Notifications about Quidditch will be posted here. Students are also welcome to post club matters, such as membership lists or announcements of meetings.
Aronos meeting in the library by Julius Astley
Meeting for artists in MARS (nm) by Katerina Vorontsov
There's no tag assigned to it as the title is a bit too long but the meeting has been posted. Julius will have sent letters before the beginning of the Christmas break detailing when the meeting was to take place.
20Julius AstleyAronos meeting in the library1425Julius Astley05
This would be known since shortly after the try-outs, so it can be referenced in posts.
First String Ben Pierce (Captain, Beater) Joe Umland (Beater) Simon Mordue (Chaser) Winston Pierce (Chaser) Lily Spencer (Chaser) Eden Manger (Seeker) Tatiana Vorontsova (Keeper)
Traditionally, Quidditch games have lassed exactly two weeks, sometimes to the minute of posting. Due to this being the only game this year, we have decided to extend that by an extra week. All posts dated Saturday, November 17 or earlier, site time, will count towards the game’s resolution.