Billy Cobb

January 13, 2023 7:27 PM
Mab had seemed a bit reluctant to hand the reigns of the club over. Billy wasn't quite sure why, he was the most experienced member of the club and therefore the only real option. Plus his innate skill and awesomeness had to make it the natural choice as well. For some reason he never got the feeling that Mab had seen it that way though. It was strange but oh well. He'd made up some announcements about the club for the staff to hang up in their common rooms. Then he'd gotten them back and added the meeting time and place to them after someone pointed out that it might be important information to have on it.

When the time came for the first club meeting, Billy was ready. The basic rules were simple enough and Billy had promised to follow them. The MARS sports room had configured itself as it always had for the dueling club. He greeted the Professor with enthusiasm and they went over some of the basics again before the other club members showed up. Billy had nothing against safety and not having people actually get hurt, but the point of practicing this was to learn to react to the unexpected. Most of his fun new ideas were shot down or put in the 'maybe later once people have more experience' category.

"Hey everyone!" Billy welcomed the members as they entered and gathered in somewhat of a group. "Welcome back to the dueling club, or just welcome if yer new!" He grinned wide. "I'm Billy Cobb and Mab put me in charge, and I hope y'all are ready to have some fun throwin' spells at each other!" He gestured toward the Professor in the one dueling circle. "The beginners will be over in the circle with the Professor there, you'll be doing the same as the rest of us here, but with a little more supervision. As for the rest of you, split up in to two groups and line up on either side of this dueling circle." Once everyone had arranged themselves he gestured at the the person at the front of each line, "Alright, let's see what you two can do. Take your places!"

OOC: Have fun dueling each other, or chatting in line or whatever else. As Mab indicated last time the Professor is a bit up in the air so their identity is purposefully left vague.
2 Billy Cobb Dueling Club 1519 1 5

Leviosa Scurlock

January 13, 2023 8:26 PM
Levi was a Teppenpaw, which made her a hugger not a fighter, and therefore duelling club (which, she was fairly sure should have had another ‘l’ but then so should ‘counselor’ and she wasn’t sure the actual school would spell things wrong so maybe it was another weird American thing) had never appealed to her, especially when Mab had been in charge. Mab looked like she wanted to be able to kill you just by looking at you, and was perhaps somewhat capable of that, which made Levi not want to find out what she could do with a wand in a combat exercise. However, Mab had left, and Levi had discovered at the concert last year that play fighting could be rather fun.

Mama hadn’t approved of fake, pirate sword fighting, but perhaps if Levi broke it into its constituent parts, it would be better. There was nothing wrong with fencing, for example, which duelling was the next closest equivalent to, or acting, and given that the school didn’t have a regular pirate sword fight club, joining both dueling (with one ‘l’) and performing arts seemed like her best bets of exploring those interests.

It would be fine.

So long as there weren’t too many risks of actually getting hurt or her mother finding out about it, it was probably fine to be here.

It would also improve her chances of not getting thoroughly pulverised in Defence class. Rationally, she knew that the professor wouldn’t pit her in a battle royale scenario against fifth years, but it was rather scary being in class with them.

She walked in, reassured by the friendly smile that greeted her on the face of the new club captain, and the presence of a professor. The intro was… a little lacking in detail. It seemed to be just ‘have at it.’ She wasn’t even sure which group she was meant to be in, given that she wasn’t in beginners grade-wise, but she was very much new to this. She didn’t want to be laughed at for being a baby, but she also didn’t want to be fighting random older school students who had been doing this for years. He had mentioned new people in the limited amount of information he’d given, so Levi decided it was okay to assume that ‘beginner’ meant that, rather than what it did in the rest of the school.

She joined the relative safety of the professor’s group, wondering if this was a big mistake, and took a place at decidedly not the front of the line.

“Hey,” she whispered to the person in front of her. “Have you ever done anything like this before? Except for defence class, I mean.” There were a lot of drills, and dummies, and practising on not-each-other, or in-a-controlled-way in defence class. This was… different. Which made sense, because it was a club and it needed to be its own thing not just an extra class, and she was sure Billy knew what he was doing because he was older and in charge, but it felt a little like being thrown in at the deep end with only a rough, theoretical idea of how swimming was supposed to work.
13 Leviosa Scurlock This is fine...probably 1545 0 5