DH Skies

May 22, 2015 6:09 AM
0 DH Skies Quidditch and club announcements (nm) 26 DH Skies 1 5

DH Skies

May 28, 2015 11:11 AM
Hi all,

Letters regarding assistant captains should be out shortly. Please note, the dates given are the deadlines by which things should be posted - they can be posted any time in the preceding week. Please try to stick to this as much as possible. If you know in advance that you will be away or have issues posting, please notify us here, so that your AC can take over, or so that teams without absences can be selected to play, if possible.

June 5th - post sign ups (open for two weeks)
June 19th - post try outs (open for two weeks)
July 3rd - team lists due
July 10th - match one is posted (open for two weeks)

0 DH Skies Quidditch schedule 26 DH Skies 0 5

DH Skies

June 09, 2015 8:53 PM
Signs ups for all houses were due on June 5th. Pecari and Teppenpaw are still waiting.

Please get these up as soon as possible, and/or drop us a note here to say when you think you will be able to, or to nominate assistant captains.

If sign ups are not up by Friday, please can AQCs assume responsibility for posting them? Or, in the case of Tepp, any other Tepp player. If substituting for your captain, there is an exception to the god-modding rule, and you are allowed to make up a reasonable excuse as to why you are doing it instead of them, e.g. they are ill.
0 DH Skies Sign ups overdue 26 DH Skies 0 5

Ginny Bellrose

June 10, 2015 9:56 PM
Hey Everyone,

The dance club's first meeting is posted in MARS, everyone is welcomed to join! I really hope to see you there!
0 Ginny Bellrose Dance Club First Meeting! 0 Ginny Bellrose 0 5

Liac Reinhardt

June 11, 2015 2:52 AM
0 Liac Reinhardt Sorry! Posted them now. (nm) 288 Liac Reinhardt 0 5

Librarian Amelle Nicchi

June 14, 2015 4:28 PM
You have until Sunday the 20th to get your characters signed up to help out in the library.

6 Librarian Amelle Nicchi Library Sign Ups! 32 Librarian Amelle Nicchi 0 5


June 17, 2015 9:41 PM
13 Selina Reminder - try outs due by Friday! (nm) 26 Selina 0 5

Keme RunningBear

June 18, 2015 8:46 PM
Meeting is in the Mars Room
6 Keme RunningBear Archery Club Meeting! 249 Keme RunningBear 0 5

Joey Thompson

June 19, 2015 12:29 AM
Hello, Deputy Headmistress Skies,

Do first years need to post at the flying lesson before signing up for Quidditch tryouts?

Thank you.
0 Joey Thompson Tryouts for first years 0 Joey Thompson 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

June 19, 2015 11:37 AM
Nope, just sign up.
11 Headmaster Brockert Answer 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5

Nathan Xavier

June 19, 2015 11:41 AM
Answering for Ms. Skies since I got here first.

The first flying lesson class will take place before the try-outs, so you can say you were there (not everybody posts in every class, but you can generally assume most everyone is there unless they specify otherwise), but to answer your question, no, you don't have to actually post in the class to sign up or try out for Quidditch.

Happy posting!
1 Nathan Xavier Answering 28 Nathan Xavier 0 5


June 19, 2015 3:38 PM
0 Joey Thank you! (nm) 0 Joey 0 5


June 19, 2015 3:38 PM
0 Joey Thank you, as well! (nm) 0 Joey 0 5

Francesca Wolseithcrafte

June 20, 2015 1:02 AM
13 Francesca Wolseithcrafte Aladren try outs are posted on the pitch (nm) 250 Francesca Wolseithcrafte 0 5

DH Skies

June 20, 2015 1:07 AM
As my colleagues have said, no you don't have to :-)

Quidditch try outs are now due, so please check whether Pecari's has been posted before adding yourself to a sign up list. The try outs usually mention everyone who has signed up, therefore if people add to sign up sheets afterwards it makes time go wibbly, and we don't want that. Try outs are always open to 'walk ons' - those who didn't sign up but show up on the day, so if the try outs have been posted before you can sign up, you still will be able to join in.
0 DH Skies Adding to the answer 26 DH Skies 0 5

Captain Liac Reinhardt

June 20, 2015 2:48 AM
0 Captain Liac Reinhardt Teppenpaw Tryouts are on the pitch! (nm) 288 Captain Liac Reinhardt 0 5

Captain Alistair Johnson

June 20, 2015 12:21 PM
8 Captain Alistair Johnson Crotalus try-outs are up on the Pitch! (nm) 306 Captain Alistair Johnson 0 5


June 20, 2015 2:35 PM
0 Joey Okay, thanks! (nm) 0 Joey 0 5

Adam Spencer

June 22, 2015 6:11 PM
Walk-ons are welcome!
40 Adam Spencer Pecari try-outs are on the pitch. 257 Adam Spencer 0 5

Librarian Nicchi

June 22, 2015 9:14 PM
The schedule is now up. Please let me know if I missed anyone.
6 Librarian Nicchi Library Helpers! 32 Librarian Nicchi 0 5


June 26, 2015 6:13 AM
It wasn't mentioned...
0 Jamie What are Seeker try outs doing? 0 Jamie 0 5

Adam Spencer

July 01, 2015 1:52 AM
Sorry for the oversight. Adam would have let a timed Snitch free and sent the Seekers after it. When they catch it, they should bring it back to him and he'll mark their time before letting it go again.
40 Adam Spencer Seekers for try-outs. 257 Adam Spencer 0 5

Arnold Manger

July 01, 2015 4:12 PM
12 Arnold Manger Art Club is posted in MARS (nm) 261 Arnold Manger 0 5

DH Skies

July 05, 2015 9:42 PM
0 DH Skies Match one is this Friday - get your rosters in!!! (nm) 26 DH Skies 0 5


July 05, 2015 9:49 PM
Chasers: Francesca Wolseithcrafte (QC), Jack Spencer, Louis

Beaters: Leonidas Bennett (AQC), John Umland

Seeker: Clark Dill

Keeper: Theodore Wolseithcrafte
0 Francesca Aladren Roster 0 Francesca 0 5

Alistair Johnson

July 07, 2015 2:36 AM
Seeing as I am never able to you two on the chatzy...

Liac, our team roster is late (as you probably know) so we really need to get together and decide. This is how Ali would like the team to be: Chasers- Ali, Isaac and Andrew, Beaters- Liac and Arne, Keeper- Ginger (but Leo if he says yes), Seeker- Uzume Shinohara. Please let me know of Liac's ideal roster (I am assuming Tobi will end up on the team) so even if we don't get the chance to talk I can still post it.

Leo, I don't expect a reply to Ali's post necessarily but just need a yes or no because otherwise I will just have to assume he said no since our team roster is well overdue.
8 Alistair Johnson Liac Reinhardt and Leo Princeton (important) 306 Alistair Johnson 0 5

Tobi & Arne

July 07, 2015 12:44 PM
I'm no longer on island so am not seeing Liac everyday, but for both of your notices, Arne would not accept the beater position because of what Tobi said to him about offering to back down (see Tobi's try-out post for more info). Arne would see his new position as a result of his brother intentionally messing up and would likely let Liac (and possibly Alistair if he ever broached the subject with Arne) know this before they had to start making the roster.

Hope this helps your roster!
10 Tobi & Arne Just a heads up regarding the brothers. 289 Tobi & Arne 0 5

Leo Princeton

July 08, 2015 3:00 AM
Leo would most likely decline with nothing against Alistair. Seeing as I am also currently inconsistent at the moment, it might be better not to be on the team this year.
40 Leo Princeton Apologies. 263 Leo Princeton 0 5

Adam Spencer

July 08, 2015 3:05 AM
Adam Spencer (QC)
Joella Curtis
Ingrid Wolseithcrafte

Sammy Meeks
Atlas Primred

Jamie Park

Liliana Bannister (AQC)

Joey Thompson
40 Adam Spencer Pecari Roster 257 Adam Spencer 0 5

Alistair Johnson

July 08, 2015 4:54 AM
This roster has not been approved by Liac yet but I thought ought to get something up since the deadline was quite a while ago (sorry for the delay). If Liac wishes to make any changes he may do so.

Alistair Johnson (CQC), Isaac Douglas, Andrew Carey

Liac Reinhardt (CQC), Tobias Reinhardt

Ginger Pierce

Uzume Shinohara

Jake Manger, Arne Reinhardt
8 Alistair Johnson Teppalus Roster 306 Alistair Johnson 0 5

Clark Dill

July 08, 2015 9:50 PM
1 Clark Dill Science Club posted in the Gardens! (nm) 277 Clark Dill 0 5

"Coach" Isis Carter

July 10, 2015 6:38 PM
12 "Coach" Isis Carter Pecari vs. Aladren Quidditch match is posted! (nm) 31 "Coach" Isis Carter 0 5

Ginny Bellrose

July 14, 2015 9:20 PM
Dance club members, are you all interested in throwing a party for our peers? If so, what sort of things would you like to do for the party? Would you like a theme? Or groups to do some sort of dance?

Let me know!
6 Ginny Bellrose Dance Members, Please Respond! 0 Ginny Bellrose 0 5

Charlie, Francesca, Ji-Eun

July 14, 2015 11:16 PM
Charlie - would be totally up for it, thinks it should be awesome and disco-themed and would happily be the star of any number of dance routines.

Francesca - does not want extra work, does not want to feel like a peforming monkey in front of her peers but would support whatever Ginny suggested (unless it involved her doing something truly embarrassing).

Ji-Eun - would be a bit shy about performing outside of the dance club, would not have many ideas of her own, but would be supportive of other people's and get involved in group numbers.
0 Charlie, Francesca, Ji-Eun Re: Dance Members, Please Respond! 0 Charlie, Francesca, Ji-Eun 0 5

Ginger Pierce

July 15, 2015 7:48 PM
Ginger is all for throwing a party. She likes the original idea of a period dance, but is open to anything. She'd be happy to help lead everyone in learning to do reels or contra dancing or something along those lines.
1 Ginger Pierce Responding 302 Ginger Pierce 0 5

Liliana & Caelia

July 15, 2015 10:13 PM
Liliana: YES! Something loud and fun with music and stuff to eat.

Caelia: "Something elegant and refined, maybe with dancing." Okay, just kidding... She'd likely agree with Ginger's suggestion of a period dance (once someone explained to her what that meant) and imagine something along the lines of one of those private balls from Jane Austen's time.
10 Liliana & Caelia RSVPing 274 Liliana & Caelia 0 5

Portia and Chaslyn

July 16, 2015 6:09 PM
Portia is all for it but doesn't have any ideas of what to do. Something classy and elegant though.

Chaslyn is not crazy about the idea of a party but can accept it. She absolutely doesn't want to perform because performances have always been stressful for her and the Concert will be bad enough. She's highly unlikely to contribute ideas or speak up about what she wants.
11 Portia and Chaslyn Response 262 Portia and Chaslyn 0 5

Julian Umland

July 17, 2015 11:00 AM
16 Julian Umland Book Club is up in Transfiguration! (nm) 254 Julian Umland 0 5

Julian Umland

July 17, 2015 3:08 PM
Julian's in favor. Between Adam's comment about swing dancing and her own fashion interests, she'd throw in mention of a fifties theme, but also happy to help out with Ginger's Renaissance ideas (she's familiar with the music from home) or anything else. She's not too picky.
16 Julian Umland Responding. 254 Julian Umland 0 5

Laila Kennedy

July 18, 2015 8:19 PM
Sorry, I forgot Laila was going to sign up for this one...

She would definitely be down for anything suggested by the older members. She might have suggested something casual that everyone in the school could enjoy without a performance element even though she would have been more than willing to be in some sort of performance thing.
10 Laila Kennedy Oops, me too! 318 Laila Kennedy 0 5

Barnaby Pye

July 28, 2015 5:20 PM
Hey, I will try to get a post up for Barnaby at Science club before the term ends, but just in case I can't, I'm doing an OOC sign-up for OOC roster purposes :)
10 Barnaby Pye Signing up 298 Barnaby Pye 0 5

Coach Olivers

August 02, 2015 11:57 PM
0 Coach Olivers Seeker email has been sent! (nm) 0 Coach Olivers 0 5

Yearbook Staff

August 04, 2015 9:33 PM
Hey everyone,

I need the name of the club and the members for that section of the yearbook.

0 Yearbook Staff Club Rosters 0 Yearbook Staff 0 5

Ginny Bellrose

August 04, 2015 9:38 PM
These are the members who have posted or I know are part of it but have not posted:

Adam Spencer
Francesca Wolseithcrafte
Charlie Boxton-Fox-Reynolds
Julian Umland
Keme RunningBear
Portia Dobson
Emery Kijewski-Jareau
Chloe Jareau
Ji-Eun Park
Liliana Bannister
Chaslyn Brockert
Caelia Lucan
Ginger Pierce
Gia Donovan
Laila Kennedy
0 Ginny Bellrose Dance Club! 0 Ginny Bellrose 0 5

Keme RunningBear

August 04, 2015 9:47 PM
Here are the members that I know of:

Clark Dill
Sammy Meeks
Aiden O'Neil
Lena Westley (?)
Emery Kijewski-Jareau
Chloe Jareau
Jax Donovan
6 Keme RunningBear Archery Club 249 Keme RunningBear 0 5

Arnold Manger

August 05, 2015 2:31 PM
Thus far known to me:
Arnold Manger
Gia Donovan
Jemima Wolseithcrafte
Clark Dill
Ava Fletcher
Ginger Pierce
Abigail De La Gaza
Jake Manger

(If I missed anyone, add yourself here please!)
12 Arnold Manger Art Club roster 261 Arnold Manger 0 5

Clark Dill

August 06, 2015 9:05 PM
The people I know are in the club are:

Clark Dill
Lena Westley
John Umland
Ginger Pierce
Theodore Wolseithcrafte
Arnold Manger
Barnaby Pye

If anyone else is interested or I missed someone, post below!
1 Clark Dill Science Club 277 Clark Dill 0 5

Sammy Meeks

August 08, 2015 1:53 PM
12 Sammy Meeks Me too please <3 (nm) 310 Sammy Meeks 0 5

Atlas Primred

August 10, 2015 4:39 PM
Sorry its so late, I will try to get a post up soon!
0 Atlas Primred Baking club! 276 Atlas Primred 0 5

Julian Umland

August 10, 2015 11:42 PM
Members for this year that I know of are –

Julian Umland
John Umland
Laila Kennedy
Clark Dill
Barnaby Pye
Ava Fletcher

Anyone else who’s in, chime in below!
16 Julian Umland Book Club. 254 Julian Umland 0 5

Emrys Lucan

August 11, 2015 12:07 AM
10 Emrys Lucan Me! (nm) 260 Emrys Lucan 0 5

Arnold Manger

August 11, 2015 12:19 AM
12 Arnold Manger Also me! (nm) 261 Arnold Manger 0 5

Atlas Primred

August 11, 2015 12:38 AM
0 Atlas Primred Me as well please (nm) 276 Atlas Primred 0 5

Atlas Primred, Liac Reinhardt

August 11, 2015 12:41 AM
0 Atlas Primred, Liac Reinhardt Us too please (nm) 288 Atlas Primred, Liac Reinhardt 0 5

Liliana Bannister

August 11, 2015 2:49 AM
10 Liliana Bannister If you're there, I'm there. (nm) 274 Liliana Bannister 0 5

Emery Kijewski-Jareau and Gia Donovan

August 11, 2015 7:50 PM
0 Emery Kijewski-Jareau and Gia Donovan We are also in the club! (nm) 0 Emery Kijewski-Jareau and Gia Donovan 0 5

Ava Fletcher

August 12, 2015 12:34 AM
While Ava wouldn't have joined first term, her grandfather would have suggested she take a look at it her second term at which point she likely would have attended the first meeting and then continued to attend the rest.
10 Ava Fletcher Me too. 258 Ava Fletcher 0 5

Jack Spencer

August 12, 2015 11:46 AM
40 Jack Spencer Count me in as well. (nm) 299 Jack Spencer 0 5

Lena Westley

August 12, 2015 9:10 PM
7 Lena Westley Yup, second term (nm) (nm) 279 Lena Westley 0 5

Joella and co.

August 13, 2015 1:47 AM
These characters of mine are also in Dance Club, apologies for not having posted them yet:
Joella Curtis
Alistair Johnson
Emilia-Louise Scott
Abigail De La Garza
8 Joella and co. And us! 295 Joella and co. 0 5

Joella and co.

August 13, 2015 1:50 AM
These are my characters who are in Archery Club, I hope to post them at the next opportunity:
Joella Curtis
Chuck Fintoc
Emilia-Louise Scott
Abigail De La Garza
8 Joella and co. Adding more 295 Joella and co. 0 5

Emilia-Louise Scott

August 13, 2015 1:51 AM
8 Emilia-Louise Scott And me! (nm) 313 Emilia-Louise Scott 0 5

Joella and co.

August 13, 2015 2:10 AM
I plan to have these characters attend when you post it:
Joella Curtis
Chuck Fintoc
Abigail De La Garza
8 Joella and co. We're in! 295 Joella and co. 0 5

Jake Manger

August 13, 2015 3:09 PM
12 Jake Manger I'm in. (nm) 280 Jake Manger 0 5


August 14, 2015 6:59 PM
Characters I have in Book Club

Willow Collins
Chaslyn Brockert
Savannah Brockert
11 Brockerts In 0 Brockerts 0 5


August 14, 2015 7:00 PM
Serena Brockert
Chaslyn Brockert
0 Brockerts Signing up 0 Brockerts 0 5


August 14, 2015 7:01 PM
Willow Collins
Chaslyn Brockert
Savannah Brockert
11 Brockerts Signing up 0 Brockerts 0 5


August 14, 2015 7:03 PM
Willow Collins
Tristan Spaulding
Chaslyn Brockert
Fabian Brockert
11 Brockerts Signing up 0 Brockerts 0 5

Ginny Bellrose

August 15, 2015 10:52 PM
The Dance Club is hosting a party. Costumes are optional (but they're fun so why wouldn't you wear one???).

Enjoy the food, the entertainment, and be sure to dance!
0 Ginny Bellrose Party in the MARS Dance Room! 0 Ginny Bellrose 0 5

Ji-Eun Park and Jemima Wolseithcrafte

August 16, 2015 3:42 AM
0 Ji-Eun Park and Jemima Wolseithcrafte Yum yum 0 Ji-Eun Park and Jemima Wolseithcrafte 0 5

Francesca Wolseithcrafte and Ji-Eun Park

August 16, 2015 3:44 AM
0 Francesca Wolseithcrafte and Ji-Eun Park We're in 0 Francesca Wolseithcrafte and Ji-Eun Park 0 5

John Umland

August 16, 2015 1:17 PM
16 John Umland And another. (nm) 285 John Umland 0 5