Anya Delachene

February 24, 2022 6:47 PM

We should talk. [tag Alexander] by Anya Delachene

It was the day after the first LGBTQIA+ Cafe club meeting, where Anya had admitted to the Queer population of Sonora that she was probably not straight. Now she felt she should probably make that fact known to her boyfriend. So she invited him out to meet with her at the mermaid fountain in the Gardens, which upon later reflection, might have sounded like the most romantic invitation she had ever sent Alexander, and she really hoped he wasn't hoping for romantic things to come out of it.

Well, after a year and change dating, and no indication that Anya was remotely interested in kissing, she supposed Alexander might not be too surprised or disappointed that she was just trying to find a quiet, private place where they could talk and figure stuff out.

She was flipping rocks into the water when she spotted his arrival, and she gave him a warm friendly grin in greeting and waved him over, taking the time it took him to cross the clearing to climb down from on top of the mermaid to sit on the stone wall encircling the fountain. She used a spell to dry herself, then patted the spot next to her invitingly (but not too close to her - a friendly distance). "Hi! Glad you could make it!"

Once they were both settled, she figured she was the one who ought to start this discussion since she was probably the only one who knew it needed to happen. (Though Philippe hadn't seemed remotely surprised by her declaration yesterday, so maybe Alexander had picked up on it, too.)

"So, new year and stuff," she began brightly, maybe a little too brightly. She toned it down a little, and continued, "Figured we should sit down and talk about where we see us going. I like you a ton," she made sure to say, "and I've really liked being your girlfriend, but I like what we have been doing, and I don't think I'm really interested in anything more than that, and if you think it's more like friendship than dating, I'm happy to call it that, if you want to find a new girlfriend, who might be more interested in kissing and stuff than me. I did some talking with my uncle this summer, and I think I'm asexual."
1 Anya Delachene We should talk. [tag Alexander] 1453 1 5

Alexander Pierce-Beales

February 25, 2022 7:07 PM

I like talking to you. by Alexander Pierce-Beales

Alexander's social circle had increased wildly in size since he'd begun dating Anya Delachene. She was far more gregarious than he was (not that that was especially difficult to be) and he'd interacted with far more people than he would have on his own. Of course, being a prefect had had a similar effect, although it wasn't as if late night prefect duty was most people's idea of a good social time, even though it was sort of perfect to him. In any case, his association with Anya had earned him new friends and/or acquaintances, and new vocabulary. This, it would turn out, was a very good thing.

He met Anya at the mermaid fountain, familiar with the piece of art since he'd often used it for figure study. He gaped a bit to see Anya on top of it, although he really shouldn't have been very surprised. Still, she came down quickly enough and greeted him warmly, so he returned the gesture with a smile of his own and took the seat she suggested.

She said a lot of words then and he might have expected it had he been one to expect such things. Really, there were a lot of signs that she had words to say to him but he hadn't really thought about it; foresight was hardly his strength. When she finished, and without really meaning to, he let out a big sigh.

"Oh, thank goodness," he breathed, running a hand through his hair (Bel was pretty respectful of letting him keep his hair how he wanted which was all well and good until he simply forgot to ask for a cut, and it was getting unruly) and offering an awkward smile to his now ex-girlfriend. "I don't know if that's what I am," he explained, glad he'd learned the vocabulary, "but I don't really see myself . . . with anyone? I like hanging out with you! I definitely want to be friends. So . . . I guess we just keep doing what we're doing mostly? That's really okay for you?"
22 Alexander Pierce-Beales I like talking to you. 1475 0 5