Lorena Abernathy

April 21, 2022 7:17 AM

Nice day for a stroll [Oz] by Lorena Abernathy


Lorena blinked slowly at the reflection in the bathroom mirror. Everything was much the same as it had been. Her green dress was still as pleated as ever. Her makeup, while basic and not the greatest, was still acceptable and mostly flattering. Her knees were still knobby and her legs still too long. The only perceivable change was the hairbrush handle, now headless, in her hand, and the head which had been partially consumed by tidal waves of brown frizz. “Great,” she muttered to herself. “Hey!” she called, leaning out the door to get the attention of her roommates. “Can somebody help me?” Slowly and with whatever help was offered, she worked the head of the brush out of her tangles, quietly mourning the loss of yet another hair tool that could not withstand her curls. Six months: a personal best.

Eventually, she was finally presentable enough for her date. Her date! Her… date? With her friend boyfriend... with Oz. He had never, like, asked her to be his girlfriend or anything, but he did take her to the ball last year, and now he had asked her to hang out with him, just the two of them, which seemed pretty romantic to her. So, yeah, definitely a date.

Honestly, Lorena was still waiting to find out that Oz was actually wasting her time and this was all just a long-term way of humiliating her. Not that he had given any indication that there was malicious intent, but just because of the way she had been treated at school before Sonora. Oz didn’t really seem like those kids, but it was hard even now to reprogram.

She headed down to the outskirts of the Gardens to meet him, and it was only upon arrival that she realized she was actually a little bit early. Lorena occupied herself by familiarizing with some of the florals in bloom around her until she felt another person’s presence and turned around.

OOC: Mentions of Oz asking Lorena out again and of their agreed upon location approved by his author.
12 Lorena Abernathy Nice day for a stroll [Oz] 1510 1 5

Oz Spellman

April 28, 2022 5:23 AM

And flowers by Oz Spellman

It would have helped a lot if decisions in life came labelled. ‘Good decision.’ ‘Bad decision.’ Except… would it? Oz knew sometimes that he was making bad decisions, but he kept making them anyway. Case in point, he had decided that picking flowers in the gardens was one of those situations where he’d roll the dice and deal with the consequences if he a) wasn’t meant to be doing it and b) actually got caught. That was a pretty minor, straightforward example compared to a lot of the things he’d been dealing with lately. He suspected the reason that decisions didn’t come prelabelled was because life was messy and stupid and lines were blurry. But like… if there was some way of just ultimately knowing—if some force could take a peek at the endings and let him know, that would have been great. No such luck though, so here he was trying to figure it out himself.

Asking Lorena out felt smart. Lorena was like… a good, normal person. It definitely felt self-protective. A lot of Oz’s ‘smart’ decisions were anything but that, but ‘self-preservation’ was honestly something that ran pretty low on his list most of the time. He’d taken literally punches for years to keep Henry out of the firing line. He was risking his own butt, committing what he was pretty sure were expulsion-worthy offences for Xavier… Some kind of chemical was releasing itself in his brain at the idea of walking towards something that represented safety. It was a nice enough feeling that he was vaguely able to mistake it for things like ‘excitement’ or ‘liking’ even if he wasn’t really sure that he could be sure about anything right now.

Knowing his luck, Lorena would probably be a werewolf and eat him or something.

Still, it was day time, so he’d be safe for now. He guessed actually going out with a werewolf would be pretty straight forward, you just wouldn’t see them on the full moon. If that was the worst of it, he could totally handle it.

“Hi,” he said, as he rounded the corner and found her waiting where they’d agreed. “I got you these.” He held out the very obviously hand picked bunch of flowers, not particularly seeing any difference between those and proper gas station flowers except that they weren’t wrapped in plastic. He guessed he could have wrapped them in plastic with a spell, probably, but also Lorena would just take the plastic off later and throw it in the bin, so he was pretty sure that was pointless. He was pretty sure flowers were pointless too, but it was what you were meant to do.

“Been up to anything fun lately?” he asked.
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Lorena Abernathy

June 04, 2022 8:04 PM

And flowers!!! by Lorena Abernathy

He came!

She knew he would, of course, but like what if he hadn’t though? Lorena was totally not worried about that, but she was definitely worried about it, but now she didn’t have to be worried anymore because he came and he was here now! Oz was here and he liked her and, Oh!

“For me?” she blinked, a bit stunned. Of course they were for her. Who else would they be for? And he literally said it. “Thank you!” Lorena beamed. Flowers! From a boy! A boy she was on a date with!

“Not really,” she answered his question, feeling a bit silly that she didn’t have a better answer. “Mostly just homework. It always gets so much harder all at once this time of year, don’t you think?” That wasn’t really an interesting conversation either, she realized after the words had already left her mouth, but there was nothing she could do about it now. She felt her cheeks run hot and hoped her embarrassment wasn’t too visible.

“Um, so, what have you been up to?” It wasn’t much better, but at least it gave him the opportunity to talk about himself instead of stupid schoolwork like she had done.
12 Lorena Abernathy And flowers!!! 1510 0 5

Oz Spellman

June 07, 2022 3:03 AM

Yup. by Oz Spellman

She was happy. She liked the flowers, and was smiling, and maybe this whole ‘impressing girls’ thing was easy. He had definitely screwed up interactions way sooner than this in the past.

"No problem," he grinned, slipping on the easy social mask of someone who was just chill about everything. People loved that guy.

"Urgh, yeah," he agreed about homework. "It's like... you all literally live in the same building. Could you not talk to each other a bit, and avoid all piling it on at once?" He rolled his eyes, though he was kind of surprised at Lorena's choice of topic. "But you're in the smart house. I thought you guys loved this stuff?" he said, lightly enough that it could just be taken as a joke if she wanted.

"Same," he shrugged, when she asked what he'd been up to. "Homework takes up so much time. Then I try to spend some with Henry - we don't do that much studying together," he added, both for clarity and pride. He knew what Lorena would think if he implied they did all their homework together. Oz was the stupid twin, the lazy twin, and Henry was the brain. It was an easy assumption to make... He was less worried about it than when he'd started. He didn't believe that the teachers believed in him, but he did think that if they accused him of copying, Professor Carter-Xavier would have his back. It had freed him up to study more with Henry without having to worry about what people would say, but he still didn’t want to give Lorena the wrong impression. “And Quidditch takes up a fair bit of time too.”
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