DH Skies

May 22, 2015 6:11 AM
This section is to post questions and comments that don't pertain to any of the other categories, including notices of absence.
0 DH Skies Other 26 DH Skies 1 5

DH Skies

May 22, 2015 6:22 AM
Following feedback from some of our authors, we have decided to have an induction event for first years. The aim of this is to help new authors get to grips with the site by having a chance to interact with just their year group, and without the sometimes overwhelming history and character relationships that come up at the Opening Feast.

The first year orientation will be posted on the Labyrinth Gardens later today. It is open to all authors of new first year characters. We would like to encourage existing authors to prioritise posting with new authors in order to make them feel welcome.

For existing authors without new first years, you are welcome to continue winding up threads from last term, write in your journals or just take five and relax, ready to come back and post like never before! The Opening Feast will be posted in one week.
0 DH Skies New structure - first year induction 26 DH Skies 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

May 22, 2015 7:59 PM
Old authors without first years can also socialize in the Hall or hang out in their houses.
11 Headmaster Brockert Also... 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5

WtS Moderator

May 27, 2015 7:59 PM
Hey Everyone,

I went through and did some updates to the profile. It's been a couple of terms since my last update, so there is likely a chance that I have missed your character(s) journal. Please go through and check to see if you are there. Also, if you are an author who has been here for longer than a term and have a first year not listed, please let me know who and the journal. Thank you!
0 WtS Moderator Wedded to Sonora 0 WtS Moderator 0 5

The Director

June 08, 2015 4:39 PM
Hi all,

This year we have another new addition to Sonora, a Directory, "for all your matchmaking needs- platonic or otherwise!"

The Directory was created to make your job as an author easier. Here you can find a variety of peripheral characters created by your fellow authors for your convenience. If you want to match your character up romantically or platonically with a non-Sonora character but don’t want to have to come up with your own, browse our directory pages and see if you find a character that suits your fancy.

If you have a a specific idea of what you want, try your hand at our search bar or post an ad on our “Wanted” page. You can also fill out the “Add a Character” form to submit characters to the above directory menu of purebloods, halfbloods, Muggleborns, and Muggles. Good luck!

Here's the link: https://thedirectorysonora.wordpress.com/
10 The Director The Directory 0 The Director 0 5

DH Skies

June 14, 2015 6:01 AM
This terms plot centres around secrets revealed. Last year, authors were asked to submit characters' secrets to the site email. Any first years who would like to be involved can still submit their secrets, up until midterm.

The first post of the plot is on the Cascade Hall. Ordinarily, anonymous posting is not allowed, however when there is a site-wide plot, some pieces may be posted anonymously by the staff.

Feel free to gossip and speculate widely, though keep in mind that what your character knows would be different from what you as an author know - you get the privilege of reading everyone's thoughts in the narrative sections of their post.
0 DH Skies Secrets plot 26 DH Skies 0 5

Liliana Bannister

June 22, 2015 8:56 PM
Hey guys, remember when ages ago I suggested in July some of us get together online and do NaNoWriMo? Well July approaches in 9 days and the time to sign up for Camp NaNo has arrived!

The awesome thing about Camp NaNo is that authors can group up in cabins, track their progress, etc! It's free to sign up, you can set your word count, and "fanfiction" is a genre! I called my project "Sonora Academy and my username is kathryn.lam if you want to find me! Here's a direct link to my profile: http://campnanowrimo.org/campers/kathryn-lam/novels/sonora-academy And here's a link to the website: http://campnanowrimo.org/

And if you want to tackle something non-Sonora for your project that's cool too, I just thought it would be fun to have a Sonora-author cabin since we already all get along! Likewise, if you have previously made an account with NaNoWriMo, you can login with the same account information at Camp NaNoWriMo since it's part of the same website.

Come on guys, let's go to virtual writing camp together!
10 Liliana Bannister Camp NaNoWriMo Cabin 274 Liliana Bannister 0 5

Francesca Wolseithcrafte

June 23, 2015 4:13 AM

I've signed up, but as Sonora is a private cabin, I assume can't get in without an invite from you? Here's my profile - let me in already!!http://campnanowrimo.org/campers/rhy
13 Francesca Wolseithcrafte Cabin access 250 Francesca Wolseithcrafte 0 5

Liliana Bannister

June 23, 2015 4:34 AM
10 Liliana Bannister Invite sent! (nm) 274 Liliana Bannister 0 5

Mangers, Newells, etc.

June 24, 2015 2:01 AM
So I need some kind of invite? My username's pastelpixie. I'm a bit confused by the site (need to monkey around with it some more), but I'd like into this thing. :)
0 Mangers, Newells, etc. I'll give it a shot. 0 Mangers, Newells, etc. 0 5


June 24, 2015 2:16 AM
I tried to add you, but it says you haven't created a project yet. After you create a project you're able to join cabins :)
10 Liliana Create a project 274 Liliana 0 5

Francesca Wolseithcrafte

June 24, 2015 4:01 AM
I had to put in very little info for it to be ok and accept that I had 'a project.'
13 Francesca Wolseithcrafte Just a title will do 250 Francesca Wolseithcrafte 0 5

Mangers, Newells, etc.

June 24, 2015 2:06 PM
0 Mangers, Newells, etc. Did it! (nm) 0 Mangers, Newells, etc. 0 5


June 24, 2015 3:24 PM
10 Liliana Added (nm) 274 Liliana 0 5

Jareaus, etc.

June 24, 2015 5:18 PM
I joined!

My username is scarrsonora
0 Jareaus, etc. Joining up 0 Jareaus, etc. 0 5


June 24, 2015 11:58 PM
10 Liliana Got you! (nm) 274 Liliana 0 5

Liliana & Co.

June 28, 2015 5:06 PM
Like I said in chatzy, summer session ends July 2 which means next week is finals and I also have a paper due. I will be saving up any replies I have to do until after July starts--apologies to anyone I'm in a thread with. It's just going to work out really well for me to just save up my replies to write as part of NaNo. However, I will still be around the chatzy when I take study/paper breaks.
10 Liliana & Co. Mini leave of absence. 274 Liliana & Co. 0 5

Julian Umland

June 30, 2015 1:05 AM
Had some difficulties obtaining an e-mail verification link last week, but Headquarters has now sorted it out, so if there are cabin slots remaining I can now be found here. If not, though, no worries - I'll keep up anyway and procrastinate cheer everyone on in Chatzy.
16 Julian Umland Better late than never. 254 Julian Umland 0 5


June 30, 2015 1:25 AM
10 Liliana There's room! Got you! (nm) 274 Liliana 0 5

Camp Nano Challenge

July 02, 2015 2:07 AM
The group of authors who are participating in camp nanowrimo plan on setting each other challenges. We thought it might be fun to post them up here so that other authors can see these challenges and participate if they so choose.

That being said, the first challenge is this:
Write a joint post between two of your characters who wouldn't normally talk, in a place that they wouldn't normally be in. If you don't have enough characters to do this, tag a character who you have yet to interact with and otherwise might not.

Good luck and happy first of July!
10 Camp Nano Challenge Challenge #1 0 Camp Nano Challenge 0 5

Clark Dill & Ginger Pierce

July 02, 2015 10:00 PM
1 Clark Dill & Ginger Pierce Answered in the Astronomy Classroom! (nm) 302 Clark Dill & Ginger Pierce 0 5

Charlie and Theodore

July 05, 2015 9:35 AM
... it may not quite have been the fluffy, buddy movie moment you all hoped for but there is some follow up in Tepp.
0 Charlie and Theodore Answered in MARS and... 0 Charlie and Theodore 0 5

Camp Nano Challenge

July 08, 2015 11:22 AM
The next challenge suggested in the cabin was this:
Write a post primarily or entirely in flashback.

So far, you can find these posts written and posted in the Library and on WtS.

Have fun reading and writing, fellow Sonora authors!
0 Camp Nano Challenge Challenge #2 0 Camp Nano Challenge 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

July 09, 2015 11:40 AM
Are posted in the Hall. Let's see some sign-ups!
11 Headmaster Brockert Midsummer Concert Sign Ups. 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5

Camp Nano Challenge

July 12, 2015 2:12 AM
The third challenge for our nanoers is this:
Tag another character you’ve always wanted your character to talk to but never really had a chance/reason to before now.

As always, even if you're not writing nano, feel free to participate for funsies and reply to this post with a link so we can go read your challenge responses.

Have fun and great writing everyone! So far our cabin has written 59,920 words. A round of applause for all!
0 Camp Nano Challenge Challenge #3 0 Camp Nano Challenge 0 5

The B-F-Rs

July 12, 2015 7:28 AM
0 The B-F-Rs Answered on WTS 0 The B-F-Rs 0 5


July 16, 2015 11:01 AM
Write a wts post for a future character. Done mine!
0 Francesca Challenge #4 0 Francesca 0 5

Ava Fletcher

July 17, 2015 12:28 AM
It's the reply to Chloe entitled "I'm sorry, I tried."
10 Ava Fletcher Posted in MARS 258 Ava Fletcher 0 5


July 17, 2015 6:26 PM
1 Ginger Did one for Ben Pierce on wts! (nm) 302 Ginger 0 5

Northwest Reinhardts

July 18, 2015 8:12 PM
10 Northwest Reinhardts Did one for Matti Reinhardt! (nm) 0 Northwest Reinhardts 0 5

Jemima Wolseithcrafte

July 19, 2015 7:30 AM
Wasn't sure whether to put this here or with the tag posts, but it's my response to this challenge, in the CH.
13 Jemima Wolseithcrafte Tag Diana 304 Jemima Wolseithcrafte 0 5

Ginger Pierce

July 22, 2015 12:56 PM
... her flashback is on wts.
1 Ginger Pierce If you want to know why Coach Pierce left... 302 Ginger Pierce 0 5

DH Skies etc

July 23, 2015 11:06 PM
As you may have gathered from chatzy, our Internet has been super dodgy of late. The company has finally realised there's a problem (yay) but say it will take a week to fix (boo). I will try to get on in cafes and such, or do writing offline to upload later but it may be a bit limited for the next week.

DH Skies, Charlie, The Wolseithcraftes, The Parks, Araceli.
0 DH Skies etc Lack of Internet 26 DH Skies etc 0 5

Nano Challenges

July 24, 2015 9:40 PM
Write a post where your character does something wrong: tells a significant lie; spills someone else's secret to a third person; cheats on a homework, class assignment, quiz or exam; says or does something mean to another student; carves their initials in a tree; or anything else they might get into some kind of trouble (ex. disciplinary action or social repercussion) for doing.
0 Nano Challenges Challenge #5: The Worst of Me 0 Nano Challenges 0 5

Clark Dill

July 24, 2015 11:16 PM
Stand Back, I am going to try Science!

1 Clark Dill Trouble with Titration in Muggle Studies 277 Clark Dill 0 5

Nano Challenges

July 26, 2015 11:30 AM
Everyone has been doing so well! In total our cabin has written 147,542 words out of our 160,000 goal! Yay, virtual cake for everyone!

The latest challenge to be suggested in the cabin is this:
Last-minute word-filler/possible challenge should anyone else care to use it: Describe one or more of your characters trying a new food or activity. I got about 630 words (not posted yet) out of Rachel and Alicia Bauer trying a new tea this morning and might have Lionel try to learn wizard's chess. Alternatively, for pure filler as we really get close to the end, look up a recipe and have your character have it for lunch/reminisce about having had it for lunch or another meal in class.
0 Nano Challenges Challenge #6 0 Nano Challenges 0 5


July 26, 2015 11:31 AM
It's actually 127,542 words that we have written. I'm not entirely positive how I wrote 147, apologies to all. Still, it's an impressive amount!
0 Anonymous I mistyped. Number fix! 0 Anonymous 0 5

Tobi Reinhardt

July 26, 2015 1:43 PM
10 Tobi Reinhardt Tagged Chaslyn in Charms. (nm) 289 Tobi Reinhardt 0 5

Ingrid Wolseithcrafte

July 28, 2015 12:31 AM
*Leans in for a closer look*
13 Ingrid Wolseithcrafte Re: Trouble with Titration in Muggle Studies 322 Ingrid Wolseithcrafte 0 5


July 29, 2015 7:02 AM
Completed in MARS. Also working on one for Ji-Eun.
13 Ingrid Looking for adventurous friends 322 Ingrid 0 5

Laila Kennedy

July 29, 2015 6:27 PM
Catholic guilt, it's a thing
10 Laila Kennedy Answered in Crotalus. 318 Laila Kennedy 0 5

Nano Challenges

July 30, 2015 10:20 PM
Tomorrow is the last day of Nano and all the writers have been working really hard to make theird word counts and everyone created all kinds of super awesome posts! Collectively five out of seven have exceeded their word goals and we have so far written 152,058 words!!

Challenge #7 (optional):
In true drabble style, write a wts post that contains one paragraph for each of your active* characters separated by a decorative barrier. Bonus points if each paragraph flows into the next one with ellipses. The point of this is just to show a glimpse into your character's everyday home life/thoughts so nothing exciting has to happen.

*Active as in currently at Sonora. If you want to add in characters who have left, that's cool too :)
0 Nano Challenges Challenge #7: last scramble for words 0 Nano Challenges 0 5

Liliana and co.

July 31, 2015 11:58 AM
A near-future fuzzy-time Christmas drabble set in this year, SA 24

Characters used in order:
Laila, PNW Reinhardts, Liliana, Lucans, Ava, Diana, Pyes, Mollie
10 Liliana and co. Answered on wts. 274 Liliana and co. 0 5

Pierce, Dill, Xavier, and more

July 31, 2015 9:47 PM
1 Pierce, Dill, Xavier, and more Also on wts! (nm) 28 Pierce, Dill, Xavier, and more 0 5

Selina etc

August 01, 2015 8:07 AM
13 Selina etc Done on wts (nm) 26 Selina etc 0 5

The Spencers

August 09, 2015 2:46 PM
Sorry I didn't really leave any note of absence, but I'm back now and should be posting somewhat regularly, though not as often as I did before.

Francesca, I replied to you in Potions as well!
0 The Spencers Returning (and a note for Francesca). 0 The Spencers 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

August 10, 2015 12:44 PM
If you're planning to sign up for the concert, please do so by Friday.
11 Headmaster Brockert Concert Announcement 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5