Leo Idoya


All Time

Total Posts: 10
Total Threads: 8
Total Words: 3360
Longest Post: 475 words
Longest Thread: 35 posts

All Posts by Leo Idoya

SA5: Looks like it... written by on Labyrinth Gardens (252 words)
SA5: Mind if I join you? written by on Labyrinth Gardens (184 words)
SA4: No problem, Doc written by on Hospital Wing (183 words)
SA4: Concussed and confused and I want my brother. written by on Hospital Wing (168 words)
SA4: Wondering what I got myself into. . . written by on Potions (200 words)
SA4: Kill-joy. written by on Potions (380 words)
SA4: Straight out of the blue, that one. written by on Potions (475 words)
SA4: No points for trying? written by on Care of Magical Creatures (436 words)
SA4: Seeking solace... written by on Labyrinth Gardens (397 words)
SA4: Like taxes and rain, pal. written by on Cascade Hall (184 words)
SA4: Making a timely retreat. written by on Cascade Hall (152 words)
SA4: You must be blind as well as loud... written by on Cascade Hall (284 words)
SA4: Sí... written by on Care of Magical Creatures (140 words)
SA4: "Everything" is perfectly fine, thank you-oh-so-very-much. written by on Care of Magical Creatures (424 words)
SA4: Firstie with a mission! written by on Cascade Hall (286 words)
SA4: Huh. A talking plant. Of <i>course</i>. written by on Cascade Hall (226 words)