Professor Nathan Xavier

August 17, 2018 11:29 AM
It was the third Tuesday in September and Sonora was in the last holdout of summer. As the advanced students walked through the Gardens to their 8 AM Herbology class in Greenhouse Two, it was already 84 degrees Fahrenheit. And since greenhouses were specifically designed to hold in heat, it was even warmer inside.

“I recommend cooling charms, today,” he suggested as he handed back last week’s essay to the incoming students. Last week hadn’t been quite so bad, but the temperatures had been rising since Sunday, and after doing some class prep in the greenhouses yesterday, he had decided spending as little time within the glass walls as possible was more important than keeping to his syllabus.

Once every was inside, he began the lesson. “The plan was to keep going over the properties and uses of the Venomous Tentacula, and start growing some, but given the heat, I think we’re going change plans a bit. Follow me outside. Bring your wands.” For as warm as it was outside, it was worse in the greenhouse. Even after just that short introduction it felt good to get out into the fresh air again.

Once they were all out and congregated in the shade of a tree, he continued, “This will be our first RATS review lesson of the year. As you know, the RATS will focus mostly on Advanced material, but it could ask questions from as early as Beginner lessons. So today,” he waved his wand and parchments flew out to each student (Nevaeh’s was, of course, in Braille), “we will be finding examples of each of these plants that we’ve studied in Beginner and Intermediate lessons. The Herbology practical will require you to identify a number of plants, so this ought to be good practice and a bit more fun than just picking plants out from a line up. You may work in pairs if you like, but fill out each of your sheets individually. For each plant listed, use your wand to tap the plant name on your sheet and then the plant that you’ve found somewhere in the gardens. There’s an enchantment on your lists that will mark it as found when you correctly find the right kind. I don’t expect you to find everything on the list, but you’ll get points for each different type of plant you can locate. You may begin.”

OOC: The list is pretty comprehensive so if it can grow in Arizona’s climate and isn’t horrendously dangerous, it’s probably on there. Pretty ones are planted intentionally throughout the labyrinth, others are growing as weeds, and some Nathan has planted either in potion ingredient gardens or hidden around the labyrinth specifically for scavenger hunts like this.
1 Professor Nathan Xavier Advanced Herbology: Escaping the heat 28 Professor Nathan Xavier 1 5

Finn Scott, Teppenpaw

September 12, 2018 4:18 PM
Finn’s summer had been, as ever, entirely predictable and wholly enjoyable. It had been a mix of fun with his cousins Rihana and Roxana (mostly centred around long rides out into the woods surrounding the extensive Scott estate), dancing at various society balls, and more serious times with his grandfather and father. As he got older, more was expected of him by his family, and his mother was always happy to flaunt her handsome young son at every ball she could take him too. Finn didn’t object to this, having found that balls were quite to his taste, and also understanding the importance of keeping the Scott name known in society. Family was very important to him. Finn’s mother was of the same opinion, and had pushed Finn to dance with a range of appropriate pureblooded girls, knowing that her son would be looking to marry not too long after he left Sonora. She couldn’t wait for that to happen, looking forward to gaining a daughter who would support Finn in furthering the family name, and who would bring the next generation of Scotts into the world.

Finn was also being brought more and more into the family business, in preparation for when he left Sonora in just under two years’ time. His grandfather was planning to retire soon, leaving Finn’s father in charge, with Finn taking up the supporting role that his father had previously held. The Maryland branch of the East Scotts were skilled in increasing their wealth through strategic investments and deals, and Finn enjoyed the business world. He was more than happy with the role his family had prepared for him to take over.

But, for now, such things were no longer a daily matter. Finn was back at Sonora, feeling ridiculously old as the tiny new first years roamed the corridors. He was glad to be finally in the advanced classes, preferring the smaller groups to the sometimes chaotic larger classes that were comprised of the middle three years. Not wanting to stretch himself too thin with his RATS classes, Finn had limited himself to four subjects, but had found it hard to choose between Transfiguration and Herbology. Transfiguration had, in his mind, been the more logical and useful choice, but given his love for the outdoors, he’d had to choose Herbology.

Today’s lesson was on a rather hot day, and Finn was quick to follow Professor Xavier’s advice and cast a cooling charm. Today’s lesson sounded like a fun one, like a sort of scavenger hunt. Finn was all for having fun whilst learning, and it was too nice a day to be indoors.

Professor Xavier’s suggestion of working in pairs meant Finn was soon looking round for Juniper. He’d written to his friend a few times over the summer, chatty letters with details about his horse, dogs, and the things he’d been up to. Juniper had replied, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was a little off between them. He hoped that his decision to ask Gwen to the ball rather than repeating first year and attending with Juniper hadn’t upset her. He and Gwen had had a lovely time, and Finn didn’t regret that, but he also didn’t want to hurt Juniper and make her feel passed over. However, given her dislike of balls, he thought that it had probably been the best solution for everyone.

“Hey Juniper, want to work together?” he asked, smiling at the girl who was one of his best friends. “Do you want me to cast a cooling charm for you?” He wasn’t doubting Juniper’s ability to cast one for herself, and was simply offering his help in the gentlemanly way that he’d been taught was how to treat a lady.
9 Finn Scott, Teppenpaw Hopefully not taking the heat...[Tag Juniper] 347 Finn Scott, Teppenpaw 0 5

Juniper Brockert, Teppenpaw

September 19, 2018 5:37 PM
Ever since she'd found out about Finn taking Gwen Fintoc to the ball, Juniper had been sort of on a downward spiral. Not that she done anything dramatic like not shower because that was genuinely gross and anyway, she was fearful enough of judgement about not looking-or smelling-good so she was as well groomed and made up as usual. However, she wasn't eating as much because she was so depressed that she had no appetite and thus lost weight. Juniper also was subject to frequent bouts of crying and was now fighting red puffy eyes with a lot of potions and make-up.

She felt so down and hopeless. Finn must of asked Gwen because he liked her not Juniper. Probably because Gwen was more outgoing than she was. The sixth year hated herself, obviously she wasn't good enough. The only thing she had going for her was her family name and there were lots of other Brockert girls around. Or girls descended from female Brockerts like Tasha and Arianna Tate. Nobody was going to ever want her for any other reason and she'd likely be married off to whomever she could get who'd only likely want her for the connections Juniper brought with her.

So summer had been truly unpleasant. Even though Father was sympathetic and worried and Duncan had threatened to do bodily harm to Finn and Tasha had gone to the midsummer ball at Sonora and glared at Gwen as proxy for her, she received absolutely no sympathy from her mother. Therefore Juniper had been forced into attending balls, where on top of her usual discomfort sending running off into the bathroom, she'd also been unable to keep from crying which had only led to lectures from her mother, who also said she couldn't blame Finn for wanting Gwen instead of her since she was so shy and that Juniper needed to go back and meet other boys.

But even if she hadn't been exceedingly terrified of meeting people, she didn't want someone else, she wanted Finn. And he didn't want her and that was devastating. While Juniper had never been an especially showy person, she was now a shadow of her already reticent self. All she wanted to do was being somewhere now with her horse Butterscotch and the other animals that lived on their ranch, away from everyone human.

Because humans hurt her. Finn had and Mother had and of course, she blamed Gwen as well. Yes, Juniper knew there were animals who would harm her too but somehow, people were crueler. Even though Finn had written to her and she had written back, it still hurt a lot. But she wanted him in her life so bad and it would have been rude not to respond anyway. Still, it felt like it was a consolation prize. All he wanted to be with her was friends because clearly he wanted to be with Gwen. Juniper knew there were other reasons why people asked people to balls, but Finn wasn't prefect or Head Student so he didn't need a date and even if he had, he could have asked her . The Teppenpaw obviously loathed balls, but for him she would have done it.

Juniper had signed up for Herbology for one reason and one reason only, because it usually had fewer people in it than other subjects. That had also made COMC even more appealing than it was in general, but she wasn't taking that because of the fewer people, it was because she loved animals more than anything. And Transfig, despite being something people usually kept, was a must because not only was she a Brockert, but she wanted to be an animagus.

Unfortunately, it was absolutely baking today in there. Juniper felt like she was some juicy oven-cooked dish because it was so hot. Outside was only a bit better. However, the lesson seemed not that much of an issue anyway. Juniper did fairly well on her studies and got decent enough grades so she could easily identify plants.

Before she could get started, Finn approached her. Butterflies began to beat in Juniper's stomach and her heart ached. Even though she'd long since been comfortable around him things were different now. It seemed she mattered to him, but not as much as she wanted to or as much as he did to her. Juniper even thought that if Gwen was in there class, Finn would choose the younger girl over her. Again.

However, the desperate part of her, the part that was grateful for any little bit of attention from him readily agreed. "Sure, that would be nice. Thank you." She replied in a tone that was more timid and unsure than she had been with Finn prior, more like she was with everyone else.
11 Juniper Brockert, Teppenpaw Then be glad you're not talking to my brother 345 Juniper Brockert, Teppenpaw 0 5


September 26, 2018 4:16 PM
Finn had to admit he was a little worried about Juniper. She seemed to have lost weight over the summer, and just generally didn’t seem very happy. Her reply to his questions didn’t ease his concern. Sure, he knew that Juniper was the more introverted type of person (a fact he was very aware of, given that it had led to lots of consideration regarding the ball last midsummer), but she wasn’t normally so shy around him. They’d been friends for over five years now, and in that time Juniper had grown more comfortable in his presence, just as her reliable and comforting friendship had been one of the things that had helped him find his confidence at Sonora. And yet, despite that, the way she was speaking to him now didn’t seem to reflect that as much as he’d come to find usual.

The feeling of hurt this brought was quickly rendered unimportant by his anxiety on Juniper’s behalf. He couldn’t think what had happened to make her feel unsure around him. He hadn’t noticed anyone being mean to her or anything, although he resolved to keep an eye out. If she was suffering any bullying or teasing, he would have to do something about that.

Still, she had said she was happy to work with him. That was something, at any rate. Finn quickly cast a cooling charm on her, focussing to make sure it was one of his better charms. He didn’t want to cast a second-rate charm on Juniper.

“Is everything ok?” he asked, concern lacing his voice. He couldn’t not ask her, even though he didn’t think she’d appreciate such a form of attention. He cared about her too much to stay silent when he was worried about her. If there was anything he could do to help, he needed to know.
9 Finn I'd willingly risk his wrath to find out what's wrong 347 Finn 0 5


November 10, 2018 11:48 PM
The charm quickly took effect and made Juniper feel better-physically anyway. Or at least, in the sense that she wasn't hot anymore. That was probably the one drawback to Herbology, it was awfully hot in the greenhouses.

However, what Finn said next made Juniper freeze and sweat at the same time. Was something wrong? Everything was wrong, everything! He didn't want her, he wanted Gwen Fintoc. The sixth year wasn't good enough for him. Finn clearly only liked her as a friend because if he felt the way about her that she felt about him, he'd have never asked someone else to the ball.

But she couldn't say that. First of all, it would make her look jealous and that wasn't a good emotion to show, even though it was true. She was jealous of Gwen. At the moment, the other girl was everything Juniper wasn't and that her mother-and apparently Finn-wanted her to be. That the entire world wanted her to be.

And Gwen had what the sixth year girl wanted most....Finn's heart. That was the other reason Juniper couldn't say what was wrong and how hurt she was. She didn't want to confess she had feelings for him. Especially now when he was just probably going to say that he was sorry and that he didn't feel that way and that he was in love with Gwen. He had to be after all. There was no other reason that he'd ask the younger girl to the ball rather than Juniper. None.

So she said what she had to say to not make things worse. Because if Finn said that to her, Juniper would likely start crying right here in class and that would be humiliating. And it would probably get around the entire school and everything would be even worse for her. "I-I'm fine. Just a little hot but that cooling charm is helping quite a bit so thank you." She replied, her voice betraying her words.

OOC-Sorry it took so long
11 Juniper Yeah, he's not that scary 345 Juniper 0 5


November 13, 2018 4:49 PM
Juniper seemed to brush off Finn’s question, which was…to be expected, really. He doubted that the heat was really to blame for her loss of weight and air of sadness. Sure, heat could be unpleasant, but in the wizarding world it was something that was easily solved. As she was of age, Juniper wouldn’t even have had to rely on somebody to cast cooling charms for her over the holiday. No, there was definitely something more going on. However, he knew that it wouldn’t be fair on Juniper to push her for an answer, even though he was worried about her and wanted nothing more than to help. All he could do was be a good friend and hope that, if the problem persisted, she would talk to him about it.

“You’re welcome,” he replied, glad that he could still be of service to her in some small way. It was better than nothing, even if a cooling charm was easy.

He looked down the list of plants, not sure which to go for first. “Do you have a preference for where to start?” he consulted Juniper. “Or shall we just wander around and see what we spot first?”

As they started walking, he still couldn’t dismiss his concerns entirely from his mind. “You would tell me if something was really wrong, wouldn’t you?” he asked, worry and care lacing his voice. “You know I’ll always be here to help you in any way I can.”

OOC: Don't worry, I'm not always the most prompt myself!
9 Finn I'd even risk scary for you 347 Finn 0 5


December 19, 2018 3:15 PM
Juniper wondered if Finn really believed her when she said she was okay. She hoped so. Even though she had been hurt deeply by him asking Gwen to the ball and she really wasn't okay, she didn't want him to be mad at her for getting jealous. Nor did she want to worry him the way she had Duncan and Tasha and Father and even some of the ghosts.

Not Mother though. She had no sympathy whatsoever for Juniper. Which hurt probably as much as Finn's actions. The Teppenpaw wasn't sure which was worse. She should know by now not to expect much from her mother who had spent the last sixteen years being disappointed in her. Why would things change now?

Still, she was Juniper's mother . Mothers should love their children and accept them no matter what even if they were shy or odd. A mother's love should be unconditional. The Teppenpaw knew that when she had kids, that that was how she would be.

In fact, if Juniper ended up married to someone who wasn't Finn-remaining unmarried wouldn't be an option, she knew that-her kids and her animals would end up being her entire life. She would have to transfer all the love she felt for her friend-and it was a lot-to her kids, horses and other pets. Which meant her children even if they were introverted and weird and otherwise what Mother would call "socially maladjusted". How many times had both she and Duncan been criticized for being so, her for being painfully shy and him for being-initially-more interested in seeking out the company of ghosts then his classmates?

The thing was though that while Duncan had eventually became friends with living human beings and gotten prefect and Head Boy-Mother was especially happy about Head Boy because the way Sonora did it amounted to a popularity contest, Father for his part was happy because his son followed in his footsteps-Juniper stayed painfully shy and that was unlikely to change.

"We can just look around and see what find first." Juniper replied. "That way we won't have to run around in circles going back and forth to find what we want."

She paused at his next words and despite herself, felt...hopeful somehow. "Really? No matter what you'll be there for me even after we graduate?"
11 Juniper Really? 345 Juniper 0 5