Professor Dakin

May 07, 2010 12:53 PM
Rowan Dakin stood in the field as the few advanced students made their way towards her. She was excited about today and could not wait to get started. “Good afternoon.” She said with looking at each student, glad she did not have to say robes off to the older students. “We have a bit of a hike so let’s get going.” She said and began to lead them through the forest. It was a steady incline and took about ten minutes to get to the top. Finally they reached the top and Rowan allowed them to gap at the creature in front of them for just a moment.

“Ladies and Gentlemen I am sure I do not need to introduce you to the Sphinx.” She began as she made her way to the front. The students took seats and Rowan smiled. “Now the Sphinx is Native to Egypt. Of course, you can see it has the body of a lion, and a human head. It loves puzzles and riddles but if answered wrong it can become a bit violent. This is the reason it has been places in the beast category.” She paused as she looked at each student.

“The Sphinx is used by many witches and wizards to guard treasure. A lot of Wizarding Banks place sphinxes to guard some of the vaults with the highest security level.” She paused for a moment. “Today you will be trying to get passed the Sphinx. There are a few rewards for the first three people to make it through!” She said happily. They were all Sphinx related, a book of riddles with three gallons inside, a mini talking Sphinx, and a muggle toy called a rubix’s cube.

“Step up and take a chance guys!” She cried with a smile.

OCC: Normal posting length applies! The over and more creative the more points you get! I’ve given you three riddles to use but if you have better ones feel free to use them!

Expensive to view
Swallow, not chew
Complex and petite
The world's at my feet
The cat wears a grin
It's easy to win (Answer: felix felicis.)

This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down (Answer Time)

"I live in winter, die in summer, and grow with my roots upward. What am I?" An icicle
0 Professor Dakin Advanced Lesson (6 & 7 years) 0 Professor Dakin 1 5

Holly Greer

May 25, 2010 8:01 PM
The first sign that she'd made a mistake in deciding to continue Care of Magical Creatures was that they started the class with a hike. Holly could enjoy the forest and the outdoors as well as anybody else, but she preferred to travel through them on horseback, not on her own two feet. It was even worse when it was all uphill.

Worse, once they got to creature, it was a Sphinx. The Sphinx was pretty neat as a huge monument in Egypt, but as an actual living creature, it kind of freaked her out. Human heads did not belong on lion bodies, especially if the combination tended to get violent when it didn't get an answer it liked, especially if the questions it asked were riddles.

Holly hated riddles.

She looked around and wished Danny was in the class. Danny was good at riddles. She didn't know who else here was. Not that they were allowed to partner anyway. In every other class they had to, why not now?

Still, she was supposed to step forward and try to get passed, and the only way to do that was to answer a riddle. So she gulped down a dose of her anti-anxiety potion (the full strength kind, not the weaker one Daniel made for her) and stepped up to the sphinx.

"What walks on four feet at dawn, two feet during the day, and three feet at dusk?"

Holly blinked. Not because the puzzle stumped her, but because she knew it. Daniel had told her this one before.

She just couldn't remember the answer.

The trick of it was something about a cane. She remembered that because she associated the riddle with the old woman the Queen disguised herself as when she gave Snow White the poisoned apple.

She looked back to the group of her classmates, seeking out Cecily because Cecily would help her if she could. "Help me," she whispered, hoping the sphinx wouldn't eat her for whispering to someone else before giving it the answer. "It's something about a cane, walking with a cane at night, but that's all I remember."
1 Holly Greer Holly Rating: Puzzling 123 Holly Greer 0 5