The Christmas Sprites

August 14, 2006 10:22 PM
The snow was something that was expected, considering the covering of the rest of the school, but upon entering the Quidditch Pitch it became quickly clear that there were some other new things here to be seen. In each of the four cardinal directions sturdy forts made of snow had been errected. A blue flag flew over northern fort, proclaiming it to be the Aladren base. The southern fort had a yellow flag flying over it, making it the base for Teppenpaw. Over the eastern fort the brown Pecari flag fluttered in the breeze, and in the west the red of Crotalus claimed the final fort.

Behind each fort's walls was a battery of snowballs and in the area between charmed snowmen were scattered about, automatically throwing snowmen at anyone who got to close to their positions.
39 The Christmas Sprites Ready, aim, FIRE!! 0 The Christmas Sprites 1 5

Stephen Baxter

August 17, 2006 12:29 PM
The second day of midterm, Stephen put the events of the day before behind him - it wasn't like Mia was here for the holiday, after all, so there was no point in thinking about her, or what had happened until she got back - and, Fido in hand, trudged out to the pitch. There'd been a little talk about what was there, and he'd seen the flags for himself from the Pecari windows. He grinned as he entered the arena.

His work on Fido could stand to wait a couple of days at least. Time to unwind and have some fun was important.

It was clear where his place was.

He jogged over towards the Pecari fort when he was ambushed, and not just by anyone. Unless he was entirely mistaken, he'd just had a snowball thrown at him by a snowman with a carrot nose and a stovepipe hat. It stood there, innocently and looking faintly ridiculous and then let fly with another that Stephen had to drop to the ground to avoid. He laughed. Magic was brilliant.

Wadding up a quick snowball of his own, he jumped back to his feet and returned fire before sprinting to get to his base. There were a couple of other times when dodging was necessary - those snowmen were crack shots, and was the one wearing a cowboy hat smoking?! - but he made it to the relative safety of the Pecari fort, and looked around with a growing grin. Plenty of ammo already ready, solid walls, a commander already present - he straightened up a little to fit the role better - all he needed was some troups.

He settled into arranging the snowballs into piles where they'd be right at hand if the fort came under seige while waiting for his troups to arrive and report in.\n\n
39 Stephen Baxter Thought I'd miss this? No sir! 49 Stephen Baxter 0 5

Grail Markner

August 17, 2006 12:31 PM
Grail hugged the woolen gray sweater close to her. He legs were freezing thanks to the below-the-knee skirt she'd chosen to wear. She felt thankful she picked out her Ugg boots to wear instead of sandels and had a warm white scarf around her neck. This was crazy! Snow in the desert? It had to be some sort of magic. Right?

"So stupid, didn't you see the snow?" sighed her sister, Alice. She had recently found herself thinking what they would say in situations, and soon enough they became like little people in her head. It was becoming annoying and she couldn't shut them up.

"Maybe she'll catch her death and we won't see her again," joked Chali. She mentally told herself to stuff it.

Shivering she pulled the ponytail out of her dirty blonde hair, hoping for some warmth to come from the thickness of it. No such luck.
Grail had come out here because she tried out for the Quidditch team and wanted to practice. She'd have a better chance to get picked if she was better. She'd read enough on Quidditch, but that wasn't enough. She need experience. But that was completely blown by the coldness of outside, and her without a jacket.

"You always sucked at sports anyway," Chali started again. "It doesn't matter, you're a nerd. Nerds arn't good at sports." Why did she have to remember them? Why? Couldn't they leave her alone. How happy they'd be if they knew they were giving Grail misery even while she was away.

Thanks to her head she took a few seconds to actually notice the Quidditch Pitch. She realized, on seeing the Quidditch Pitch, that she wouldn't be able to. For mounds of snow were piled up around the Pitch with the house names on them. She knew she'd fall a few times, and would probably wreck them. And whoever had done them up seemed to have taken a long time. They were well-done snow forts, and not even she and Arther could have done that.

She grinned childishly and ran over to the Aladren fort. Behind it was another surprise. Snowballs! She giggled.

"You're so childish," sighed Libby.

Now this was pretty cool, despite what Libby would think. She wished she had someone with her to have the fight with. Still smiling she backed out, she was going to go back to Aladren to see if any of them wanted to come. But when she turned around, she was surprised again by a snowball to the face, and the laughter of the sisters in her head ringing away.

"Hey!" she smiled, looking around for the culprit. But no one was there. She shivered again, from the cold on her face and twisted around. Whoever it was had to be behind one of the forts, right? She grinned again, picked up a snowball and looked around.

"Hello?" she said in a sing-song voice, and twisted around to a noise behind one of the forts.\n\n
0 Grail Markner How cool! 0 Grail Markner 0 5

Caedence Redoak

August 17, 2006 4:14 PM
Caedence grinned as she awoke the second day after mid term. She was happy because, when glancing at the clock, she noticed it was 8:00. What made this so good you ask? Because there was no loudmout yelling from the stairs at the top of his lungs disturning her.

So, with gusto, she donned a faux fur cape over her warm winter cloak and semi-festive crimson shirt with a green four point star on it. Her jeans were set aside for warm jogging pants. Her feet were covered by waterproof leather boots that laced up to her knees. Over her warm cotton gloves were her leather beaters gloves. Wrapped around her neck was a black scarf and her head was protected by a brown hat that only covered the tips of her ears. With a gleam in her eyes, she decided to go down the the field to practice.

What made her drop her trusty nimbus was what had happened to the field. It was snow covered, with forts and snowmen. Strangely enough, the snowmen's coal eyes looked a bit mischevious to her. What were they enchanted to- WHAM! A huge snowball hit her in the side of the head. Looking over her shoulder, she saw a snowman reading another ball. So they were enemies. Interesting. She bent over to pick up her broom. What fun!

GLancing around, she saw a fort with a brown flag. Of course, a four house snowball fight. Holding her nimbus under the crook of her elbow, her cape billowing out behind her, she rushed to the pecari fort. She had to duck and dodge an onslaught of snowmen launched snowballs. Once she lost her footing and got a facefull of snow. Well, that was her fault for only having the scarf covering her neck.

Finally she reached the fort. Much to her dismay, it was already occupied. By none other than the boy who had yelled. He had the same gleam in his eye as the snowmen did. He was loking for a target. Seeing an already made snowball at her feet, she hurled it at him.

"that's payback for waking me yesterday."she said. Then, turning to survey the land, she saw a female out there hiding. "ANd we have an opponent out there." She pointed to the girl who was, foolishly, not wearing any coat. Unfastening her cape, she tossed it as far as she could. It hit a little over half way towards her. "Take it! You'll freeze if you dont!" she yelled. \n\n
0 Caedence Redoak pummeling people with snowballs? Sounds fun! 94 Caedence Redoak 0 5

Nikki Ramirez

August 19, 2006 6:07 PM
Nikki had woken up sulking that morning. She had to spend her holiday in a foriegn country. Great, just great. Her brother got to come home from Youmens, but not Nikki. Not with the Muggle transportation and all the confusion. She suspected that if she could stay at school over the summer, her parents would make her.

After breakfast Nikki decided to go for a walk around the grounds. When she came to the Quidditch pitch, there was snow all over the ground and forts had been built for a snowball fight. This was cool. She didn't expect them to perform a charm like this for amusement here. Abuelo did this kind of thing on the ranch, and the whole family would have a huge snowball fight. Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they had a snowball fight.

Nikki ran over to the Aladren fort as fast as she could and ducked behind the wall of snow as she caught her breath. Then she noticed Gray.

"Hey!" she greeted as a snowball shot past her ear.

Nikki picked up a snowball and muttered a charm over it. Then she threw the snowball toward someone behind the fort across from her. She heard a thud as the snowball made contact. She smiled.

"Tracking charm," she told Gray "they always hit the target, even if it moves. My brother taught me how." \n\n
0 Nikki Ramirez Trackers 0 Nikki Ramirez 0 5

Declan Chatterjee

August 22, 2006 4:59 PM
Declan was glad he'd come to Sonora over the midterm. Most of the students were away, the aura of the school was very relaxed, and he had plenty of time to set up his new classroom and get his lesson plans finished up. And, of course, it left plenty of time to explore.

That was just what he was doing one morning not long after the start of break, wandering around the grounds. He'd made a circuit of the gardens and greenhouses, and childish laughter and voices had brought him curiously peering around what appeared to have once been a Quidditch pitch - and was now an arena for epic snowball fights.

He passed behind a fort with a brown flag flying up above - Pecari? - and grinned at the students huddled within. One was an older boy, busily stocking up on snowballs, and the other a younger girl with a long braid, who had just shoved a snowball in the boy's face. Declan winced a little and chuckled.

He was just moving past the Pecari fort when, out of nowhere, a snowball slammed into the side of his head. He stopped, shocked, and whirled around to face the direction the snowball had come from. A blue flag... that would be Aladren, wouldn't it?

He smirked; irony of ironies, he'd been attacked by the Sonora equivalent of his old house, Ravenclaw. He stooped low as he made his way to the fort, scooping up a few handfuls of snow. The cold stung his hands in a refreshing way as he packed it into a relatively loose ball, and then -

With a roar that should sufficiently frighten any students behind the fort, he jumped out and threw the snowball at the nearest. "Aargh!" \n\n
0 Declan Chatterjee Morning stroll... gone horribly, horribly wrong. 11 Declan Chatterjee 0 5


August 22, 2006 9:13 PM
Grail laughed when Nikki made it in, while being hit. She was wearing the cloak the other Pecari girl had let her borrow, and she thanked above for it. She nodded to Nikki when she talked about a tracker, going for those behind the brown flag. Did she like Nikki? After Care of Magical Creatures, Gray didn't know, but she'd still give the girl another chance. That's what a good person would do... right?

"Yeah, and you're such an amazing person Grail, Alice was scoffing.

Nervously she smoothed her dirty blonde hair down, about to ask how Nikki did it, mainly to tune out her sisters, when in came another yelling boy (making her jump), throwing a snowball, which hit her. Cluelessly, Grail looked at him, wiping the snowball off. Was he in their house? She hadn't seen him around the common rooms.

"Hey!" she smiled, laughing. It took her a second to react. Shivering from the cold, she looked over at Nikki, then to the other snowballs. She picked two up and chucked them both at his head. She smiled.

"With us or against us?" she asked sweetly. Basically asking if he was in Aladren or not. She grabbed another snowball, waiting for his answer.\n\n
16 Gray Ha... seems so 113 Gray 0 5

Declan Chatterjee

August 22, 2006 9:26 PM
OOC: hmm... I thought I'd mentioned this, but I guess I hadn't. I'm the new Astronomy professor. *winks* But thanks! Saying I look young enough to be in your house gives that teensy-weensy bit of my ego a good boost.

Declan threw himself down into the snow to avoid being hit in the head by the girl's quick throws - and even then, he failed. Still chuckling, he picked himself up and wiped the snow out of his long dark hair.

"With us or against us?" she asked, her innocent tone belied by the fact that she was currently reaching for yet another snowball. He held up his hands in what could be either a gesture of innocence or an attempt to protect his much maligned head.

"Former Ravenclaw at your service, young madam," he said, thickening his British accent consciously as he made a low, foppish bow - and suffered a snowball in the back from an enchanted snowman. He whirled to glare briefly at the thing before taking shelter in the fort with the girl and her companion, who seemed to have a very good tracking charm going. "Professor Chatterjee - or just Professor Deck, if you prefer. Comrades in arms, and all that," he said, giving her a childish grin and a conspiratorial wink. "What's our status, generals?" he asked then, looking between the two girls, who couldn't have been much older than twelve at most.\n\n
0 Declan Chatterjee *grins* 11 Declan Chatterjee 0 5


August 23, 2006 1:58 PM
Nikki had a habit of looking at whoever was speaking. Even if they weren't speaking to her. And even if they were attempting to hit her in the head with a snowball. When she looked up she saw...a teacher?! Nikki put her hands over her mouth; Gray must not have noticed, or thought Nikki was just warming her hands.

'Oh crap' Nikki thought, as Gray reached for more snowballs to pummel the man with if he answered her friend/foe question unfavorably. Nikki was about to explain that this man was a teacher, but he beat her to it, introducing himself as the astronomy professor. Nikki wondered why they hadn't had his class before midterm.

Professor Deck, as he had called himself, seamed like a really cool teacher (pun not intended). When he asked how they were doing Nikki answered "Well we got you didn't we?" She smiled sweetly.

"You probably already know, but I'm Nikki, and this is Gray. I was just telling her about our secret weapon. You see, my brother is a sixth year at Youmens, the wizarding school in Mexico. His Care of Magical Creatures professor taught him how to track animals, but it works on humans too. He taught me how." she picked up a snowball and held her wand over it. She flicked her wrist, tapping the snowball as she brought the wand down, and said "Poste Conhumus," pronouncing it 'paw-stay cone-oo-mus.'Then she threw the snowball in the direction of the Pecari fort and heard a satisfing thunk. \n\n
0 Nikki Poste Conhumus 0 Nikki 0 5

Professor Deck

August 24, 2006 9:48 AM
Declan had to laugh at the ever-so-slightly snarky attitude the two girls had, though he hoped it didn't carry over too much in the classroom; he liked them, but he was a teacher first and foremost - at heart, he always had been - and it was a teacher's duty to keep order in the classroom. Still, it reminded him of happier days, back when he was still a student himself.

"Yes, yes you did," he agreed amiably. The accented blond introduced herself and her friend as Nikki and Gray, and Declan consulted his mental attendance list. Nikki Ramirez - yes, she was the girl from Mexico. That would explain the accent. And Gray... that name he didn't remember from the Aladren list, though he supposed it could be shorthand for some particularly unpleasant name. Wait - wasn't there a Grail? Perhaps this was her.

"That's a clever brother you've got there, General Ramirez. Keep it up - show those Pecari there's more to us Aladren-slash-Ravenclaws than a literary bent. But it looks like there's a bit of a break in the fire - I'd better run for it now. Best of British luck to you both, generals - and see you in Astronomy!" he said with a jaunty salute and another of his trademark grins.

So saying, he picked himself up and brushed the snow off his knees before making a run for it, followed by a hail of snowballs from the enchanted snowmen. Really - I expected teaching to be an adventure, but this was not what I'd had in mind, he thought as he sprinted out of their range, laughing breathlessly.\n\n
0 Professor Deck Re: Poste Conhumus 0 Professor Deck 0 5


August 28, 2006 2:31 PM
Caedence was just hit twice by hurling snowballs. One from teh arleden fort, and another from a snowman. When she opened her mout to let out a challenge call, it was filled with a second arleden snowball.

"YOu've got me, now i'll get you!" She yelled. Seeing the pile of snow she scanned her spells. 'Stupefy, expelliamus, crucio...keep that in mind for a few weeks from now...locomotor...that's it!' she thought. Taking out ther wand, she muttered "locomotor snowballs."

The pile of snowballs, well a good chunk of it that is, lifted into the air. She levetated it as high as she could, then sent it hovering over teh heads of its victim. When in position, she let the spell go. THe balls fell with a 'fwumf' sound, though CAedence didn't know wether or not it hit its mark. Checking the chunk that was just levitated out of the pile, she was saddened to see only 10 snowballs were gone. SHe turned to the girls on the other side, selected two balls, and hurled them forward for good measure.\n\n
0 Caedence And now for a few tricks of my own! 94 Caedence 0 5


August 28, 2006 5:22 PM
Grail blushed darkly when the boy turned out to be a man. A teacher to be fairly exact. So, that was why Nikki was motioning to her before she chucked the snowball at him. Oops... Thankfully he didn't take it so bad. That was good, it meant to her that he'd be a good teacher. So she put the mistakening teacher thing behind her, and just grinned and nodded when Nikki introduced them and showed the teacher her trick.

"Idiot, couldn't you tell he was a teacher?" laughed Libby. Grail tried to ignore her head, but it seemed they came worse when she was embarrassed or ashamed. Greaaat.

She heard the girl that had given her the jacket shout something. Oo... sounded vengful. Stupidly, Grail stuck her head out from the fort to hear her better. But it was sort of good, because when the snowbals came down on them, they only hit a part of her legs. She squealed and moved back out in the open. Thankfully, tyhe girl hadn't seemed to levitate as many snowballs as she thought she could, keeping Grail's skirt slightly drier than it would have been.

Of course, her sisters cracked up in her head. She muttered bitterly to herself, telling them to shut up.

"And now she's talking to herself!" Alice laughed, only making Gray angrier at her head. SHe felt something whizz past her and turned. Two more snowballs just barely missed her. She had some luck.

Fleeing back into the shelter she sat back. "Nikki?" she said, grinning. "What was that spell your brother taught you again?"
Snowball fights were war. At least from where she came from.\n\n
16 Gray You. Are. Dead. 113 Gray 0 5


September 02, 2006 1:20 PM
As Professor Deck left, Nikki heard a cry from the Pecari fort. She looked up and Gray stood to hear the girl's voice better. A hoard of snowballs flew at them from the direction of the Pecari fort and hit Gray's skirt. Nikki wasn't quite sure, but she would have guessed there had been about a dozen of the little frozen balls. Then, seconds later, two more balls came at them, flying between her head and Gray's.

Nikki hit her forehead with the palm of her hand, why hadn't she thought of using that spell, much more damage, but then she thought, she didn't know if she could put a tracker on all of them.

Gray ducked back into the fort and asked Nikki about the tracking spell. Nikki smiled at the other girl and picked up a snowball. "Poste Conhumus" she said and threw it at the Pecaris.

"I've got an idea," Nikki informed Gray and started rolling a snowball the size of the snowmen's heads. When she was done, she placed the tracker charem on the giant snowball and called Gray over. "Come help me with this." Nikki said, smiling at her roommate and, she hoped, friend. "There's no way we can let those Pecari's think they've outsmarted us." \n\n
0 Nikki Why didn't we think of that?! 0 Nikki 0 5


September 02, 2006 6:55 PM
Another one of those cursed tracking snowballs. Well, Caedence could cure that right quick. "Lacarnem Inflamare!" she said and a tounge of flame appeared on her wand tip. The snowball, as it approached drenched her with water. Oh well, so long as it wasnt an embarrasing snowball!

"Now is that any way to treat someone who gave you a nice warm cape?" caedence called jokingly. All this fun was going to her head. It was making her nice. Think of them as the enemy! Yes, that is it! The enemy. And as such they deserve to leave this field looking like the snowmen surrounding it.

"locomotor snowballs!" she said levetating another batch of about a dozen towards the both of them. Then, as the balls were about to fall, she yelled "STUPEFY!" and a jet of pinkish red light irrupted from her wand. Oh, well, not as strong as she'd hoped. The good thing was it melted the snowballs, partially. They were sort of a slushy consitancy, not wet enough to do much harm, but not solid anymore either.

She smirked to herself, pleased of the sloppy noise the pile made before hitting the earth. "How'd ya like that? Pretty impressive eh Arledens?" called Caedence. She began to laugh like a maniac and the effect it had on her face was frigtening. The hunered look in her eyes that she got once angered was there, but it was melded with...could that be joy? And was that her wolfish smile, or a grin of pure delight? Could it be, by any chance, that the girl was showing signs of having fun? HEr fits of laughter was cut short by a snowball in her mouth. She couldn't tell if it came from the Arledens, or the snowmen. All she knew was that it tasted like there was mud in it. As if someone had selected a bit of dirty snow. She growled and muttered "protego!" a shimmery substance formed in front of her. She allowed a snowman to hit her, and the snow went right through it. "Pro-taaaay-go" she re-itterated stretching out the word 'tay'. This time the ball bounced off the semi-invisible shield. With a grin, she turned on the other two calling, "TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT! I'M PREPARED!!!" \n\n
0 Caedence *sticks out tounge* cause im special! 94 Caedence 0 5


September 03, 2006 11:54 AM
Nikki laughed when the girl from the Pecari fort enflamed the snowball and drenched herself. Gallons of freezing cold water from that giant snowball must be worse than the snowball itself.

Nikki wasn't sure who the girl was, but she recognized her from her classes. Nikki was pretty sure she had heard a boy's voice as well from over there, but she didn't know what had happened to him, or if he had even really been there. She also wondered where the Tepps and the Crotali were.

Well she knew Leo and Gil weren't here, or else she would have seen them. Besides Gray, the twins were the only people she really considered friends at Sonora. But she was sure that all the people in two houses couldn't have gone home.

Another group of snowballs levitated over to them, but this time they stopped several feet over her head. Nikki quickly rolled out of the way and a stupify charm was sent at the group of snowballs. They fell to the ground with a sloshy plunk.

"How do you like that Arledens?" the girl called.

"It's Aladrens." Nikki yelled back.

"Protego!" Nikki heard the Pecari yell. One of the snowmen threw a snowball and the girl repeated the spell. The snowman threw another snowball. "TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT! I'M PREPARED!!!" the girl called

Oh crap, Nikki thought, a shield charm. Nikki wasn't used to this, since the snowball fights at home were always her, Julio, Abuelo, and Papi, against Benito, Mami, and Grandad. In other words, magic versus non-magic. The other team had no idea that magic was being used against them.

Now Nikki was in the other teams shoes. And this Pecari was pretty smart to boot. "Now that was a good idea." Nikki commented to Gray. \n\n
0 Nikki Darn Pecaris 0 Nikki 0 5


September 03, 2006 11:55 AM
((OOC:I'm not sure if I'm correct but I'm assuming that Crotalus is like octopus and some other words and that the plural form is Crotali))\n\n
0 Nikki OOC 0 Nikki 0 5


September 03, 2006 12:35 PM
*shrugs shoulders* well, your guess is as good as mine. i didnt even know how to spell that right? o.o -.- o.o oh well, at least pecari is easy to spell! ^_^ by the way, i'll wait for grey's post. and all my ideas are coming out of re-reading harry potter 3 and 4. lol. \n\n
0 caedence re:ooc 94 caedence 0 5

Professor K.

September 03, 2006 2:34 PM
Hello all,

I'm glad to see you lot participating in our midterm fun, but be sure to keep their magical abilities at their particular level. A first year would not know how to stupify anything. They have not learned it and are not old enough to wield it.

Also, to levitate something, the correct spell is 'Wingardium Leviosa'. I'm not sure if a first year would know the locomotor charm just yet. I understand from your OOC that you're using the books as reference, but keep in mind your character is only a first year and not a third/fourth year, so any spell they learn in those books, your character would not know as of yet.\n\n
0 Professor K. OCC 0 Professor K. 0 5


September 03, 2006 2:47 PM
Gray found herself laughing. This snowball fight was turning out great. She smiled at the Pecari girl, though she knew the girl couldn't see her. She enjoyed Nikki's snowman head idea, and when the Pecari girl was drenching in freezing water. That was great.

"Seems like you need the cloak now!" she shouted back. Only to be hit by a snowman's snowball. That was pretty great. Sure.

"That is a good idea," Gray nodded. In a way, these snowball fights were different. In a big way actually. Grail didn't know how to use much magic, and that seemed to be all they were using. She felt outnumbered. It was a good thing Nikki was on her side, even if the Pecari seemed a little more skilled.

"Do you think we could copy it?" it seemed like a good idea, right?\n\n
16 Gray Aladren rules :-P 113 Gray 0 5

Professor Deck

September 03, 2006 3:57 PM
Miss Redoak,

Again, your enthusiasm is staggering, and very welcome. But please, remember that others must also read your posts. Capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammatical errors make that much more difficult for your fellow students. Also, it is spelled "Aladren," and I believe Miss Markner spells her name "Gray." Please continue to post with such enthusiasm!\n\n
0 Professor Deck butting in (OOC) 0 Professor Deck 0 5


September 03, 2006 7:07 PM
understood, proffeser, i was thinking she might be able to do a handful of spells seeing as she'd know them cause her mom's a witch. \n\n
0 caedence re:ooc 94 caedence 0 5

Headmaster Bulla

September 04, 2006 3:11 AM
Having seen them and being able to perform a spell are two entirely different things. Read the books, even Hermione has trouble performing some spells after having just seem then or read about them. Spellcasting takes practice and as performing spells outside of school when you're underage is banned... As Professor Kijewski mentioned, keep in mind that they are still first years.

If they can do everything now, what is there to look forward to when they get older?\n\n
39 Headmaster Bulla OOC 2 Headmaster Bulla 0 5

Headmaster Bulla

September 04, 2006 3:13 AM
And, for future reference as there seems some interest:

Aladren - Aladrens

Crotalus - Crotali

Pecari - Pecaris

Teppenpaw - Teppenpaws\n\n
39 Headmaster Bulla OOC 2 Headmaster Bulla 0 5


September 04, 2006 10:51 AM
Just a couple things

1. Professor K's right, Wingardium Leviosa is the charm used to levitate objects, in the books it is taught to first years, but it may or may not be taught to first years here.

2. A sheild charm is way above first year.

3. It says in the sixth book that the British ministry can detect magic, but not who performs it. Therefore, if a child performs a spell in a wizard household, the ministry cannot take action. I don't know what the policy on that is supposed to bein America, however Nikki was not in America when her brother taught her the tracking spell, but in Mexico, as well as in the presence of at least three fully capable magical adults. (But blame Julio, he's sixteen and taught Nikki the spell.)\n\n
0 Nikki OOC 0 Nikki 0 5


September 04, 2006 11:05 AM
And please, I think this should be the end of the OOC's here. The preference is for IC posts to outnumber the OOC posts significantly on the boards ;) If you feel more needs to be said, you can either take this to the OOC board or email me at the site account (which can be seen on the front page).

Nikki, I'm not arguing against Wingardium. I'm not even having a go at any of you. I'm simply stating a few points that I'd like you to consider. Also, 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' (and in a few other exceptions ;) ). As for the statute of secrecy, yeah, it is likely that those from Magical Households are able to get away with a lot more than those from Muggle Backgrounds, but that doesn't mean that they'd all be prolific spellcasters at eleven. Firstly they'd need to have gotten their hands on a wand which most don't until they're ready to go to school. Secondly, they have parents and other figures who are responsible for making sure that they don't break the law. And it is an international law that forbids spellcasting in front of Muggles (which I'm sure Nikki didn't do) and that law ties in with the underage restrictions.

Think about it a little, and try not to get defensive when the staff try to offer suggestions. We're not monsters, I assure you.

Next midterm break I think I'm going to have to come up with something else for at school entertainment, I think ;)\n\n
39 Manfred OOC 0 Manfred 0 5


September 04, 2006 11:44 AM
"I don't know if we can copy it." Nikki said when Gray asked if they should try. "Sheild charms are pretty complex magic. We might need to get Professor Deck back here. Besides, if noone can get hit, it's not much fun. I mean, even at home, Abuelo, and Papi, and Julio don't use them for snowball fights."

Nikki sat in the snow to talk. "Well, Julio's not supposed to use magic anyway, but I never told on him because he let me use his wand sometimes and taught me a couple of spells. Julio's like my best friend; Benito's a Squib and I got teased at the Muggle primary school Mami made me go to." She cut off and turned to Gray "Am I talking too much again?"

A snowball wizzed past Nikki's left ear, but Nikki couldn't tell where it came from. "I guess so." she laughed and picked up another snowball.

((OOC: Everyone happy now?))\n\n
0 Nikki Re: Aladren rules :-P 0 Nikki 0 5


September 04, 2006 12:04 PM
"Complex," Grail sighed. "Right." She felt stupid again. But... that Pecari girl knew it. She seemed to be in their year. How did she know how to do it? Why did Professor Deck leave? They could have used him. "And yeah, if no one gets hit, what's the point?" she said under her breath while Nikki seemed to ramble about her own snowball fights.

She was only half listening, waiting for the Pecari girl to strike back. Something about a 'Julio' and a 'best friend' and 'primary school.'
"Niiice Grail, you're normally such a good listener, why not now?" It was Libby in her head again. Stupid thoughts. She took a second to actually hear what Nikki asked her.

"Uh... no... of course not. I know what you mean..." she was cut off by a wizzing snowball. She had to laugh when Nikki did. Looks like she should have been watching more.
"Hey," she smiled, taking Nikki's snowball out of her hand. "Maybe we could do something like she did, not the sheild but that thing where she lifted the snow over our heads!"

She smiled. "I don't know what she used, but that one... er... Wingardium Leviosa, I think. We could do that one right? That isn't very complex, right? It's in our Charms books anyway."
It was, right? Or was she flipping through another magic book late at night trying to learn as much as she could?
She pulled out her wand and said the spell, trying to copy the book. When it didn't work, she tried it again and again until the snowball finally lifted.

"Will it work?" she asked, not knowing how to throw a snowball in mid-air.

((OOC: I sort of took that idea from Professor K's OOC post, since she said that would be okay. So... yeah.))\n\n
16 Gray Glad we both agree 113 Gray 0 5