As Nathan mentioned, sign up sheets should go up ASAP - remember for future years that, as older characters have access to the common rooms during orientation, you no longer need to wait until after the feast to post sign ups.
Try outs are due September 15th Rosters are due September 29th Match 1 is October 6th
So Tepp can field three solid players, Jozua can play if he has to, and Georgia made the mistke of walking onto the pitch during tryouts and can possibly be persuaded into being a reserve. We've got Ginger (Keeper), Eden (Seeker), and Joe (Chaser or Beater as neccessary) as our good players. Jozua can be strong armed into Beater if he has to be but we probably don't want him as Chaser because he throws like a duck.
Which other House can bring at least three players to join Tepp?
Awesome. So we basically just need to figure out who's the Seeker.
Chasers: Jack, Louis?, Amelia or Eden Beaters: Jozua, Joe? Keerer: Ginger Seeker: Amelia or Eden
As I recall, Louis and Jack played Chaser together before, so they may work together better. Jozua and Joe are friends and Joe leaned beating from John, so they shouldn't be too bad as a beating pair. IC, Ginger would be inclined to give Seeker to Eden since she's won before, but Jack can try to make a case for Amelia if he'd like, especially since, author wise, Eden is very busy this term and Amelia may post more.
Teppadren is the better-sounding of the two options.
Team looks great. IC Jack wouldn't mind Eden being the Seeker; he'd prefer it since she's won before. With Eden as Seeker and Amelia as the third Chaser, I think we've got our team.
40JackNeither sound appealing, but I suppose...299Jack05
So, Pecari has six players, and really only needs one more. Crotalus has three to offer, however 2/3 of those are already fielding a player on the Pecari half of the team, AND one on the Teppadren team.
Simon/Tatya and Ben/Winston... What are your preferences, in terms of who you post? If you strongly want to post both characters, let us know, but I'm worried about you exploding.
Alistair... Are you here? You seem quite busy lately. To me, the easiest and most logical thing would be you taking Keeper if you can't post much, but I don't know how you feel about that? Below is the Pecari roster, so you can see how you feel you and your players would fit in.
Ingrid - Chaser Sammy - Beater Ben - Beater Lily - Seeker Tatya - Flexible (Chaser/Keeper) Parker - Flexible (Chaser/Keeper)
Exploding would be a concern for me for various reasons at the moment, so I'll stick Simon in as player and say Tatya got, to her immense disappointment, reduced to reserve on the bench, if it's all the same to everyone else. Simon needs the writing time more and it makes more sense for Simon to get the post anyway, being, well, not the first year in the equation.
However, if Tatiana is needed for some reason (other authors being busier/on a less flexible schedule than me), I can swing it. Quidditch is relatively easy for me to write after each one's first post.
16Simon/Tatya/ignore the lady behind the curtainRe: Pecalus or Crotari369Simon/Tatya/ignore the lady behind the curtain05
Ben definitely over Winston. Ben's more into it and has seniority. Plus, sports are his thing. Winston will be disappointed but as author, I can live with that better than posting three characters in a match.
As Alistair hasn't made an appearance in this conversation, I'm not sure he's really here. Perhaps we can keep it vague about who is actually playing, and if it gets to the point where we need a Keeper being posted, and he hasn't reappeared, we can say Tatya's doing it? Alistair can always be "ill" so that he has the option to rejoin in the future.
Howdy. Though Parker is suuuuuuuper excited to be on a team, the man behind the curtain just wants to be clear that on Saturday evening I'll be leaving on a snorkeling cruise with possibly limited data coverage dor seven days. I will try though to keep up.
41Parker FitzgeraldOn a boat soon1402Parker Fitzgerald05
No problem. We know people's availability sometimes... isn't. Thanks for letting us know. Enjoy your trip, and we'll be super happy if you can join in the match too. If anything switches with positions, we'll let you know, but I doubt it will :-)