our names 1546 0 5

Billy Cobb

April 27, 2023 5:52 PM
Billy barked out a short, loud laugh as he read over the paper. In general, he wasn't much one for rules and such, but this one he liked. There was no way in the world that Billy was about to even think about putting his name on that sheet of paper. He was fighting the urge to tear it down and light it on fire. The only way he'd consider putting his name on that thing is if it called to tear down the spells keeping the boys out of the girls area and the girls out of the boys area as well. To the best of his reading, it didn't.

He knew full well what that rule was supposed to strongly discourage if not stop altogether. He also knew that his room in particular was one that was targeted. There wasn't nothing wrong with folks doing what they wanted to on their own time, by themselves, but he drew the line at being in anyway involved. He didn't want to see anything, he didn't want to know about anything. That just wasn't something he wanted. This rule was fantastic for that purpose. Billy didn't mind putting up with folks complaining about it all they wanted, he'd take that any day over accidentally wandering into his room to a scene he really, really, really didn't want to see.

So, Billy continued on his journey definitely not signing the paper and beginning to regret he hadn't set it on fire. Hopefully the people in charge would stick to their guns and keep the rule in place. It was a really good rule. Unless of course they wanted to bring down all of those pesky boundaries, then he could probably find a different room to stay in should his own be otherwise in use.
2 Billy Cobb Ha! 1519 0 5

Isla Brockert

May 03, 2023 3:28 PM
The bed rule was over the top and ridiculous. It was one thing to prevent people from doing inappropriate things but this was a rule that prevented innocent behavior as well and inconvenienced a lot of people on the off chance that a same-sex, same-house couple might do those things. Isla did not even think there were even any of those around right now since Freddie Zauberhexen had graduated.

Even her own parents, who some might say were strict themselves because of things like the Aladren and her siblings not being allowed to go to society balls until they were sixteen-a rule that while it might seem unreasonable to some, she had been perfectly okay with and would have been happy to have had kept up until the day she graduated-thought the rule was too overbearing and infringed on the personal rights of students.

Also, it sounded completely absurd to tell someone who didn’t go to school at Sonora or whose kid did not go there to tell them that they could not sit on their beds with their roommates. Because it was completely absurd.It made the school sound strict and draconian and that..was not the sort of place that Isla wanted to go to. Not only that, it was the sort of place that she would be ashamed to go to. The sort of place people made fun of.

And it actually seemed a little hypocritical, to be honest, when so many people here wanted to show how progressive they were to now be like “hey let’s have genderless Head Student elections but let’s not let people sit on the bed with their friends because a same-sex couple might do inappropriate things.” It was ridiculous. Nobody was saying they should be able to have any extra privilege that say, Rosalynn and Tommy didn’t and if any sort of couple was determined to do such things, they would find a way and would most likely be equally punished if caught.

However, it did look a tiny bit homophobic to have such a spell on their beds in the first place to be honest. Granted, to be fair, Isla was sure some purebloods, such as Uncle Eustace, would be supportive of such measures, however, it seemed to go against other recent pro-LGBTQ+ policies, including others that technically could end up more problematic, like the gender neutral Head Student elections, if one gender or another always won as that would be terribly sexist -which had not happened yet, to be fair, since so far, most years had indeed been one male and one female-or if there was nobody for someone of a particular gender to talk to about problems-Isla would rather die than go to a male prefect or Head Student with female issues, and while she was lucky enough to have friends and older female relatives to help her with those things, not everyone did. Although, there were some female students she wouldn’t go to either, to be honest-to now be so worried about same-sex couples doing those sorts of things that people could not sit on their beds with friends of the same house and gender.

Also, a strict rule like this kind of…did not make people feel safe, the way her parents not forcing letting her and her siblings go to balls until a certain age did, because that was largely to protect them from the paparazzi and gossip columns. This was the sort of strict rule that made people worry about what could be imposed on them next, causing great anxiety and worrying about their rights. Like, what if there were rules that prevented people from talking in private or something. Like, constant monitoring. Considering what Amethyst had overheard what Grandfather say about how it came to be, Isla didn’t doubt that said parent might be very well in favor of knowing what their child(ren) was doing every single second of the day and because of that, the school had to spy on everyone.

Granted, that sounded extreme, but so was not being allowed to sit on your bed with your friends. And Isla’s privacy was important to her, because she had a cousin who did not respect any sort of boundaries-even though eavesdropping was one of Topaz’s more innocent activities. One that Amethyst also apparently indulged in though the sixth year really did not think the younger girl would do that to her.

Most importantly however, Isla wanted the spell on their beds gone or amended because she missed being able to sit on the beds with her friends, whether they were talking, studying, playing games or braiding each others’ hair. She missed that sort of intimacy that was now not allowed.

So, signing her cousin’s petition was a no brainer. She placed her name on the paper.

Isla Brockert .

11 Isla Brockert Signing 1521 0 5

Wally O'Malley

May 03, 2023 6:55 PM
Despite not being Prefect or Head Student and having no real responsibility to the school at this point (totally not still bitter), Wally had a tendency to do his very best to remain current to local goingson. He was fairly introverted, so things like event announcements did not necessarily interest him, but he nonetheless wanted to be involved and informed whenever possible. so , when he noticed the petition hanging, it was only natural that he took the time to read it through.

Previously, Wally had not really had a strong stance on the rule, having not been personally affected by it, really, since he and Graham were friendly but not especially close. He found the points raised in the petition, however, to make a lot of sense, and he could see how the current restrictions could be inconvenient, probably especially for the girls. The logical side of his nature also appreciated that whomever wrote the petition - he was assuming Amethyst, since her signature was first - had an alternative proposed. It was a good negotiating tactic to be prepared to compromise and have ideas of solutions that would hopefully appease the goals of both parties.

Wally produced a quill and went to sign when he was startled to realize his own name was already there. It was right below Stanley’s, and in shockingly similar handwriting. So his brother had been by recently, eh?

Annoyed by being volunteered for things, the Crotalus instinctively crossed out his name… but then remembering that he did in fact want to sign it, he wrote it again. At least now it was in his own handwriting, even if it did look messy in its own right.

Stanley O’Malley
Wally O’Malley Wally O’Malley
12 Wally O'Malley I didn't realize I was already here. 1492 0 5

Reighleigh Mae Thorn

May 06, 2023 12:43 AM
Ray was already sitting when she saw Billy come in, glance at the petition, and decidedly not sign it. He even looked amused! She cocked an eyebrow and rose from her seat, meeting him part way in the middle and walking with him the rest of the way (she just sort of assumed he was going to sit by her anyway).

"Not interested in adding your name?" she teased, pointing a thumb at the paper in question where her own name was written in its full chaotic Reighleigh Mae Thorn glory. "I thought you'd be excited about steps towards a more progressive educational environment," she continued, her eyes wide and tooootally innocent.

In all honesty, she'd only signed it on principle; she was pretty sure the rules about kids not doing stuff they weren't supposed to was in part to keep anyone from making new little Sonora students all ready to come to school in eleven years, but all the gay kids weren't about to do that anyway. What was the harm in it? It's not like folks weren't finding ways around the rules if they wanted to anyway. It wasn't like it was actually that hard to find appropriate places to do inappropriate things.

"Or are you big on waiting for marriage and all that fluff and stuff?"
22 Reighleigh Mae Thorn Ha HA 1525 0 5

Billy Cobb

May 06, 2023 10:31 AM
Billy grinned as Ray came up to him, he never got tired of her. She indicated the petition and made some comments. "Not like that," he responded, "Now if it opened up that pesky dorm hall restriction as well, I'd sign it up in a moment." He threw his arm around her and gave her a wink at her for good measure. "As it stands now," he let a shudder visibly run through him, "I don't wanna walk in on stuff goin' on in my room."

He'd noticed Ray's name on the sheet, and now that made a bit more sense. But that wasn't going to stop him from teasing her right back. "So, I assume by signing, you want me to either suffer or be somewhere other than in my room?" He looked at her with a suggestively raised eyebrow. Was this some clever master plan of hers? He may be on-board for it. Heh, he would be regardless.

Ray's other question made him pause for just the briefest of moments. Then he shrugged, "Pfft, nah. What happens, happens." He squeezed her shoulders close and wondered a bit what might happen. Right now food needed happen, food woth his girl. After that? Who knows?
2 Billy Cobb Ha ha HA! 1519 0 5

Selina Skies

May 12, 2023 6:45 AM
Given the number of signatures, the petition in the hall warranted a response. Selina had to say she somewhat admired the push back - it was appropriately done, well articulated, and she never objected to students thinking for themselves. Even if it did mean more work for her.

She had considered calling Amethyst in to discuss it, but felt that everyone who had signed was entitled to hear the response, and she would rather that it came from her directly to avoid distortion.

Therefore, a letter appeared next to the petition.

Dear Signatories,

Thank you for your interest in how your school is run. We understand that new restrictions are rarely welcome. Please know that multiple solutions were considered before arriving at the current solution.

The reasons a more stringent system was chosen than the bonfire were as follows:
- the bonfire has a minimum of three per group, whereas this is not the case for dorms
- all students are within a small area, supervised by all staff

In short, the current dorm arrangements offer more opportunity, hence a stricter version of the rule was implemented.

We are open to alternative solutions so long as they recognise all the concerns listed. Open door policies, randomised inspections or regrouping the dormitories were previously considered and are available options if this is less burdensome.

Professor Skies.

13 Selina Skies Response 26 0 5

Amethyst Brockert

May 12, 2023 9:45 PM
Ever since Amethyst had put her petition up, she periodically came back to check and see if there were more signatures. However, today, there was a letter posted next to it. Hopefully it was a note saying that she had been successful and that they would be removing or amending the spell that they had placed on their beds.

However, as Amethyst read the note, her hands began to clench into fists. How could Professor Skies agree to such a thing? How could she not understand how restrictive and ridiculous it was not to be able to hang out with their friends while sitting with them on their own beds? How it impeded their ability to bond and restricted their ability to connect with other students. How this went above and beyond what was necessary. Nobody could have intimate conversations with their friends-unless they wanted to sit on the hard uncomfortable ground or risk being overheard because they were in a public place where anyone could just happen to walk by-on the off chance that there happened to be a same sex same house couple who wanted to be intimate in other ways? Everyone had to suffer because this might happen?

And the arguments for why they went with something so much harsher were idiotic too. People who wanted to do those things would get into bed and then they would be dumped on the floor anyway. Amethyst supposed people could do those things just being on the bed rather than in it, but by that same way of thinking, they could also do them on the floor or out in gardens, although those things sounded dreadfully unpleasant and uncomfortable, and if she had a boyfriend here, Amethyst certainly would not want to do so herself. However, if anyone was so desperate that they wanted to do those things badly enough-and this went for heterosexual couples and those in different houses too-that they were willing to resort to doing it that way, having spells on people’s beds would not prevent them from doing so.

As for the other “solutions” that Professor Skies suggested, they were, if anything, even less acceptable than the current situation. An open door policy? Amethyst could only imagine that meant that they would have to have their doors open at all times. She could not think of anything that violated people’s privacy more! People being able to see into their personal space and overhear their conversations? The whole reason they needed to be able to have conversations in their rooms instead of finding a place in the gardens or the library or whatever was to prevent being eavesdropped on.

Random inspections were almost as bad. Same problems, someone being able to burst into their personal space. Their rooms were supposed to be a place where they could feel safe not a place where staff or prefects or house-elves could just burst in and check to make sure that people weren’t behaving inappropriately.

And if these ideas bothered Amethyst , she couldn’t imagine how someone like Christopher or Olaf would feel about having their privacy invaded. The former especially would spend his days in a state of constant anxiety. Surely, recent events had to make the staff more aware that the mental health of their students was important.

The third suggestion,regrouping the dormitories, was a little better. Amethyst was not one hundred percent sure what that meant, but she assumed that meant that everyone would be in groups of three. That in itself wasn’t terrible-well for her anyway, she was pretty sure Olaf would rather have a meal cooked by Topaz than give up having a room to himself-but nor was it practical . Like, sometimes there were no people of one gender in a house for a few years that meant people sharing with someone two or three or possibly even more years older or younger than them. It would be weird for Chris to have to share with Alexander Pierce or for Ray and Tissena to have to share with Misty.

Also, apparently Professor Skies appreciated they were taking an interest in how the school was run. Fabulous. Except that the opinions of one overbearing parent who didn’t go here and perhaps never had were more important than those of the students who actually did. And, for that matter, apparently more important than the Headmaster’s .

Amethyst shook her head and “This is bull*grape*! Complete and utter bull*grape*!”
11 Amethyst Brockert And one of my own 1532 0 5