
November 26, 2018 8:58 AM

Experimenting by Ness

OOC - as this didn't get a reply at FnF and was over the word count for a regular post, figured I'd try my chances with making it a real thread

Ness was reading on the sofa, but periodically glanced up curiously at the staircase on the left of the room.

You are not allowed in the dorms of the opposite gender.

Well, that was a stupid rule that couldn't be followed because gender, not being a binary, had no opposites. It was possible that they were not permitted in dorm rooms of the opposite biological sex, but if that was the case a) Professor Taransay should have said that, especially because he was head of Aladren house and taught a biology based subject and b) it was a stupid transphobic rule if it did exist.

Ness did not, as a rule, like breaking rules. Not school ones, anyway. Society ones could take a hike. But this particular rule either did not make sense or, if it was exactly as Professor Taransay had said and based on gender then Ness was not in violation by attempting to enter the boys' rooms.

Deciding to find out once and for all, Ness approached the staircase, wondering whether frame of mind was important.

I am not a girl. Gender is a lie. The phrases repeated over and over as Ness took several bold strides up the other corridor. But there was still some self doubt there, of whether Ness was not a girl enough for this to count, because Ness also was definitely not a boy.

The corridor spat the first year back out with a bump. Had that been at the particular moment when the doubt had surfaced, or was that just fanciful thinking? This would need further research. Ness stood up, looking for the confidence to try that again. It kind of hurt and was also a bit embarrassing. Especially when the first year realised someone was staring.

"I'm not breaking a rule, I'm experimenting," Ness informed them.
13 Ness Experimenting 1419 Ness 1 5