Professor Connell

July 18, 2006 1:11 PM
To Marian Connell, the first lesson of a new school year was, without a doubt, the most nerve-wracking out of any of them. When she had been a student, no matter what class was first that year, there was always the fear that she had somehow forgotten everything she had ever known about the subject, and would look like a complete fool. Now, as a teacher, the nervousness still stemmed from that fear, coupled with the fact that, by some twist of fate, all her previous beginning of the year classes had been for students who had attended Sonora at the same time as she. It had been hard enough to try and maintain some semblance of authority over the younger students. Teaching the ones who knew her previously, even if they were several years younger, had proven to be next to impossible at times.

But those last few students had finally graduated, and she finally found herself with students who had only known her as a professor. She could finally leave her student days behind her once and for all. And that thought, along with the fact that the first lesson should be a relatively simple one, with just the first and second years, seemed to alleviate most of her worries.

Everything had been put to order long before the class was actually scheduled to start, so by the time the first students began to trickle in, Marian was sitting at her desk putting the last touches on the lesson plan for the seventh years, who had class later that day. She ignored the bustle and chatter until the last of the students seemed to have arrived. She stood up, but remained behind her desk as she began the customary beginning-of-school lecture.

“Welcome to first- and second-year potions. For the new students, my name is Professor Connell, and I am both the head of Pecari house and, obviously, the potions professor here at Sonora. There are only a few rules to go over before you may actually begin making today’s potion. First, every class will start off with a small lecture, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could pause your conversations for its duration. You may talk as much as you want while actually doing the work, so it shouldn’t be that difficult. Second, this is a potions classroom, and accidents such as spills and the like will happen. If something major does happen, you should alert me as soon as possible. If there’s nothing particularly dangerous about whatever occurred, then you will clean it up yourselves. If there could be a problem, then I or one of the prairie elves can get it. Along with that, horseplay is to be kept to a minimum in this classroom. May of the potions and ingredients can be dangerous, and the goal is to keep as few of you from being harmed as possible. That final rule is one of the most important, and the one I will least tolerate disobeying.

“This year you will be focusing on learning to make an assortment of relatively simple potions. The first one, which you will be making today, is called the Acclamazioni draft, one of the simplest of the cheering potions, and instructions can be found on page 37 of your text. You should have all the ingredients, daisy roots, fluxweed, ginger, and asphodel root, in your potion’s kits, but if for any reason you don’t have enough of something, there is a supply of most common ingredients in the black cabinet in the back of the classroom. You may choose your own partners, and you may work in groups of two or three. Begin.”

She had been debating whether or not to mention that excessive amounts of fluxweed would cause the potion to explode. It was a good warning, but her more recent experiences with the making of this potion had taught her that there were always a few who would take those warnings and intentionally do what they shouldn’t. Hopefully, this batch of students was the type that followed instructions almost precisely and didn’t feel the need to experiment.

OOC: Standard posting rules apply. At least two decent-sized paragraphs, so at a minimum roughly 8 lines of text. House points will be awarded based on post length, detail, etc. Be creative, and have fun.
0 Professor Connell Lesson I - First and Second Years 0 Professor Connell 1 5

Saul Pierce

July 18, 2006 7:58 PM
Saul had lost his tour group during Care of Magical Creatures, seeing as the second years hadn't been required to share transfiguration with the younger kids so he hadn't tried to continue his orientation after their first class. But now the two years were together again for Potions.

He started heading for it early, taking a long circuitous route that covered most of the hallways that the bitty first years might be coming from. When he spotted one he recognized from that morning, or didn't recognize at all, he helpfully pointed them in the right direction, telling them that their potions class with the Great Head of Pecari was right ahead, then scurried along to next hallway or the next firstie to enter his field of vision.

When he was satisfied that he had collected all the young stragglers and sent them on their way, he hurried to the classroom himself, a few minutes late. He grabbed the first seat to hand that wasn't already occupied, and tried to figure out what he'd missed. As she was telling them that horseplay wasn't to be tolerated, he figured the new kids were getting the rules lecture.

He found a pencil and piece of parchment and tried to unroll it for when notes would start getting taken, but it kept rolling back up everytime he went to reach for his book. He would have just left it, but then it would probably have rolled off the desk and then he'd have to crawl on the floor to get it back. So he creased it flat, made sure it wasn't going anywhere, then took out his textbook.

Professor Connell was just telling them to turn to page 37, so he did that. It was the same book they'd had last year (it was still a potions 1-2 class even if he was now in the 2 part instead of the 1 part) and the pages had apparently gotten a little wet over the summer so they were a little stuck together now. It had probably been that really bad thunderstorm at the Redvaille Folk Festival when even Regina's RV had leaked in some water.

So it took a few tries to get the book open to the right page, and by then the teacher was going on about groups of two or three and he didn't have a clue what all she'd talked about besides saying page 47. At least that told him they were working on the Acclimatization Potion which apparently lets you get used to rapid changes in temperature faster.

That would have been really useful during that thunderstorm, but probably not so much here at Sonora unless he opted to sneak out beyond the influence of the weather charms.

Anyway, he was going to need a partner or two. So he carried out the process most likely to gain him one. He got up, grabbed a nearby classmate by wrapping his arm around there shoulders, and told them in an excellent imitation of the guy on Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy who tells the contestants what they could win if they solve the final puzzle, "Today is your lucky day, my friend. You have been chosen, yes, you, to be my partner. You will receive all the benefits of my experience during my one year at Sonora as well as my fascinating company. All this can be yours, yes, indeed, yours, merely by saying you'll be my partner today. So what'll it be? Yes, or oh, yes."\r\n\r\nOkay, maybe it was more a cross between the guy selling the genie lamp in Aladdin and the arrogant guy with the chins in Beauty and the Beast rather than a gameshow host, but you get the idea.\r\n\r\n\r\n
1 Saul Pierce Accosting firsties and a potential partner 82 Saul Pierce 0 5

Gil and Leo Idoya

July 21, 2006 7:47 AM
Leo found Gil waiting outside the portrait of Gunter the Zombie, one foot up against the wall and his arms crossed over his chest. He looked less than pleased – probably at the prospect of their imminent class, which was definitely not a favorite – but brightened when his twin joined him. He chattered blithely on about Muggle photography, of all things, and peppered the commentary with arbitrary questions about Leo’s house and doings. Leo replied with his usual pithiness, inwardly glad that Gil had put the argument from the other day behind him so completely. It couldn’t have been good for Gil’s self-esteem (already a bit shaky, in Leo’s opinion) to be yelled at by a girl, and in front of the whole of Cascade Hall.

“So, Potions,” Gil said, some of the enthusiasm seeping out of his voice. “Peachy.”

Leo rolled his eyes and opened the door, motioning Gil enter ahead of him. “It’s really not that bad. Well, for those of us capable of sitting still for longer than five minutes.”

Gil stuck his tongue out at Leo, but went in anyway, taking a seat several tables back and off to one side. Leo sat down next to him, and they took out their potions kits and notebooks.

“So... Leo...” Gil began after a few moments of relative silence, in which his brother had been sharpening the nib of his quill. “Um. About that Quidditch thing....”

“Forget it.”

“But – ”

“Shh,” Leo hushed as the professor began to speak, not looking at his twin. Gil frowned slightly, but shrugged. At least Leo didn’t seem angry about it; a little upset, yes, but not ticked. That, Gil could work with.

He couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of their assignment, though. Grinning and barely restraining a giggle, he grabbed quickly for his wand – the wizarding equivalent of touching one’s nose to avoid being picked. Leo looked over suspiciously. “I s’pose this means we’ll have to test the potion on you, O Brother Mine,” Gil laughed lowly. Leo glared; Gil just grinned harder, and slightly wickedly.

When the professor finished, Leo flipped open his textbook and pushed it to his right so Gil could see it to. “All right... so you start mincing the daisy roots, and I’ll take care of the fluxweed,” he said. Gil didn’t mind being ordered around by the older twin, at least not in this aspect; his potion-making skills were next to naught, and Leo had always shown an affinity for the intricacy of the subject.

After they’d been working for a few minutes, though, Leo swore softly. “I’m out of asphodel root. Can I borrow some of yours?”

“You borrowed it over the summer for one of your experiments,” Gil said. “And don’t swear.” Leo rolled his eyes. “Asphodel root? I’ll go get some from the cabinet. How much?”

Leo consulted the text. “Um... a small handful.”

“Right. How kind of you to be specific,” Gil said, mocking Leo’s usual acerbic tone. He went, though, and halfway to the cabinet looked back at Leo and stuck out his tongue, knowing how much that sort of behavior in public grated on his twin’s nerves.

Unfortunately, the bag of another student chose that moment to animate itself via some sort of wandless, wordless spell, and threw itself in front of Gil’s feet, probably with malicious intent. He landed with a not-so-muffled CRASH on his back, staring dazedly up at the ceiling, his cheeks burning with mortification.

0 Gil and Leo Idoya Cheering potions? How incredibly appropriate... 0 Gil and Leo Idoya 0 5

Elly Eriksson

July 22, 2006 6:08 PM
Elly had no idea how she’d managed to lose the rest of her classmates. One moment they’d all been there, the next moment Elly was wandering alone along an unfamiliar corridor, without a hope in the world of finding the potions classroom before the lesson started. She wasn’t panicking yet, though mild concern had grasped her. After all, it was perfectly plausible for a first year student to get lost on their way to a class, even if they were the only one to do so.

Choosing her path almost entirely at random, Elly rounded the corner and was more relieved than her vocabulary could express to find Saul, the boy from Pecari who had led Elly and several others down to their first care of magical creatures lesson. Having thanked him profusely, if a little incoherently, Elly followed his directions, mutely resolving to pay more attention, and to thank Saul the Guide properly at a more appropriate moment.

Elly flung herself clumsily into the classroom, stumbling a little as she headed for the nearest desk. The teacher had already started talking. Elly withdrew her textbook, notebook and pink fluffy quill from her bag and tried to catch up on the note-taking.

“This is a potions classroom, and accidents such as spills and the like will happen…”Elly groaned inwardly. Her incurable clumsiness was bound to rear its ugly head and get her into trouble, she just knew it. Elly kept her head down while the teacher continued about spillages – she didn’t want to catch Echo’s eye, having spilled juice all over him at the opening feast.

“You may choose your own partners, and you may work in groups of two or three. Begin.” Elly closed her notebook and dropped her quill back into her bag. Partners? Tricky one. Elly peered over the heads of the other students in the room (easy, as she was one of the tallest) to spy out potential partners.

Ideally, Elly would have chosen to work with Meredith and Echo. She found them easy to talk to and thought they would be good at teamwork, obviously an important quality when attempting to brew a potion together. On the other hand, Caedence had been helpful in transfiguration, so perhaps having her as a partner would be helpful in potions? Of course, Saul the Guide had been pretty helpful, too. Elly definitely didn’t want to partner up with that blonde Mexican girl or with Icy Idoya, though it seemed he had partnered his twin, anyway. The other twins that Elly had met were a possibility, Matt and Josh Santoro, and so was August, though perhaps he was a little too quiet. Then there was that tall boy, Guenther, who had been nice. Elly thought she could probably stand to get to know him better.

“Good heavens,” she mumbled to herself. It was a tough choice. Too lazy to make a decision, Elly just sat still and waited for someone to approach her instead. Much less hassle.
0 Elly Eriksson Who wants to be my partner? 92 Elly Eriksson 0 5

Meredith Lail

July 23, 2006 6:43 PM
Meredith had been walking with Elly, which had become something of a custom since she was the first person she met at Sonora and she was her roommate. It was awesome and convenient. She didn’t always sit with her during class, but that was fine. Neither one ought to limit who they talk to. Meredith knew she couldn’t, but she wanted to sit next to her for this class. But as they walked to potions, a class Meredith was dreading just a bit since it was one of her weak points and had mentioned that to Elly, Meredith looked elsewhere for what seemed like just a moment to say hi to someone else and then Elly was gone. Meredith blinked and looked around wondering how she could loose track of a tall girl with bright orange hair. Not wanting to get lost herself, Meredith continued to class with the large group of other first years. She hoped Elly would find her way alright.

When Meredith reached the classroom, Professor Connell was already there. She took a seat towards the back in the second seat in the row to save Elly a place next to her. She put her bag on the outside seat so no one would sit there and took out her text book. Students filled the seats around her. She didn’t look to see who because she kept her eyes on either Professor Connell or the door. It didn’t matter who sat next to her. Either she’d know them and they’d say hi or she’d say hi, or she wouldn’t know them and she’d introduce herself eventually.

Meredith frowned a little as Professor Connell started talking and Elly wasn’t there yet, but was sure her friend would find her way eventually and so she had. Meredith bit her lip to stop herself from laughing as Elly and her clumsy self stumbled into the room before grabbing a nearby seat. She would have to flag her down when the professor was done talking. She leaned her chin on her hand as Connell lectured on. Well she was right to assume the other professors weren’t like Professor Kijewski. When she was done lecturing, Meredith reached over for her bag and grabbed her potion supplies. She opened her textbook to the right page and skimmed over it for half a minute. It didn’t look so hard, but no doubt she’d screw it up somehow. Then she looked back at Elly and saw her looking around and then she sat again.

Meredith got up and walked over to Elly quietly before abruptly leaning on her friend’s shoulder, grinning.

“Where have you been? I turn for just one minute and you disappear.” She mocked a motherly tone, hands on hips and all, before laughing. “Come on. I saved you a seat by me.” She half pulled Elly from her chair and then let go so she could get her things and follow Meredith back to where her supplies were waiting. Meredith wasn’t a great potion maker and at least having Elly nearby would make the class fun. She could count on Elly Eriksson for that.\n\n
0 Meredith Lail *raises hand* I do! 0 Meredith Lail 0 5

Nikki Ramirez

July 23, 2006 8:00 PM
When Nikki entered the classroom, about half of the seats were taken. Including two situated beside each other occupied by the Idoyas. She was glad to see that they were talking to each other again. She took a seat a few rows back from them. Soon after Nikki sat down, the professor began speaking. She seemed to be the knid of teacher that was serious about her subject, and at the same time laid back. Nikki had found that she liked that kind of teacher, because she could both learn and have fun, something which Benito claimed to be impossible but Nikki had found otherwise.

Then the professor told the students which potion they would be working on that day, and that they would have to work in groups of two or three. 'Oh great' Nikki thought 'Just my luck.'

Nikki stood up to find a partner. Unfortunately, as she did so, she knocked over her bag. More unfortunately, someone just happened to be walking by at that exact moment and tripped over her bag. Even more unfortunately, when that person looked up, she could plainly see that it was Gil. Nikki covered her mouth to avoid: A.laughing, B.cursing, C.yelling, D.making a complete fool of herself, or most likely, E.all of the above.

"Oh my God," Nikki said worried "I'm so sorry. Are you all right?" \n\n
0 Nikki Ramirez E.all of the above 0 Nikki Ramirez 0 5


July 23, 2006 8:31 PM
Gil's head hurt a little, but not nearly as bad as his elbow, which had crashed into a table across the aisle on the way down. And his vision wasn't full of little sparkling pixies, which in his experience (being the clutz he was) told him that he most likely wasn't concussed, and wouldn't need a trip to the infirmary. His elbow, which had ached something fierce before, was even starting to feel better.

He'd only just rolled up into a sitting position when the blond girl who had called him an ano was standing over him, aghast and apologetic. Gil was so surprised by this turn of opinion (complete about-face, more like), that he just blinked in shock for a moment.

"Oh... uh, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," he said, climbing to his feet. He was still blushing hot enough to cook an egg on his forehead, and he rubbed the back of his neck, grinning embarrassedly. Great. As if she hadn't thought him enough of a jerk, now he had to go and trip spectacularly right in front of him. True, she hadn't made the best first impression on him, either - but Leo liked her, he could tell, and Leo didn't like many people. Gil trusted his brother's judgment. Besides, he didn't want to go an alienate his twin's only friend at Sonora right after their argument had ended!

He was so caught up in this worrisome chain of thought that he didn't even realize he was now frowning and absently wringing his hands. Until, of course, he remembered that Nikki was still standing in front of him. His embarrassed grin returned, as did his blush. "Just - uh - needed some asphodel root."

He turned his back to her quickly, too humiliated to even contemplate whether she'd find that rude or not, especially in comparison to Leo's manners, and made the last few steps to the cabinet. He quickly grabbed a handful of asphodel root and started back towards his desk, before looking back at Nikki.

"Um... the professor said we could work in threes. Would you like to join Leo and me?" he asked somewhat diffidently (though he tried hard to cover that up). Hopefully Leo wouldn't mind. Gil didn't think he would, but... well... his twin was hard to fathom, sometimes.\n\n
0 Gil Oh, I'm just peachy, thanks. 0 Gil 0 5

Michael Tallow

July 23, 2006 11:59 PM
Michael ignored the majority of the lecture; his mind was focused on far more important matters: matters that caused his eyebrows to tighten and his eyes to scowl without object. Someone- some brainless, mindless, soulless, graceless fool of a someone!- had trampled over his nearly completed scaled model replica of the Siege of Sevastopal. It had taken months to mold the city walls and paint the mouths on the miniature fleet-men. Weeks of time and energy to properly shape the skuttled ships that once manned the Black Sea Fleet. It was to be his final addition to his Crimean War exhibit. And someone had destroyed it.

It was no excuse that it was left in the Pecari common room unwatched or unnoted; nor was it a viable excuse that he had left it on the floor. People ought to be smarter than the average neanderthal- it was the Siege of Sevastopal for Dymphna's sake! Not another toy left about discarded.

He had left it drying, and after lunch, found it crushed. Potions was a subject left for less important times. First he needed to find out if it could possibly be salvaged, and second, he needed to find the culprit and destroy the person in as complete and thorough a manner as possible. Inflicting great amounts of pain would come as a necessary bonus to the deed, naturally.

The only hiccup in his scheming, though, was his present setting: the Potions classroom. It meant he must complete his assignment, whatever that was. Michael hadn't been listening for a reason- he had revenge to dream up. Still, grades, while unimportant in the general state of things, could only be given if work was completed. He must find someone to work with. Or, he mentally added after glancing the room once over, someones.

His eyes finally lit upon a pair one seat over to his left. The pair appeared organized, prepared, and most likely not needing his involvement in any way. Once one of the boys left, he snatched his potions kit from his table top, a spare quill, and landed himself neatly beside the previously unknown of student. Michael skipped normal introductions and instead opened his ingredients' store, well stocked and as of yet untouched.

Unknowingly, his hand landed on a jar labeled by his sister's reckless hand: root of asphodel. "What's needed next?" he asked in a genuinely disinterested voice, and as was his typical way, managed to miss the entire drama that went on but a few seats away. \n\n
0 Michael Tallow Cutting in, because that's what I do. 1465 Michael Tallow 0 5

Leo Idoya

July 24, 2006 1:07 AM
Gil had just slid out of his seat and headed off to fetch the necessary asphodel root, and Leo was very careful shredding the last bit of fluxweed into perfectly even proportions, peering out of one eye (the other closed) so as to better focus. If they weren't all the same size, he knew, the bits of fluxweed wouldn't dissolve at exactly the same moment, which would throw the whole thing off balance.

A loud thump and a sudden apology caught his attention - especially because he recognized that warm accent as Nikki's. He looked up, but didn't turn around. After the incident in the gardens, he really wasn't sure what to think. He was still angry at how she had reacted, challenging the place in life he had always known as his own - but then again, he couldn't help but feel bad. He hadn't been far enough away to hear her last despairing, miserable comment - I hate America.

He squirmed uncomfortably in his chair as she asked if someone was okay, and was moments away from turning back - she was (or had been, anyway) his only friend at Sonora, after all. Right then, though, an unfamiliar boy dropped into the empty seat and deposited his quill and potions kit on the desk. "What's needed next?" he asked boredly, not even bothering to introduce himself.

Leo blinked, frowned, and glared in quick succession. How unutterably rude! Despite the boy's own lack of courtesy, though, Leo had been raised, if not to be amiable - oh, how that word rankled him now - then at least to have impeccable manners in every other way. He couldn't turn the boy away, not only because it seemed most others had already paired off, but also because he had exactly what was 'needed next' in his hand.

"That," Leo said shortly, motioning curtly with his chin towards the jar in the boy's hand. He finished tearing the last of the fluxweed and turned in his seat to call his brother back from the now unnecessary errand. "Gil - "

He stopped cold. Gil was blushing furiously with a stupid grin plastered over his face and one hand rubbing the back of his neck embarrassedly, and the person his oh-so-charming grin was aimed at was Nikki. Leo's throat tightened inexplicably, and he looked away, clearing his throat. So that's how it was going to be - yet again - was it? Fine.

Seething and feeling unexpressibly betrayed, Leo turned back to the strange boy. "Stir the potion widdershins exactly thirty-two times," he read from the textbook. "At a medium pace." Not looking to see if the boy did as Leo directed, the Idoya heir took the jar of asphodel root and began to mash it into a fine, moist pulp.\n\n
0 Leo Idoya Straight out of the blue, that one. 0 Leo Idoya 0 5

Nikki Ramirez

July 24, 2006 3:26 PM
Gil stood up apparently embaressed and assured Nikki that he was all right. She was about to turn and look for someone to work with. August maybe, or Gray, although to Nikki's surprise, her housemates never seemed to be around lately. Perhaps it was her outburst in the Great Hall. Or maybe it was because of Leo. But before she could begin her search, Gil was asking her to join him and Leo in the work on their potion.

Nikki had to consider this. She had yelled at and insulted Gil in front of an almost full Great Hall. And she didn't think Leo was too pleased with her at the moment.

And Leo was the very person she heard yelling the next second, calling to his twin. On instinct, Nikki turned towards the person speaking. What she saw was the irritated Idoya heir, turning his scowling face back to his work, mashing asphodel root, which apparently he had recieved from the boy sitting next to him. Nikki pointed to the boy.

"Um...I think you already have a third partner" she said to Gil.\n\n
0 Nikki Ramirez August? Gray? Anyone? Little Help Here 0 Nikki Ramirez 0 5

Gil Idoya

July 24, 2006 4:10 PM
Gil turned around at the sound of his name to see Leo looking around for him. An unfamiliar boy - Gil thought he might be a second-year - sat next to his twin, with a jar of what Gil recognized as root of asphodel in his hand. "Be right - " he began, but stopped at the look on his brother's face. " - There," he finished lamely as Leo turned back around and yanked the jar out of the other boy's hand.

"Um, I think you already have a third partner," Nikki offered, pointing at the second-year. Gil turned back and looked at her.

"Uh... yeah," he said, chewing his lip a little. Why had Leo looked so angry? Gil thought their argument was over! He frowned a little himself, irritated. Sure, Leo wasn't always an easy guy to get along with, but he'd never been so unpredictable and moody before. "I think Leo might still be mad at me," he said impulsively, looking at the Mexican girl in front of him. "And I know you don't like me too much, but would you mind terribly if I worked with you? I won't bother you, I promise."\n\n
0 Gil Idoya More drama. Yay. 0 Gil Idoya 0 5


July 24, 2006 4:23 PM
As Elly sat waiting for a prospective partner to approach her, someone crept up behind her and touched her shoulder, making Elly jump so much she was sure her bottom left the chair. Elly turned her head to see Meredith standing grinning down at her with her hands on her hips. “Meredith!” Elly exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. “I lost you!” she said, her expression an unusual mix of apologetic and amused.

“Come on. I saved you a seat by me.” Meredith said, and Elly allowed herself to be dragged upwards from her chair. “Great!” she replied enthusiastically, very pleased that Meredith had wanted her as a partner. She hurriedly gathered up her books and bag and followed Meredith to the desk where her potions supplies were already laid out. “Eager, are we?” Elly said, raising an eyebrow and indicating the assembled ingredients. She laughed at Meredith’s expression and remembered that her classmate was a bit anxious about potions lessons. “Don’t worry,” Elly said, smiling, and nudging Meredith lightly with her elbow. “Even if we suck, what’s the worst that could happen?” She grinned again as she looked down at Meredith’s open potions book. “Cheering charms, huh? Where do we start?”
0 Elly Goody! 0 Elly 0 5

Michael Tallow

July 24, 2006 5:51 PM
". . .widdershins. . ." The word and the voice in which it was said might have thrown some for a bit of a loop. The average American might spend his entire life never encountering the superstition-laced lexeme; but that was mostly because the average American considered international travel to be going one state west. Michael's mother was Canadian, supersitious to a ridiculous extreme, and very silly as well. She used the word anytime they came close to a graveyard, or church, or monument, or even something in nature that resembled a cross.

"Don't go to the right, Michel!" she would say in her highly pitched tones of alarm. "Do you want all of heaven to see you?"

If not referring to his mother's prediliction for hysterical dramatics, the word took on very normal nuances: turn counter-clockwise. Which Michael did, his arm looping the potion's few already mixed ingredients in lazy, but constant, motions opposite to the sun's direction. He considered his partner after the eighth turn, watching as the asphodel quickly lost whatever original shape and texture it had under the pliances of the boy's hands. A first year, Michael decided after a brief weighing of thought. And based on the crest on the boy's school uniform, a Crotalus.

By turn twenty-two, he was tired of the class entirely. He had far better things to do than make a- His mind drew blank. What exactly were they making? His eyes shot toward the open textbook: a cheering drought? Michael's mind seethed in immediate dislike and suspicion. Potions always meant testing; teachers were so ingeniously clever that way.

"I'm not going to test it," Michael announced at turn thirty. "I don't need cheering; I'm perfectly fine the way I am. And," his hand finished the final turn, "finished."

0 Michael Tallow .I bask in it; mind you, I don't <i>revel</i> though. 1465 Michael Tallow 0 5

Leo Idoya

July 24, 2006 7:53 PM
Leo stared down at the asphodel root, which was now so pulpy it ran through his fingers when he (attempted to) push the spreading mess back into its original pile. He grimaced; he'd gone a little overboard. Now the consistency wouldn't be right at all.

As he attempted to rectify his mistake, he heard Nikki speak very briefly, and then Gil begin mumbling. The phrase 'work with you' made Leo's jaw clench tighter, though it was the only sign of emotion on his face. As his new partner reached the twenty-seventh stir (Leo was counting too, just in case, which had probably led to his over-mutilation of the asphodel) Leo glanced sidelong at him. He didn't spend enough time with his classmates to know whether this boy was a first or second year, but the patch was Pecari. Lovely. I'm to be stalked by the entire Pecari house for the rest of my life. Or, at least, for the rest of life at Sonora. If it wasn't Echo joining him for breakfast (what a disaster that had been), it was random Pecaris deciding that today they would partner up with that bad-tempered Crotalus boy. You know, the one with the popular, friendly, charming twin in Teppenpaw.

The boy spoke abruptly, jerking Leo so unexpectedly out of his thoughts that he actually jumped a little. (Only a little, though, he assured himself.) "I'm not going to test it. I don't need cheering; I'm perfectly fine the way I am. And - finished."

Leo nodded tersely and dumped the fluxweed into the cauldron as the book directed; though the asphodel mush was congealing too slowly, he thought, glancing down. The book said it should already have a slightly gummy consistency, and when he touched it, it was still awfully runny.

"Clockwise now," he said, and then consulted the text again. "Fifteen stirs, slowly."

He didn't even deign to respond to the boy's claim that he wouldn't be the tester; the universe seemed to want him to take this cheering potion, and Merlin knew he could use a little good humor right now.

"Leo Idoya," he muttered, glancing briefly up at the boy before checking the asphodel again. Still too runny. Mierda. "Of the California Idoyas."\n\n
0 Leo Idoya Kill-joy. 0 Leo Idoya 0 5

Echo Elms

July 27, 2006 10:55 AM
Echo Elms was early. He didn't know how he managed it, but there he was standing in the empty classroom. It looked like a cross between a science class from tv and Merlin's workshop. He choose a seat on the side in the front row and opened his text book.

A few minutes later he looked up. Still no one. He thought he heard someone in the hallway giggling.

He waited.

There it was again. The whispering.

Echo stood up and tucked his text back in his bag. He hesitated. Maybe he was imagining things. Maybe he got the time wrong.

The low chattering cut off abruptly when he entered the hallway. The hall was empty. He caught a movement, and turned in time to see one of the potrait people dart behind a oil-based tree. It was the painted pixy who'd given him directions.

"Great," he sighed, and adjusted his bag.

"I believe," a painted man with wild white hair spoke up. The side of his mouth was valiently trying not to curl up and failing, "if you take a left at the end of the hall, you'll find your classroom. Hurry!"

Echo hesitated, glaring between the old man and the tree hiding the laughing pixy. Then he ran.

The Professor Connell hadn't quite begun when he reached the classroom, but she was standing expectantly at the front of the room, so he just took the closest desk rather than pushing to the front row. This classroom looked a lot like the other one he'd been in.

He furiously took notes during her lecture, hoping to somehow make it make more sense than the transfiguration one had and also as a sort of apology for being almost late. He was relieved to see he wasn't the most late, though. Elly straggled in a few minutes later, and Saul didn't make it until about later still. Each time someone came in, Echo lost track of what Professor Connell was talking about. Saul's troubles with his rolled parchment easily stole Echo's attention for a good four sentences or more. He was wondering about why paper gets that springy quality to it and how long it needed to be rolled up to get it.

When he got his listening back on, everyone was splitting into groups of twos and threes. He spotted Elly and Meredith a few rows up and pulled his stuff together to go up and join them.

Suddenly, an arm slung around his shoulder. Echo pulled his shoulders as close together as he could and his arms to his chest, trying instinctively to avoid the touching, but to no avail. The person just leaned in and Echo leaned out, and he saw the boy was none other than their Pecari guide.

"Today is your lucky day, my friend," Saul said in his smooth fair booth guy voice, "You have been chosen, yes, you, to be my partner. You will receive all the benefits of my experience during my one year at Sonora as well as my fascinating company. All this can be yours, yes, indeed, yours, merely by saying you'll be my partner today. So what'll it be? Yes, or oh, yes."

"Uh," Echo said with his usual eloquence. He felt oddly close to Bell from Beauty and Beast just now. He carefully picked Saul's arm off his shoulder and leapt out to have a nice safe two feet of personal space.

He glanced a little regretfully toward Meredith and Elly, and turned back to Saul. "Okay, Gaston. Just don't touch me, right?" He grinned a little, but eyed his new partner nervously. Any second Saul could have his arm around him again. Crazy creepy.\n\n
21 Echo Elms Don't touch me, please? 93 Echo Elms 0 5


July 27, 2006 3:52 PM
Nikki was confused. She thought about Gil's offer. First he has a fight with Leo. Then she yells at and insults Gil in two different languages. Then she has a fight with Leo. Then Leo and Gil are friends again. Then she acidentally trips Gil. And now Leo was mad at Gil again, and Gil was asking her to be his partner.

Nikki supposed she'd take what she could get. Besides, almost everyone else had already started on their potions. Frankly, Nikki was surprised that the professor hadn't come over to find out what was going on.

"Uh, sure, I'll work with you. I'm not quite as uncomfortable now as I was before." she said, only half joking.

As Nikki sat down and opened her potions kit, she wished there could be some solution to her dilema. Maybe another Leo. One that would open up and talk to her. One that was able to go an hour without getting angry. Oh wait, that would be Gil...but, he was the one that started this whole fiasco...wasn't he?

Nikki was confused.\n\n
0 Nikki What to do...hmm... 0 Nikki 0 5


July 27, 2006 5:50 PM
Gil waited a little anxiously for Nikki to either accept - not likely - or decline his offer. She seemed to be having a difficult time, probably due to the scene at breakfast the other day (though in Gil's defense, it really wasn't entirely his fault).

He let loose a small sigh of relief when she agreed. "Great! Here, let me just go get my kit and my bag - " he said, grinning at her before turning back towards Leo and the older boy. His twin was just telling his new partner to start stirring clockwise, and Gil didn't want to interrupt. He closed up his kit and slung his bag over his shoulder, but hesitated briefly.

Leo didn't glance up from what he was doing, but did cock his head towards Gil a little, as if to say, I'm listening. "Look, Leo," Gil whispered, "I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you angry again, okay? But since we're only allowed to work in pairs or trios and you've already got this guy - " he motioned to the Pecari, " - and Nikki's still alone, I'm going to work with her."

"Have fun," Leo said, his voice completely nonchalant and inexpressive. "Oh, and watch for the conversions. She's used to metric."

"Metric - right. Got it. Thanks." Gil glanced one more time at his brother, who was now checking instructions in the potions textbook. Well, it was more than he'd expected; at least Leo wasn't freezing him out. His worries assuaged, Gil returned to the seat beside Nikki.

"So, I don't know about you, but I'm really not all that good at potions," he admitted, looking at her sideways as he opened up his potions kit and took out the jars he'd seen Leo using before. If Nikki didn't have asphodel root in her own jar, Gil could always just complete his earlier errand (hopefully without tripping this time). "So, mon capitaine, what should we do first?"\n\n
0 Gil Good choice! 0 Gil 0 5

Michael Tallow

July 28, 2006 4:28 AM
Michael began the second bout of stirring, irritated as he always was, but not specifically at the mundanity of his task. Stirring, he figured, was the sort of activity the bored, the otherwise occupied, or the incredibly dull normally gloried in, and as he was slowly becoming the first, was most definitely not the last, it only fell that the second best described the mind in which he went at his task. He stirred with the energy and aplumb of one completely uninterested.

The introduction was of equal landing with the stirring. Michael simply did not care. Hurrah for name-sharing. Congratulations for friendliness. Or whatever it was his fellow housemates were all so keen about. He might have thought a Crotalus had more substance to him, if only for the fact that his sister's house seemed to made up primarily of spoiled princesses and posturing pre-pubscent adults. Michael was still only a child, still but twelve, and it was in his nature to cling to the nasty honesty of a child.

He did not want to make friends; he DID. NOT. CARE.

Ahem. Still though, as much as his thoughts bordered on the frighteningly and deceptively anti-social, he made the due reply that introductions receive:

"Michael Tallow. Not Mike, not Mikey, and definitely not Mickey. It's Michael." He paused, determined that he was on the tenth turn, and finished. "And last I checked most of my family either doesn't care about us or lives in Canada, which equates to the same thing: out of sight and out of mind."

He rounded out the final stir and placidly removed the rod from the cauldron. His eyes caught the flit of whispered words between what he observed immediately to be twins- his partner, Leo- he hated nicknames or any other such shortening of a proper name; you were given a name; it's a name, not a lifestyle- and his apparent brother did not appear particularly sunny.

Bully for them. They could drink the cheering drought. Which made him mention the idea verbally; he was forced to by the mere fact of it being a rather good sort of idea. "Since I'm not planning on testing it, and you don't look particularly enthusiastic about it, let's toss it off on them."

The them Michael referred to had just finally then regrouped. And the pair were looking perfectly exploitable. His lips almost managed an upward curve.\n\n
0 Michael Tallow Kill-joy. . .that's remarkably. . .<i>apt</i>. 1465 Michael Tallow 0 5

Leo Idoya

July 28, 2006 2:05 PM
Leo did look up when his partner introduced himself as Michael Tallow - not Mike, not Mikey, and definitely not Mickey. He sneered in return; honestly. Did he think Leo wanted to start some lifelong friendship or something? Leo had no intentions of calling him anything as long as he could get away with it. The only reason he'd even bothered with the introductions was because his pureblood training had demanded it.

"Whatever you say, Tallow," Leo muttered, completely disinterested in the other boy's family issues. His mind was centered a few desks behind them, where a boy who looked deceptively like himself was currently mutilating the necessary ginger while chatting easily to a pretty blond girl.

Apparently Tallow could read minds, though; a moment later he spoke again. "Since I'm not planning on testing it, and you don't look particularly enthusiastic about it, let's toss it off on them."

Leo looked up then, lowering his pestle, and looked the boy in the eyes for the first time. "By 'them,' you mean...?" he motioned surreptitiously with his chin towards Gil and Nikki. His mismatched eyes narrowed then. "And what, pray tell, would be the point in that?"\n\n
0 Leo Idoya Wondering what I got myself into. . . 0 Leo Idoya 0 5

Adam Brockert

July 28, 2006 9:26 PM
Potions might have been one of Adam's favorite subjects. It was simple enough for him. All it was putting in the right stuff at the right time. It wasn't the least bit hard for him really, though Adam was certain he wasn't the best student in class. It was just that-

"You may choose your own partners, and you may work in groups of two or three. Begin.”

The dreaded P-word. Adam cringed. Nobody would want to work with a freak like him. He felt the other students at Sonora only valued those who were athletic and tough or perky and outgoing and bubbly. Adam was none of the above. He was quiet, a bit nerdy and terminally shy. It terrified him to work with anyone he didn't know, for fear they'd be cruel and tease him over his fear of flying or over one of the myriad of things that made him different. Adam felt he had nothing going for him at all.

But Ginger seemed to like him,(for some strange reason that Adam couldn't fathom at all) and Pepper said she'd partner him. He was about to go find one of them when he felt someone standing over him. Adam turned in his seat and glanced up at the person nervously, his pale blue eyes widened in terror.\n\n
11 Adam Brockert One of my worst fears.... 78 Adam Brockert 0 5

Saul Pierce

July 29, 2006 12:13 PM
Now, Saul was pretty sure most of the first years had picked up his name by now, and Saul Pierce didn't sound anything like Gaston. Saul, Gaston. Nope, not even a little alike. Pierce, Gaston. Not remotely similar. Which meant the kid was either really remarkably bad with names, or he was making some kind of reference that Saul was missing. His tone suggested the latter, and Saul didn't think it was a particularly complimentary reference.

Still, the kid hadn't said no, and that was what mattered. Saul was confident he could overcome whatever it was he had done that had put off the kid. He had a pretty good idea that the off-putting thing was the arm around the guy's shoulder. This increadible feat of deductive reasoning came from the kid's statement, "Just don't touch me, right?"

Saul could deal with that. "Sure, no touching," he agreed easily, "Got it." He immediately wondered how much poking and bumping he could get away with, but decided the potions classroom probably wasn't the place to experiment. Best behaviour. He didn't want to risk a detention because the Professor mistook 'accidental' bumping for horseplay.

"So," he added, turning back to his seat and looking the instructions on page 47. "The Acclimatization Potion," he introduced, as if he'd been paying attention to the lesson. "It's not too difficult," he assured, as if he had a clue about how hard it was to brew. "Basically, we just follow the instructions on the page. It's pretty self-explanatory. Any questions so far, or do we want to get right to it?"\n\n
1 Saul Pierce Why? You ticklish? 82 Saul Pierce 0 5


July 30, 2006 1:08 AM
Meredith couldn’t help but laugh when Elly jumped in her seat.

“How in the world did you lose me? I only turned for half a second.” Meredith laughed through her question. Elly followed her back to her seat and made a note of Meredith’s supplies already being out. She stuck her tongue out at Elly who laughed back at her. As far as she was concerned, the sooner they got this over with, the sooner she could put it behind her.

“I guess you’re right.” Meredith said in response to Elly’s laid back attitude towards doing the potion wrong. Meredith’s grades weren’t her main concern, but she wasn’t going to go failing everything on purpose. She did care somewhat and she’d try her best with potions, just like with everything else. To her though, potions class was a lost cause. She’d enjoy it though if there was someone around to make messing up funny. Elly asked where the pair would start. Meredith glanced at the instructions on how to make the cheering potion.

“Wow, this looks pretty easy.” She grinned and moved the textbook to the other side of her desk so Elly could see it too. The simple instructions kept her spirits up. “It looks like we need to chop the daisy root and shred the fluxweed first. Add those together and then stir it three times clock-wise.” Meredith looked over it again just to be totally sure before getting those supplies out of her potions kit and taking out her knife. “Well, I’ll chop the daisy root and you can start on the fluxweed. I think we’re gonna do alright with this one.” Meredith smiled and whirled her index finger in a whoop-de-doo manner before starting her chopping.

She managed to chop the daisy root quickly and without incident. Her fingers were still intact. No doubt the root could’ve been chopped more evenly. Oh well. She doubted it would matter that much. She waited for confirmation that Elly was done so they could put the ingredients in and move on.\n\n
0 Meredith I aim to please. 0 Meredith 0 5

Ginger Silverstein

July 30, 2006 3:29 AM
Ginger was actually looking forward to Potions Class the potions teacher was alright. She forgot that the Potions Professor was the Pecari head of house. Ginger didn't pay very much attention when it came to her house. She remembered that that teacher was one of the nice ones like the Care of magical creaures teacher and the Transfiguration one. She was so glad that she didn't have to take flying this year. Coach Fox was honestly a lawsuit waiting to happen. The Defense agaist the dark arts teacher was rather intimidating, and she really hated how he put her on the spot like that last year.

She wasn't as grogy as she usually was when she attended class. She had managed to fall asleep at a decent hour after doing her Transfiguration homework. She was lucky that she didn't have to wake up in the middle of the night and get a glass of water like she usually did.

Today she wore a red tee shirt with the Nintendo logo on it in white, and her usual pair of frayed jeans. She had red streaks in her hair, and a white head band on. She wore just a little bit of eyeliner, and cherry flavored lip gloss.

She managed to come to class early enough to get a seat in the back, and hoped she would run into Adam, Guenther, Meleanie, or possibly Saul. Ginger still didn't have a full opinion on the firsties, she just knew that the ones in her house were loud, perky, and a little on the annoying side with the exception of that French girl she ran into, she also had the displeasure of running into Grim. He was always trying to 1 up her and make her look like a total idiot! Ginger had no idea why, she was nice to him most of the time. (Meaning she left him alone.)

Soon enough the professor said that they were going to have partners this lesson. She imediatly got up, and walked a few steps over to Adam. She hoped he was feeling better. She was a bit worried about him, he still looked terrified. Maybe she could make him feel more comfortable if he was her partner.

"Hey Adam," she said sweetly to him. "Feeling any better?" She gave him a sweet smile.

0 Ginger Silverstein What is that? 1484 Ginger Silverstein 0 5


July 30, 2006 2:38 PM
Meredith pushed the text book across the table so Elly could read the instructions, too. This particular potion did seem pretty easy, certainly no more complicated than baking the annual Christmas cake with her grandmother. “Well, I’ll chop the daisy root and you can start on the fluxweed,” Meredith said.
“Right,” Elly said, more to herself than anyone else. “Shred?” She chewed her lip and peered down at the small mound of stringy weed set in front of her. Taking a handful, she gave it an experimental tug. It turned out that fluxweed shreds quite easily, a bit like celery or cheese strings, Elly thought. She got through the small pile quickly, finding the task quite soothing. “Potions isn’t all that bad, you know,” Elly said to Meredith, though with her eyes still focused on her fluxweed. “We get to work in pairs, have a chat, use our initiative... They’re all good things in my book.”

Upon completing her task, Elly looked up at Meredith and smiled her big goofy smile. “Finished!” she exclaimed, indicating the pile of shredded vegetation on the desk with a flourish of her hand. She peered at Meredith’s daisy roots and saw that they were finished, too.

“So shall we chuck these in now, or should we prepare all the ingredients first so they’re ready when we need them?” Elly asked. Her grandmother always prepared every single ingredient before she started a recipe, whereas her mother prepared the ingredients as and when she needed them. Her grandmother’s food always tasted better, though, so Elly thought it was probably better to prepare all the ingredients first. That’s what she would have done if working alone, but seeing as they were working as a pair, Elly wanted to hear Meredith’s opinion first. Elly respected Meredith, and was still in awe of her being brought up in an almost all-magical family.

Elly grinned again. “What do you think?”

OOC: I'm waiting for Meredith to reply in the dormitory link, too, if you feel like a chat :)
0 Elly How very altruistic of you. 0 Elly 0 5


July 30, 2006 4:29 PM
OOC: Sorry it's taking me so long. I'm trying to get to a few places around here along with dealing with RL stuff. I'm a bit of a mess. Hehe.

BIC: Meredith listened to Elly as they worked on their ingredients. She nodded in agreement with Elly though she may have missed it if she was still shredding up fluxweed. Meredith finished her chopping and Elly looked up moments later with that goofy smile of hers and announced that she was finished. Meredith smiled back and Elly continued with a question on how to continue. She looked at the ingredients, then at the cauldron, then at the book. Meredith hadn’t thought about preparing all the ingredients first. She wasn’t the best planner. She usually got an idea and ran with it without thinking about it too much. Her mother liked to have everything organized and ready. She didn’t get much from her mother besides her looks.

Meredith looked down at the instructions, her short hair flopping in front of her eyes. She pushed it behind her ears and looked down again. By the looks of it, they could prepare the ingredients before hand. That actually made a lot of sense. She was glad Elly was there to give helpful tips like that along with make the class more fun.

“I think that’s a great idea.” She finally answered. “We can just move the already prepared things to the side in the mean time. So what are we cutting up next?” Meredith asked, moving her chopped daisy roots aside. \n\n
0 Meredith Thanks, I'm glad I remember what that means. 0 Meredith 0 5


July 31, 2006 4:06 AM
Meredith agreed with Elly that they should prepare the ingredients before adding them to the cauldron. ”So what are we cutting up next?” Meredith asked.

“We could always give that Mexican a hair cut,” Elly said thoughtfully, miming snipping with her fingers, and eyeing Nikki with distaste across the classroom. “But I suppose that wouldn’t help with the potion,” she added, matter-of-factly.

Elly peered back at the instructions on page 37 and picked up the remaining two ingredients from their restful positions on the desk. She tossed the weird purplish asphodel root over to Meredith, saying, “Here, fancy mashing some asphodel root? I’ll get with grinding the ginger.” Elly held the ginger root in her other hand, and peered at it. “You know,” she said, “my Grandma makes the best ginger cookies.” There it was. Elly’s first stab of homesickness. She had assumed it would appear at some point, so she was quite well prepared. She pushed it to the back of her mind, and concentrated on all the good stuff at Sonora that she wouldn’t get at home. Like potions lessons with Meredith.

Elly shook her head as if to clear it and dropped the ginger back onto the desk. “Right…” she muttered, bending down to rummage in her bag. “Aha!” Elly resurfaced clutching her pestle and mortar, grinning widely. “Let the ginger grinding commence!”
0 Elly See, we're having fun. 0 Elly 0 5

Echo Elms

July 31, 2006 10:53 AM
Echo flipped a few pages ahead to page 47, the Acclimization potion. For some reason, listening to the lecture had given him the impression that the potion was supposed to improve your mood. He seemed to remember the word "cheering" being involved. But this potion had more to do with temperature. Maybe "cheering" had another definition he wasn't aware of. Or, alternatively, maybe Echo hadn't understood the lecture. He admitted to himself that this was not only possible, but also very likely. Good thing he had Saul there to tell him it was page 47 not 37.

"Basically, we just follow the instructions on the page. It's pretty self-explanatory," Saul said.

He glanced down the list of ingredients. There wasn't anything there he really recognized and the instructions didn't look self-explanatory to him either. Honestly, people at this school had a weird idea of "self-explanatory." "Self-explanatory" should be reserved for things like opening a jar, using shampoo, and putting on a bandaid. Stirring windershins, or whatever it was those instructions said, required a little bit more explanation.

Saul, of course, was a second year so maybe this was all self explanatory to him. "Any questions so far, or do we want to get right to it?" Saul asked.

"Uh, both?" Echo pulled out the package of potions supplies the travelling magic supplies salesman had sold him. "So Professor Connell said we find our ingredients out first, right? I don't know what I've got and what I don't. What am I looking for? Like," he looked back at first item on the list of ingredients, "what's belladonna look like?"\n\n
21 Echo Elms Uh...right. So what do we do? 93 Echo Elms 0 5


July 31, 2006 6:01 PM
Given that she wouldn't be having second period with them, Pepper had done her best to explain to the first years who had allowed themselves to be her charges how to get to Potions. She looked around the room, checking off the familiar faces as they entered, wincing with guilt at those who entered late, or looking harassed. She noted Connel's lecture down attentively, opening her book to page 37, and laying her notes over the tail end of the previous potion's instructions, displayed on page 36, in case they contained any handy hints omitted from the book.

She stood, looking around the room. Gil seemed to be with plenty of people. Even chronically shy Adam seemed to have a partner. Which she was glad about. Good for them. She was happy Gil was settling in, and that Adam seemed to have another friend. She tried very hard not to feel that it was unfair that no-one had rushed to be her partner, when she'd tried to be so kind and helpful. But she hadn't done it to be rewarded - she'd done it because she wanted to. She wouldn't harp on to or guilt trip any of the people she'd helped about leaving her in the lurch, so it wasn't fair to feel it.

Anyway, she thought, standing up on tip toes to scan for lost first years, people were just beginning to split into groups. There had to be someone left who needed a partner. Apart from her...\n\n
0 Pepper Is ANYONE still after a partner? 0 Pepper 0 5


August 01, 2006 12:28 PM
((OOC:Yay! I got to post by using a computer at the library. (If you read the OOC board you know I'm away from home and didn't know if I would get to post for a while.)))

BIC: "Gil, stop. You're right, you're not very good at potions." Nikki scolded her partner. "You need to make those peices of equal size and approximently equal shape. No it doesn't say that in the book, but it's true. It's like salsa. You have to be presise and divert from the book just slightly to make it perfectly. Give me that."

She took the knife from his hand and pulled the cutting board in front of her. She pushed the cauldren in front of him. "Read the recipe and stir this. EXACTLY the number of times the book specifies." She said as though speaking to a young child.

As she did so, she could hear what Leo and that other boy were saying a few seats up. She looked for her book and realized that Gil had it. Perfect, his own was still in his bag.

"I'll be right back." Nikki said

She walked over to where Leo was sitting and reached around in Gil's bag until she found his potions book.

On her way back, she bent over to Leo. "I can hear you," she said. "And you're testing your own potion, not me or your," she paused, holding up the book and letting Leo fill in the blank for himself, "brother."

She walked back to her seat, sat down, and fliped through Gil's book to the correct page. \n\n
0 Nikki I have eyes; I have ears 0 Nikki 0 5

Gil and Leo

August 01, 2006 1:21 PM
Gil looked up, stunned, as Nikki snatched the knife from his hand and shang-hai'd the cutting board - all without breaking in her litany of mistakes he'd made and how to fix them. His face clouded for a moment, but then he decided that she must still be laboring under the delusions planted in her head by his lamentable conduct at breakfast. He opened his mouth to defend himself, then shut it again. Rinse and repeat. By the time he'd finally figured out what he wanted to say, though, Nikki had shoved her textbook at him and ordered him to read.

"Yes ma'am," he said, his tone a peculiar amalgamation of the offended and the meek. "Jeez... I'm not that much of an idiot. Or an ano," he muttered for her benefit. He looked up to see where she'd gone and found that his partner had abandoned him in favor of Leo - wait, no. Okay. She was just getting Gil's textbook out of his bag.

A few seats in front of them, Leo almost jumped out of his skin when, before Tallow could answer, Nikki appeared at his side. Without a word to him, she began to rummage around in Gil's bag; Leo's eyes followed her golden head and searching hands, but he looked away quickly, almost blushing when she stood back up, Gil's potions text in hand.

"I can hear you. And you're testing your own potion, not on me or your brother," she said very close to his ear. A little shiver ran through Leo - really, he wasn't that much of a touchy-feely person like Gil. Having people in his personal space just wasn't high on his list of Things I Like.

Her comment, however, made him clench his jaw. She thought so little of him to think that he'd actually entertained the idea? He wasn't that much of a berk, no matter how 'un-amiable' his behavior could get sometimes. Besides, Nikki was still the closest thing to a friend he had here. Merlin, that's sad.

"For your information, Ramirez," he hissed, "I wasn't going to anyway. Now you'd better get back before Prince Charming back there blows up the lab."

Without meeting her eyes, he turned back to the simmering cauldron.

"I," he said in a curt undertone to Tallow, "will be testing the potion, and if you say anything about foisting it or any other potion off on other people without their permission, I'll take it to the professor."\n\n
0 Gil and Leo ...she scares <s>me</s> us sometimes. 0 Gil and Leo 0 5

Guenther Heindrich

August 03, 2006 4:18 PM
Guenther heard the word partners and smiled. Ginger was in his class. Maybe she would partner with him. As soon as the teacher was finished lecturing them, he jumped up (though it seemed to startle a few people who weren't used to his height). He walked towards Ginger (who he noticed was with the timid boy that had nearly fainted the year before in COMC class the year before), careful not to bump into anyone and being cautious about hitting the tables that already had the ingredients laid out on them. He wouldn't want to ruin any of their tools by making them fall to the ground either.

Making it to the table where Ginger and the boy, (Was Adam his name?)he stood in front of Ginger and the boy who looked frightened at his height. "Hi!" he said cheerily. "You guys want to be my partners?"

He didn't want to get stuck with Spike again. That would just be awkward, especially as she was increasingly more beautiful than the year before. He hadn't really had a chance to talk to her, but he was sure she was the same old cocky and aggressive Spike. \n\n
0 Guenther Heindrich Tall and friendly....unless you're my little brother! 0 Guenther Heindrich 0 5

Ginger Silverstein

August 03, 2006 5:19 PM
Ginger gently took a seat next to Adam and smiled at him. She hoped that he wouldn't get too nervous, but they were in the back so it was unlikely that he would have a panic attack. It really scared her when that happened the first day back here. She hoped that he was going to be alright. He was just so fragile it was amazing. It was like he was made out of glass.

She suddenly saw Guenther get up from where he was standing and since he was looking at her, she knew what was coming. "Don't worry about Guenther," she said quietly to Adam. "His height is the only intimidating thing about him. He's really nice, and a friend of mine, so I'm sure he'll be nice to you." She said reassuringly. She hoped that Adam believed her.

She smiled at Guenther when he finally got to their table. "Hey there," she said kindly. "Sure you can be our partners," she couldn't turn him away it would be rude. Guenther was one of her first friends that she had made here, she felt a little bad since she didn't ask Adam if he minded. But Adam would probably see that Guenther wasn't the kind of person to fear. Grim and Morgain were, but Guenther wasn't either so it was okay.

"This is Adam," she said sweetly to Guenther. "He's really shy," she whispered. She pulled Guenther a chair so he could work across from them. "I forgot what house he's in," Okay now she felt like an idiot. She had helped Adam out, and talked to him, and was nice to him and she didn't even know what house he was in! Ginger even felt like an idiot for forgetting that the potions teacher was her head of house! And a woman! She really did feel like a typical blond now, and she hated when she felt that way.

0 Ginger Silverstein Well neither one of us are, so we're okay aren't we? 1484 Ginger Silverstein 0 5

Guenther Heindrich

August 04, 2006 1:57 PM
Guenther smiled and took a seat, setting his own supplies on the table. "It's okay. I can't really remember what house you are in either. I can barely remember my own half the time!"

He looked at Adam. "So Adam, what house are you in?" Giving the kid an encouraging smile and started taking the ingredients that they would need out of his potions kit.
0 Guenther Heindrich No, You're safe...I am pretty sure! 0 Guenther Heindrich 0 5

Michael Tallow

August 04, 2006 5:51 PM
Michael's frown twitched. How old did this Idoya kid think he was? Fifty-two? Who used words like that anyway? Pray tell. . .honestly, it sounded like something from Doyle detective story. "The point is the obvious, Idoya: that by giving the potion to someone else to take, neither of us would have to. I thought that fairly apparent."

His words were barely finished when the girl of the pair Michael had suggested foisting the potion off on strolled on up and declared their plan ruined. He shrugged at the girl's- Ramirez Idoya had called her- Ramirez's words. There were plenty of other groups that could be asked. She made it sound like he and Idoya were going to string them up and force the potion down their throats. An image of him cackling and running his hands together while muttering heinous foils flashed briefly. He didn't laugh.

The thought was unrealistic and quite too melodramatic for his personality.

Apparently, though, Idoya must have entertained such notions because when the first year next addressed him it was with the obvious thought that Michael had intended on forcing the potion on others- against their will.

"Idoya, you're lacking in common sense. Firstly, when did I ever say I was going to force someone to drink the potion? I simply said we could get someone else to test it. As in 'ask.' I suppose some due amount of manipulation might have been in order, but that's the person's fault if they fell for it." Michael's eyes widened slightly, his expression more than mildly patronizing. "Use your brain, kid. Or at least pay attention. There's no way I'd get away with stuffing a vial full of this stuff," he pointed to the simmering cauldron, "down someone's throat without the professor noticing."

He checked Idoya's page for the next step and fell into its preparations in a new mood of amiability. It was easy to be less rude when he found he had no stake in the conversation. Besides, Idoya was just silly enough to be interesting. Interesting enough that Michael even deigned to pass along some wise words that he lived by. "Feel free to be petulant, but really Idoya, if you want to act like you don't care, then you need to learn to not care."

It was Michael's adage for life, anyway. By not caring, he could act like he didn't care. It was much harder and far more stressful to pretend to not care; some feelings just can't be hidden, no matter how disciplined. That's what his sister didn't understand. But he did, and that's why he was perfectly fine being friendless and unbothered.

Less to pretend he didn't care about- er, that is, nothing to not care about.\n\n
0 Michael Tallow I don't particularly like sheep. Does that count as scary? 1465 Michael Tallow 0 5

Professor Kijewski

August 04, 2006 7:10 PM
Hello Guenther!

Incase you've forgotten, I'm the CoMC teacher, Professor Kijewski. We really do appreciate all that you contribute to this role-playing community and hope to see future posts with you here.

However, I just want to point out that you have written Adam's response to your height. This is what we consider to be Power-playing.

Power-playing, by definition, is the act of controlling another persons character.

I don't mean to write this out to discourage you in any way. I just wanted to show you a common error in role-playing in hopes that in future posts this error can be fixed.

~Professor K.~

(Marian, I hope you don't mind that I jumped into your class for this OOC.)\n\n
0 Professor Kijewski OOC: 0 Professor Kijewski 0 5


August 04, 2006 10:12 PM
((OOC: Yay!! I got to post again! Using my cousin's computer this time if anyone cares.))

Nikki came dangerously close to grinding her teeth as she found her place in Gil's book. The nerve of that boy. Ramirez? He called her Ramirez now? And that Prince Charming comment. Ugh!

"You're right, you're not, well you know. In fact according to you're brother, you're Prince Charming. I DON'T KNOW WHY HE CARES." she intentionally said the last part loud enough for Leo to hear. She poured the next ingredient into the cauldren. "Sometimes I don't know which one of you to count a friend; your brother won't let me be friends with both of you. He's so JEALOUS" she wanted Leo to hear her, maybe say something to her. Something pleasent, if not amiable. \n\n
0 Nikki Prince Charming my A...pplause for Leo's partner 0 Nikki 0 5

Gil & Leo

August 05, 2006 9:36 PM
Leo shot a swift glare at Tallow began a patronizing speech about his 'plan' for the cheering potion; his lips twisted briefly into a sneer when the older boy called him 'kid.' Merlin, Leo was only younger by a year - maybe even a little less!

As much as Leo rebelled against Tallow's condescension, though, he had to admit that he was a little intrigued by the second-year's lack of interest, and especially by his advice. One of Leo's hands jerked a little as Tallow informed him that to convincingly act like he didn't care, he couldn't care. Maybe that was Leo's problem... he cared too much. And little as he liked Tallow... maybe he's got a point. Maybe I should try just... not caring.

It would certainly, he thought, resisting the urge to look back as Nikki's voice rang out loudly, make things much easier. So in keeping with his new habit, he resolutely blocked out the pretty blond's words - or, at least, tried to.

"I think we just leave it simmer now," he said to Tallow, his tone as nonchalant as he could manage, "until it turns canary yellow." No mention of Tallow's condescension or advice, or Nikki's outburst. Better.


Gil blinked as Nikki rejoined him and immediately began talking - well, ranting was almost a better word for it. Though at least she admitted she'd realized Gil wasn't such a jerk after all. That's something.

"You're right, you're not, well you know. In fact according to your brother, you're Prince Charming. I DON'T KNOW WHY HE CARES. Sometimes I don't know which one of you to count a friend; your brother won't let me be friends with both of you. He's so JEALOUS."

Oh. Well. That explained quite a bit. Leo wasn't mad at Gil - at least, not about the Quidditch thing. He... he thought Gil was stealing Nikki's friendship, maybe? Oh, no...

This time, the younger twin winced, and put a calming hand on the fuming girl's arm. "Nikki, calm down," he whispered soothingly. "Look, I know he can say stupid things sometimes - he's like me, doesn't think before he speaks. And I think he's not really jealous - he's scared. He's afraid you don't like him anymore. So he... oh, Merlin. I don't know." He shook his head, sitting back in his chair and returning both hands to his lap. He glanced up a moment later. "And you know, Nikki, no matter what Leo thinks, you can be friends with both of us."\n\n
0 Gil & Leo Response to both Nikki and Michael... wow I'm good. 0 Gil & Leo 0 5


August 06, 2006 12:33 AM
With a little luck (the halls had been crowded) and a little knowledge of male mentality (no self-respecting guy was going to be caught dead hanging around the door of the girl's bathroom), Helena had managed to shake off her brother, arriving in class several minutes after he had already entered, sat, and gotten out his things. Ignoring the pointed look he shot her way, she slid into a seat a good distance away from his and began getting out her own class materials, willing herself to pretend that Geoff didn't exist. He had to learn that she could take care of herself. The lesson began mercifully soon, distracting her.

One look at Geoffrey after Connell released them proved that hesitating when it came to the partner search was a bad idea. If she tried it, she might find herself being physically dragged across the room. Trying to ignore a sensation suspiciously like guilt at deliberately avoiding her sibling, she began moving away from her seat as if she knew exactly where she was headed, looking around for someone who appeared partnerless. Luck came to her aid for a second time when she spotted a red-headed girl who was either doing the same thing or doing a very good impression of it.

"Hi," she said, walking towards the girl and holding out her hand, trying not to think about how bad of an idea this might be. Working with Geoffrey would be worse, not least because he was even more of an insufferable know-it-all than usual when it came to this particular subject. "I'm Helena, Crotalus. Do you need a partner?" Go make friends she silently willed her brother. He did have the grace to move after a moment, but she doubted he was going to follow the remainder of the order. Oh, well. Nobody could have everything. \n\n
16 Helena There's always one more. 88 Helena 0 5


August 08, 2006 1:34 AM
Elly’s answer confused her. She followed her friend’s glance to see who Elly was talking about, but couldn’t tell. Obviously, whoever it was, Elly had a problem with the kid.

“Which one are you talking about?” she asked, genuinely confused. Meredith hadn’t met anyone she didn’t like yet.

Meredith caught the root Elly tossed her way and nodded in response. Alright, she had to mash a root. If her mother had to mash something that was tough like a root, she’d probably have to cut it and then mash the smaller pieces, like what she did with garlic. She liked using garlic in her dishes. She said it was good for you. Meredith’s mother made her stay in the kitchen sometimes trying to teach her basic skills like cooking. It was an important thing to know whether you had a husband or lived on your own, she’d say. She mainly cared about when Meredith would find a husband. Meredith rolled her eyes at the thought, but tried to do what her mother did and began mashing the asphodel root.

“You know, my Grandma makes the best ginger cookies.” Elly mentioned

Meredith looked up from her mashing. Elly was staring at her ginger. Maybe she missed her grandmother. Homesickness. Meredith had thought about home plenty of times without feeling homesick. Maybe it was because being at Sonora was a lot like being at home. Magic was nothing new to her and neither were lessons, but it must be so different for Elly who was a muggleborn.

“Mama likes to cook and bake and she’s a muggle too. She prefers cooking, but she can make a mighty good apple pie. I’ll bet if they ever met, her and your grandma, they’d get along real nicely.” Meredith grinned and continued mashing. Elly gave a sudden exclamation as she pulled out her mortar and pestle to grind the ginger. Meredith looked at her again. She seemed suddenly cheered up. Meredith smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

“Go for it!” she cheered her on.

When she was done with her mashing, she moved it to a separate pile and waited for Elly. After she was done, all the ingredients will have been dealt with and they could start making this cheering potion. She’d say that Elly could try it to help her cheer up from being homesick, but Meredith wasn’t going to risk poisoning her friend. But to be honest, she didn’t think this potion would turn out too badly.\n\n
0 Meredith You know what? You're right. 0 Meredith 0 5

Geoffrey Spindler

August 08, 2006 10:22 AM
Geoffrey entered the Potions classroom trying to remind himself that he was a second year now, and that on top of that he was supposed to be being more sociable. He dreaded what his grandmother would say if he could only list one more person on his list of aquaintances. It seemed so important to her. And to his Father too. He dreaded disappointing them both almost as much as he dreaded whatever his mother was going to say to him next time he saw her.

She hadn't been very happy with the new broom, and her comments about him making the house team had been spiteful, pointed, barbed and... well, the usual really. But it had hurt more as he had begun to think that he had really achieved something good. Just thinking about it was enough to send him slinking to a seat on his own until the need for partners was mentioned. Partners. No problem. Forced aquaintance, and if he could get into a group with two, less focus on himself with the opportunity to put two more names on the list.

He noticed a girl with a Crotali badge moving and got up, following her in as shadowlike a movement as the pudgy second year could muster, trying to work out the best words to use to see if she needed a partner. Before he could do so she was holding out her hand and approaching another girl. Geoff paused, unsure if he wanted to be outnumbered by two girls. What if they were just like his mother? Or even his grandmother?

But Jennifer was a girl, he reminded himself. And she was nice. They didn't all have to be scary or mean or anything like that. And the girl he thought he recognised from last year had a nice smile. He pushed himself forward, reminding himself that he wasn't exactly useless either. Following the instructions was something he excelled at, so potions was something he generally found to be easy enough.

But when it came down to it he still managed to dither, only half managing to look the girls in the eye as he asked the quietly, "do you have room for one more?"\n\n
39 Geoffrey Spindler Or two 79 Geoffrey Spindler 0 5

Melanie Rose

August 09, 2006 3:25 AM
Melanie arrived late to class but caught on quickly. She was missing on major thing for the class. A partner. Her eyes scanned the room but shrugged off looking for a partner as she decided to atleast get started on the potion.

Opening her book to the correct page, she read it over. It didn't seem too tricky as long as the ingredients were correctly measured and put in. She opened her case of ingredients and hummed as she started getting ready. Cooking was a hobby of hers and she didn't mind doing the preporations for it.\n\n
0 Melanie Rose Late to class and still has yet to find a partner... 0 Melanie Rose 0 5

Adam B.

August 09, 2006 5:20 PM
Adam sighed with relief when he realized it was Ginger. "Yea,, I'm better." For now, he was fine. Just a bit anxious about the partner thing, but he would be working with Ginger, who was his friend. At least, Adam hoped she was. Even if he didn't know why she bothered. Pepper, he at least knew, was asked by Kaylie and Teppenpaws were compassionate by nature. It was why they were in Teppenpaw.

The next thing Ginger said confused him. Who was Gunther and why was she trying to assure Adam he was nice? Adam hadn't had a run-in with anyone by that name. He'd never even met a Gunther. Unless it was that boy from outside the hall. But Ginger hadn't seemed to be friends with him.

Things were made clear a moment later when a really tall boy approached them. Adam recognized him from Care of Magical Creatures the year before. He was one of the ones who'd been around when he'd had his first attack. That alone made him intimidating. What if Ginger decided to work with him instead of Adam? He wouldn't have blamed her. But then Adam would have to find another partner and Pepper already had two! Gunther wasn't going to want to work with him .

Instead, Gunther asked to join them and Ginger agreed. Adam's stomach began to knot up. What if the tall boy teased him about the incident last year?

He got even more nervous when the subject of houses got brought up. "Um, Crotalus." Adam whispered, gesturing nervously at the patch on his robe. Now they were sure to not want anything to with him! The rest of the school hated members of his house. They were viewed as completely stuck-up.

Adam looked down, ashamed, and began chopping up ingredients. He waited for their reactions.\n\n
11 Adam B. Really?? 78 Adam B. 0 5

Ginger Silverstein

August 09, 2006 6:05 PM
Ginger smiled at him when he told her that he was better. She was terrified of leaving Adam alone with the medic. She now considered trying to get better with muggle medicines whenever she got sick or hurt. She didn't want to go to the medic unless she really really had to. She didn't like him very much from what she saw of him. Had he ever heard of moral support? Adam obviously needed it, and his sister the medic didn't seem to care.

She began to boil the water as she grated her namesake ingrediant into powder. She stopped when Adam told her that he was in Crotalus.

Ginger didn't know much about people in that house, but she had heard rumors about people in that house being snobby and mean. The mystery of it was that Adam wasn't snobby or mean. He was really fragile, and nice.

She raised her eyebrow. She wanted to say "What are you doing in there? But she didn't want to be rude. The seeker of the Crotalus team didn't seem snobby. It wasn't a snobby or mean thing to save Saul from falling last year. Perhaps only a few of the Crotali were snobby, and that was just a steriotype that Adam didn't fit. Maybe he was only in there because he was a pureblood, but Ginger wasn't really sure that he was a pureblood, but it was possible.

Ginger had a feeling that her house had a sterotype as well. Someone funloving, outgoing, perky, and hyper seemed to be the standard Pecari. Ginger did like to have fun, but she wasn't the perky type. She was shy, and it made her wonder if she fit into her own house herself.

She honestly didn't know what to say about him being in Crotalus. He sure didn't look happy to be in it. "You don't seem very happy about it," she said in an understanding voice. "You must be the kind of person that doesn't fit the steriotype." That was one thing they had in common, but it made her sort of worry about him.

She wanted to somehow let him know that it didn't make her like him any less. "You're still cool though," she said with a smile.
0 Ginger Silverstein See? You're going to be fine. 1484 Ginger Silverstein 0 5


August 13, 2006 6:43 AM
Elly began grinding the ginger, finding it equally as therapeutic as shredding the fluxweed. She thought about Meredith’s comment that should Meredith’s mother ever meet Elly’s grandmother they would get along ‘real nicely’. As far as she was aware, Elly’s grandmother didn’t know her only grandchild was a witch. But then Meredith’s mother was a Muggle, too, so perhaps they would get along okay. Elly discovered that she would quite like to meet Meredith’s family, especially her brothers. She didn’t want Meredith to meet her family though, especially not her mother. Elly couldn’t remember ever getting along with her mother, and they had barely spoken to each other since they discovered Elly was a witch.

Elly was distracted from her musings as she heard raised voices across the classroom. She looked up to see Nikki seething at an Idoya – she couldn’t tell which one. She sighed and turned back to Meredith.
“That Mexican…” she said, shaking her head. “I dunno what her problem is; she seems to be trying not to make friends. She makes Caedence look friendly.” She smiled at Meredith. “Anyway…” Elly didn’t want to seem unfriendly. After all, she had gotten on well with most people she had met so far. It was, she supposed, inevitable that she would clash with someone, particularly as she was often far too outspoken for most people’s likings.

She looked up to note that Meredith had finished mashing her root, so hastily returned to grinding the ginger. She surveyed the prepared ingredients and thought they were coming along quite well. Satisfied with her task, Elly replaced her pestle and mortar on the table, brushed off her hands and placed them on her hips. “Now what?”
0 Elly I often am. 0 Elly 0 5


August 19, 2006 6:50 PM
Nikki spoke again, quieter, "I think he's mad at me. I told him he should remember that he's more than just 'the heir to the patriarch of La Familia Idoya.' I know he doesn't really want that to be his whole life but he acts like it is. He's not jealous of our friendship Gil, he's jealous of you. He wants to be able to make friends, and to be a kid, I just know it." she paused "Gil, I just want to know who he's doing it for. Is he trying to live up to your grandfather's expectations? Or trying not to become like your father, who's position as heir got skipped and passed on to Leo? Or protecting you?" She looked down.

"Or am I completely off track?" she asked "It's just hard. I'm used to everyone being themselves. But with Leo, it's like, whenever you think your close, it changes, whenever you think you can find the truth, he finds another way to hide it. I don't know." she was pouring out everything to Gil like he was a pensieve. But maybe in this case, Gilberto Idoya could be her pensieve, maybe he could help her understand his mysterious brother.\n\n
0 Nikki Ramirez's theory of 'Leonardo-ity' 0 Nikki 0 5

Adam B.

August 19, 2006 7:41 PM
Adam continued meticulously chopping up the fluxweed. He knew it could be dangerous if it wasn't prepared correctly. Any potion could. He felt the need to focus his full attention on it. Not so much because of a need to not cause a small disaster, though he certainly didn't want to do that either, because he'd embarass himself. It was more because Adam felt awkward and nervous and wanted desperately not to think about their reactions. Ginger would probably want nothing to do with him at all and Gunther was going to think he was a snob. They both probably would.

"You don't seem very happy about it. You must be the kind of person that doesn't fit the steriotype."

Adam stopped chopping. "I hate it." He replied. If it had just been Ginger there, he might have poured out the whole story about how he felt alone and scared. How he felt he didn't belong at all. How he was terrified being seperated from his sister and felt most uncomfortable with the other Crotali. However, Gunther's presence stopped him. Adam was sure if he blurted out all that, Gunther would tease him. He'd sort of gotten the impression guys who weren't macho weren't well liked at Sonora. Sharing feelings was widely regarded as a girl thing and decidedly un-macho. Not to mention, Adam would probably start to cry, which was even worse. Gunther probably already found him totally wimpy after last year in Care of Magical Creatures. Adam knew he'd never be like the other boys at Sonora. It just wasn't who he was. He didn't like flying or Quidditch and he didn't hate girls. He just wished they'd accept him for who he was, or at least not pick on him. (Though Adam had yet to actually be teased or looked down on by anyone that he knew of.)

The next thing Ginger said blew him away. Adam blinked several times. The only time anyone had ever said he was cool had been in a sarcastic manner. He turned bright red and manage to stutter out "T-thanks." Adam looked down at the fluxweed and tried to assure himself that she was being sincere and that she and Gunther were not laughing at him inside.\n\n
11 Adam B. I'm not convinced 78 Adam B. 0 5


August 19, 2006 8:49 PM
Gil winced as Nikki uttered that awful word - patriarch. His least favorite word in either of his languages. He'd heard it so many times it should by now have lost all poison, and it had from his father and grandfather - but these past few years, hearing it fall from his twin's lips... it was just painful, really. And Nikki had hit the nail smack on the head at least a few times with her analysis. Really, these Aladrens are almost scary sometimes they're so smart.

"You have to understand, Nikki," he said lowly, not wanting Leo to hear them. "Leo didn't have a choice, and he's been hearing this all his life. We're twins, yeah, and grew up together, but really, I was raised by Mami, he was raised by Abuelo and Papi. I can't fathom half the things he does, and he only does them because of them. He's not like that, not really. Not when he's just around me, when he feels like he can just be Leo and not Leonardo the Third." His voice became a little bitter, and he realized he might not be making that much sense to Nikki anymore. "Yes, he's doing it for Abuelo - or because of Abuelo, anyway. He's not afraid of being like Papi; he's much stronger than Papi, no matter what he does." That was the honest truth; even Leo II saw it. "And protecting me..." he pressed his lips. "He always has tried to. He almost got drowned by a grindylow once - it had gotten hold of me while I was swimming, and... well, he almost died, anyway."

A bitter smirk crossed his face, an expression not often seen there. It made him look much more like Leo, he knew, despite his warm brown eyes. "He's like a walking Shakespearean tragedy, isn't he? And eleven...." He shook his head. "And I know what you mean about Leo hiding everything. You'll get used to it eventually."

He looked up towards where his brother sat, stiff in his seat. "And don't pity him too much," he said, forcing his voice to harden a little. "He doesn't need any more drama."\n\n
0 Gil And this, I'm thinking, is why you're an Aladren. 0 Gil 0 5


August 20, 2006 12:29 PM
Nikki noticed Gil shiver a little as she spoke. Then when he responded, he said nothing about Leo being jealous of him. She wondered what was going on in Gil's head.

"Yeah, he's a Shakespearian tradgedy all right." Nikki agreed. "Maybe The Tempest. Actually, more like if Comedy of Errors was a tradgedy." Nikki had no idea whether or not Gil knew what she was talking about. He didn't seem like the kind of guy that would read Shakespeare, and she was positive that he hadn't seen any of the movies, considering he was pure-blood.

"But you're lucky to have him as a brother." she said "My brothers wouldn't risk their lives to save me. Benito would probably have been the one to throw me to the grindylow in the first place." But then, Gil had just said, or implied rather, that Leo was not the person he wanted to be around Gil sometimes. If he couldn't be himself around Gil, how could he possibly be himself around Nikki.

Nikki was beginning to wonder about Abuelito and Leo I now. Abuelito was the kind of person that was somewhere between herself and Gil. Had he been trying to figure out his friend too? Abuelito had always described the twins grandfather as, well, being like Gil. But the twins described him as more of a Leo. Was Abuelito wrong? Or had the other man changed? If he had changed, then why?

'I think too much.' Nikki said to herself 'But I really want to know.'\n\n
0 Nikki No, this is why I'm an Aladren 0 Nikki 0 5

Saul Pierce

September 03, 2006 10:35 AM
"Belladona," Saul repeated, trying to remember if that was a plant product or an animal product. It probably didn't matter. "It's the one in the package that says 'Belladona'."

To demonstrate, he went through his own kit until he found the one with the belladona label written in his mother's scrawl. "Looks like a bunch of leaves." He held it up for Echo to see. "Like this." Mom had even helpfully written 'Poisonous - DO NOT EAT THIS!' on it, not that Saul was likely to try. His relatives had this overly optimistic opinion about Saul's willingness to eat things that looked like leaves. They kept feeding him salads.

"Okay, the other first thing we have to do, besides find the ingredients, is fill a cauldron with water and get it boiling. Do you want to do that, or keep looking for, um," he looked at the next item, "water beetles and stuff?"\n\n
1 Saul Pierce We brew 82 Saul Pierce 0 5

Echo Elms

September 03, 2006 3:04 PM
Echo looked doubtfully at the cauldron. He didn't see a fire to put it on or a faucet anywhere. "I'll, uh, find the stuff."

He pawed through his kit and found that, like Saul's, his ingredients were all conveniently labeled. There was no magic involved in figuring out what was what. Cool.

He skipped belladonna since Saul had already found that, and found the water beetles (dried) and continued on down the list. He got the feeling they were already organized according to some incomprehensible system, but he promised himself that by tomorrow it would be alphabetical.

"Okay, Saul," he said when he found all the stuff. Step one said to add the three leaves of belladonna to the boiling pot and let it absorb into the water like tea. Well, that wasn't quite what it said, but it something like that. "Are we boiling yet?"\n\n
21 Echo Elms You brew. I'll find stuff. 93 Echo Elms 0 5

Saul Pierce

September 04, 2006 12:37 PM
When the kid said he'd do the finding, Saul hefted his own cauldron up onto their table, and grunted, "All right," as he did so. It wasn't so much that the thing was heavy as there was just so much more effect in acting like it was. Besides, grunting was good for the soul, or so one of his more lazy uncles had told him during his impressionable youth.

He then took out his wand to perform the lazy wizard's charm of Aquor so he didn't need to go find whereever the teacher was keeping the sink. To impress his young partner, he affected a casual air and cast, "Aquor," in a terribly bored tone of voice. The performance probably would have had more impact if the spell had filled up more than a quarter of the cauldron.

He gave the inadequate water level a dark frown for betraying him, then cast the spell again, putting enough oomph behind it to fill the thing the rest of the way. Well, to three quarters full because there still needed to be room for adding ingredients and stirring and stuff.

Now with enough water to brew their potion, he worked toward bringing it up to boiling with a heating spell. Unlike Transfigurations, he was actually pretty good with these charms, and he felt better about his abysmal performance in the previous class when the first bubbles started to simmer up to the surface.

"Are we boiling yet?" Saul looked toward the kid who appeared to have found all the ingredients already. He gave another look down into the barely simmering water. You could start when it was just simmering, right? He was pretty sure you could. Besides, by the time they figured out what they were doing it would probably be at a full boil.

"Close enough," he confirmed with assurance. "Now we look at the steps shown in the book and get stuff ready." He consulted the book and pointed to the first step, we're gonna need to count out three belladonna leaves," his finger dropped down two the third step, "crush the beetles," he moved onto the fourth step, "chop the sneezewort, and so on." He re-read the second step, "But we're just going to let the belladona sit for five minutes so we can probably put that in now and do the rest of the stuff while we're waiting. Got it?"\n\n
1 Saul Pierce Sounds good 82 Saul Pierce 0 5

Echo Elms

September 04, 2006 12:58 PM
"Okay," Echo agreed. He counted out three leaves and wondered, momentarily if it was okay if one was a little smaller than the others. Do you compensate for that by putting in two little ones, or is three leaves three leaves any way you look at it? Well, he decided, this was magic not baking, so a leaf was a leaf was a leaf. Besides, maybe the other two were bigger than normal and that would compensate.

He hesitated, holding them over the not quite boiling water. Before he dropped them in he wanted some confirmation that he was indeed doing this right. But Saul had already said it was right, right? He tossed them in.

Crushing beetles and chopping sneezewort required certain tools. He glanced around. Other kids didn't seem to have the same stuff out as they did. But, then, they didn't have Saul to figure stuff out -- like water and heat. Saul used spells for those -- "a-cor" and whatever the other one was -- but now that he was looking he saw a few splashing cauldrons being hauled from a previously obscurred sink on the other end of the room.

Crushing sounded interesting. Echo decided he wanted to try that one. He looked in his kit again, hoping to find a mallet or something equally crazy, but all he found was a plain silver handled knife. It didn't even look sharp enough for chopping.

On the plus side, the water was definitely boiling now.

"Right, so, how do we crush and chop?"\n\n
21 Echo Elms Adding the belladona 93 Echo Elms 0 5

Guenther Heindrich

November 05, 2006 9:28 PM
Guenther worked in silence for a few more minutes, carefully adding the ingredients. He really hoped he didn't get any of the mixture wrong. He didn't want to be the cause of a major explosion or something like that. His mother still had a scar on her neck from a potion she mixed incorrectly.

It didn't help that he had no idea what to say to Adam to make him feel better about his house. He didn't have much experience with people; but if he was in Adam's shoes, he knew what would make him feel better.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said out of the blue, "You know, I am not the stereotypical Aladren. I really don't see how they put me in my house. I don't think I am a very logical person. I am not very bright either. Everytime I try to do something, I drop things or I bump them. It gets frustrating because as much as I try to learn, I can't learn easily. You seem pretty cool though, Adam. I don't know how anyone could place you in the house you are in."\n\n
0 Guenther Heindrich Well, you should be. You're awesome. 0 Guenther Heindrich 0 5