Fortune Ardovini

Written By: Gami

Fortune Ardovini

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Face Claim: Max Charles

Student Demographics

Year 6
House: Pecari
Badge(s): Prefect


SA 44

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 534
Longest Post: 534 words
Longest Thread: 4 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 55
Total Threads: 34
Total Words: 16836
Longest Post: 672 words
Longest Thread: 10 posts

Most Recent Post: Sixth Year means Advanced I guess on May 26, 2024

Physical Description

Fortune is a pretty average looking caucasian American kid. He’s average height and weight for his age. His hair is brown and generally has to be fought into something better than a mess. His mom usually undertakes that battle, and on occasion wins. His clothes are pretty normal middle-class magical stuff, shirts, pants, robes, whatever is lying around clean… or close to it.