Fortune Ardovini

July 06, 2024 9:50 PM

Simple scheming by Fortune Ardovini

Fortune sat at the traditional gaming table in the library with notebooks about him. He was working on the game club's next session. The ocean-based adventure was going well so far, so it was time to have some fun.

He looked about in his books, where had he seen that giant kraken monster....
2 Fortune Ardovini Simple scheming 1549 1 5

Leviosa Scurlock

July 06, 2024 10:39 PM

Scheming? For us? by Leviosa Scurlock

Levi was supposed to reading for Charms. Fortune had game books out. That meant whatever it was was secret from her. Which made it all the more interesting. She should read her charms book. But she had ages... It wasn't like he'd tell her anything anyway... But where was the harm in being friendly?

"Hey!" She smiled, as she bounced over to him. "On a scale of one to ten, how evil are you being?" She bounced on her toes in a way that said she hoped the answer was 'eleven.'
13 Leviosa Scurlock Scheming? For us? 1545 0 5

Fortune Ardovini

July 07, 2024 7:53 AM

Maybe.... by Fortune Ardovini

Ah-ha! There it was! Fortune glanced over the critter's statistics quickly, nasty bugger from the looksof it. He clapped the book closed as he sensed someone's approach.

"Hi Levi," he responded, doing his best to attempt to match her seemingly perpetual cheeriness. "What? Evil? Me?" He continued with mock innocence. Fortune considered the numbers he had just been looking at, "If I had to put a number to it though... maybe... twelve or thirteen-ish?"
2 Fortune Ardovini Maybe.... 1549 0 5

Leviosa Scurlock

July 07, 2024 10:08 AM

Yay! by Leviosa Scurlock

Levi gave an excited little bounce. "I have faith in us. We're a tough crew. I know you can't tell me spoilers, but what can you tell me?"
13 Leviosa Scurlock Yay! 1545 0 5

Fortune Ardovini

July 07, 2024 11:16 AM

You say that now. by Fortune Ardovini

Fortune gave Levi a little smirk, "Nothing more than what the sea witch of the lonely cove told you the other session. He once more attempted his terrible 'old, scratchy voiced woman voice', "Trust your gut before your eyes, and don't let your gaze fall only on the skies."
2 Fortune Ardovini You say that now. 1549 0 5