Oz Spellman

December 27, 2021 5:23 AM

Letters home by Oz Spellman

Dear Mom,

I did all my homework, and none of it was even day of. Two weeks and counting.

Quidditch practise is going really great. It’s like baseball but without my feet on the ground. I can hit the ball most of the time without losing my balance. I know that sounds wild, but it’s not as dangerous as it sounds. I promise I being really, really careful. And it’s fun.

You remember my friend Xavier that I told you about? I think we’re pretty solidly best friends now. He’s been having a rough time. It sort of sucks because it’s something I can’t do anything about, so I just sort of sit there and go ‘That sucks dude’ and apparently that means I’m like a good listener or something. I dunno. I don’t feel like I’m helping, but he says I am, and that feels good. You’d like him. He’s a good kid, who won’t get me into trouble. You know when people say find someone who helps you be your best self? It’s like that. And next year we’ll be in classes again together, so he can Good Influence the heck out of me all day long.

Henry decided we’re gonna ask some girls to the ball, seeing as there’s loads more girls than boys. He’s gonna ask Billy’s sister, which is weird both because she’s Billy’s sister and because she’s awful. I’m gonna ask this girl called Lorena. DON’T send a letter about what NOT to do with girls. I KNOW. And I’m not gonna.

Lots of love,
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