Giselle Duell

January 22, 2021 7:35 PM

Tell me, what do you see? [Advanced Divinations] by Giselle Duell

Professor Giselle Duell, graduate of the Delphi School, specializing in Divinations and an actual Seer, was dreading teaching her next class. She was dreading teaching the whole unit. She loved her subject, she delighted in investigating the past, present and future. She loved interpreting the symbolism and connecting the patterns revealed. Delving into such things was an exciting exploration of the unknown that sent chills down her bones every time. Except this, this one thing was the one 'insurmountable obstacle’ that she had encountered in her field. Giselle had known it was coming, and now that they’d wrapped up their section of tessomancy, it was upon her. Crystal gazing.

Her own crystal ball sat before her on her desk, silently mocking her. For all she knew it was revealing her deepest desires and how to achieve them. But, the only thing her 'seeing' spell showed her was a blank sphere on a stand. She really didn’t know why she had kept it, or had it brought back from Delphi with all of her other things, but she had. Maybe it was the hopeful thought that maybe she would someday find the right charm to allow it to reveal its secrets to her. Not today though, and her students would be arriving any moment and she was going to have to teach them how to look at something, terrific. She sighed, stood and straightened out her dress and hat. She was swathed in dark colors, or at least that is what the 'color tags' claimed that Valentine had helped put on them. It felt like a somber day.

The students began to enter and take their seats not more than a few moments later. The desks had been pushed into pairs with a crystal ball upon each for them to share. Delphi had one for each student, but sharing wasn’t a major issue. The paired students were facing each other with the ball between them, so they wouldn’t be looking into the same section of the ball.

Once they were settled, she got their attention and began class. “As you can hopefully see, now that we’ve completed the unit on tea leaves, we are moving on to a new subject. This is one that I hope you enjoy, although I’ve been dreading it since the year began.” Honesty was usually the best route to go. “Crystal ball gazing." She said it with a tone of despondency. "You will want to refer to your books rather heavily for this section, as I...." Her hand fluttered around indicating her glasses, the orb on her desk and a general feeling of hopelessness. Then she sighed, "I won't be much direct help with pulling forth the images to see. However," she tried to sound a bit more positive, "I'll be happy to help interpret if you do manage to see things."
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