Coach Olivers

April 13, 2015 12:32 AM
Today was a match Florence was not particularly looking forward to seeing. It was clear that the combined Teppenpaw and Crotalus team was much less experienced than the dominating Aladren and Pecari houses. Though Aladren dominated almost every Quidditch match they played, Florence hoped they would show just a little mercy to the young first and second years. She doubted, however, that Anthony Carey would take that into consideration. No one could, after all, underestimate their opponent on the pitch no matter how young and inexperienced they were.

The weather today was fair—slightly cloudy with a nice breeze that was strong enough to push the Snitch off course, but gentle enough to make no difference to a bludger. After the unpleasant weather in the last couple of matches, Florence was glad today was a pleasant day. She had never liked standing out in the rain even if it was to make sure those kids on brooms were playing safe. Dressed in black-and-white striped robes, much as a muggle referee would wear, she watched the players come onto the pitch. Once it was time, she pressed her wand against her throat and silently hoped Alistair was well enough to play.

“Welcome to the last match of the season,” she said, enunciating her words for everyone to hear and understand. “Here we have the combined Teppenpaw and Crotalus team led by co-captains Liac Reinhardt from Teppenpaw and Alistair Johnson from Crotalus facing off against Aladren led by Captain Anthony Carey. Captains, if you would please shake hands.

“When I blow my whistle, the game begins. The match ends when the Snitch is caught. Players, please take your positions.”

Once the players had mounted their brooms and the Keepers had flown to their respective positions, Florence released the Snitch and picked up the Quaffle. She put the silver whistle into her mouth and made brief eye-contact with the Chasers. After a moment, she blew her whistle and threw the Quaffle into the air. With the Quaffle now in action, she released the bludgers and took a step back off the pitch to watch the game progress.

The game had begun.

OOC: Two paragraphs minimum; creativity, detail, and realism will be rewarded. Make sure your names are colored according to your house and stick to the rules. Any questions, tag Coach Olivers on the OOC board. Good luck!
0 Coach Olivers Quidditch Game III: Teppalus vs. Aladren 0 Coach Olivers 1 5

<font color=blue> Clark Dill, Seeker</font>

April 29, 2015 10:06 AM
Clark tried not to pay too much attention to Leonidas leaving him to fetch a bludger back from the beleaguered John Umland. As long as Leonidas had control of it, Clark was safe and Uzume Shinohara was distracted. It would be the most ideal time of the entire game so far to spot the snitch. Her broom looked way better than his school broom did, so even if Leonidas didn't hit the Crotalus Seeker, as much distraction as he could provide from her search would be well worth it.

Clark's eyes darted over the pitch intently, feeling somewhat pressured to find that elusive flash of gold right now. Of course that didn't work. Snitches were independent creatures who would not be bullied to appear on anyone's time but their own.

Between them, both Reinhardt beaters defended the Teppalus seeker and it was back to game normal. Clark himself was too far away for the rebounded bludgers to pose a threat to him without further beater interference, and Leonidas would see to it that they either stayed safely away from him or continued to badger Shinohara. During this moment of safety, though, Clark kind of hoped Leonidas would go for the later option to keep her otherwise occupied while Clark sought the Snitch.

He didn't wait to see what happened though. He just calmed himself, put away all urgency to end the game swiftly, and settled comfortably and patiently into his standard seeking pattern, ready to keep this up all day if need be. Sure enough, the snitch showed itself just to mess with Clark's plan to enjoy the sun and fresh air.

Really, once you understood the snitch's alien psychology, it really wasn't too hard to train your thoughts to invite it to appear. The moment of smug self congratulation almost cost him the match. The snitch vanished again.

But Clark was already moving toward where he had last seen it and there! It hadn't gotten too far away yet. Clark's heart was in his throat as he chased it down, half-expecting Uzume Shinohara's fancier broom to speed past him and grab the snitch out of from between his reaching fingers any moment, but it didn't happen that way.

Clark had had enough of a head start. Or maybe the beaters and bludgers she had just encountered were crowding her airspace and she'd needed to avoid colliding with something along the way. Whatever the cause of his good fortune, Clark's fingers closed around the snitch before hers did and he whooped and held it aloft for all to see.

This game was Aladren's.
1 <font color=blue> Clark Dill, Seeker</font> Ending the game 277 <font color=blue> Clark Dill, Seeker</font> 0 5

Coach Olivers

April 30, 2015 3:25 AM
0 Coach Olivers Aladren wins! 160 - 0 (nm) 0 Coach Olivers 0 5