Billy Cobb

November 14, 2022 7:43 PM

Mwa-ha-ha-ha!! by Billy Cobb
Co-written With: Iris Cobb

The lighting storm raged, and Billy was soaked. He'd been waiting for one to arrive for what seemed like forever, but the weather charms around the school hadn't quite cooperated until now. Now was the time! He gleefully rushed through the labyrinth for the big stone gazebo. The mud squelched under his feet, the rain splashed against him as the lightning arced overhead. It was glorious, this was going to be fantastic! The sound of the footsteps behind him didn't bother him at all.

Iris chased after her stupid brother in the horrible weather all because he was to dumb to not go through with this and thus she had to make sure he pulled through. If he fouled this up, which he would if left to do it by himself, the results would be far worse than if he succeeded. Fortunately for them, the storm had struck at the ideal time. It was just an hour before curfew, nobody would wonder where Billy was. Out running amok in the storm was perfectly normal for him. She had made some excuses when she realized what was happening, so she should be fine for a little bit as well. Assuming she got dried off before going back inside.

There it was! Billy stomped up into the empty stone structure, dripping water and shaking his hair out. This place was perfect! He turned and grinned wildly at his bedraggled sister as she took cover in the gazebo as well. He pulled out his wand and gestured around one of the stone bricks making up the floor of the gazebo. "Wingardum Leviosa!" He chanted and the brick floated gently into the air. This had been an awesome place to hide the potion until they needed it. Iris had been so worried about it. He watched her now reach down into the hole beneath the stone.

Iris pulled out the cloth she had stuffed down into the hole to make sure it was properly dark and quiet. The instructions had been quite clear, until it was to be used the potion could not be disturbed at all. She had to reach her entire arm length down into the hole to grasp the bottle itself. The trick was to inspect it without trying to disturb it either, she wasn't sure how much leeway there was around that aspect before it was to be used. After all if the potion wasn't stashed exactly where it was to be used, some disturbance would happen as it was transported. Once she had gotten involved with the project last summer. If it was going to be done, it was going to be done right, so she had played it safe and stashed the potion where they would be using it, just to be safe. Granted there was also some timing involved, so she couldn't examine it to long...

Billy snagged the potion bottle from his sister. As always she was dragging her feet and taking to long. "We don't have all night," he commented as he uncorked the stopper and started to bring the potion to his mouth.

"Wait!" Iris nearly shouted. "You're sure about this? If anything went wrong..." She looked uncertainly at him, "You said the incantation every sunup and sundown? With your wand?"

Billy rolled his eyes, "Yes. For the hundredth time, yes. I ain't gunna back out now. Ulrich told us how this works, it's fine." He started moving the bottle towards his mouth again.

"Ulrich is half crazy!" Iris commented tersely, "Plus you have to do the incantation again before you drink it."

The bottle paused just before touching his lips. "Oh yeah. Whoops." Billy put the tip of his wand over his heart and spoke the words one last time, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus!" Then he downed the potion in a gulp.

The bottle fell to the stone floor and shattered. Neither student noticed. Iris watched in horror and fascination as her brother sank to the floor as well. He held his stomach and groaned, that wasn't unexpected, but it didn't define whether things were going well or not. She noticed fur beginning to sprout. His limbs writhed and stretched out, reaching? clawing?

It hurt like nothing he'd ever felt before. His insides were twisting all around, every single muscle in his body felt like it was cramped and wanted to tear itself apart. Billy could feel the fur bristling along his skin, his teeth growing and sharpening, his ears and nose changing. He pinched his eyes closed and just waited for it all to be over. A big arc of lightening split the sky and the following bellow of thunder drowned out any noise he made as the transformation completed with a last twist of the very center of his being that radiated out through every part of him. Then he rested, laying on the cool stone. He could hear and smell Iris as she stepped closer.

"Billy?" The ball of fur that had been her brother lay still on the ground. "Billy, are you okay?" There was worry in her voice. If Ma found out that she had let Billy turn himself into some sort of monstrosity... She was fairly certain that Billy wouldn't much care. Ray might though, actually she might be more dangerous than Ma. At least at the moment. The ball of fur moved, it got it's four legs under it and shook itself, just as the boy had done when getting out of the rain.

Everything was so different. Smells were so much more pronounced, sounds were as well. Billy took a deep whiff of the air. Iris was distinctive, he barely had to think to place her scent. There was rain, mud, plants and flowers, no other folks that he could smell or hear. Iris had stopped talking so he could hear the rain and storm noises. He could see... well, he could see Iris looking at him with a mixed expression. He looked at himself, fur, paws, claws, there was a tail behind him. Great! It had worked! He smiled at Iris and his tongue lolled out of his mouth to the side. Nothing to it, and she'd been worried.

Iris looked over her brother. It seemed to have worked okay, assuming he wasn't stuck like that now. It was her brother, there was no question about it, that was his dumb grin. She sighed as the weight of nearly a year of worry rolled off of her. "That's great. You're a wolf now, can you change back?"
2 Billy Cobb Mwa-ha-ha-ha!! 1519 1 6 Iris Cobb