Librarian Fox-Reynolds

January 22, 2018 9:59 AM
Tarquin Fox-Reynolds had a limited amount of ‘setting up for the new term’ to do. He wasn’t a resident staff member, so he didn’t have a whole bag of things to unpack, just the few personal possessions that made the hours he occupied his office more comfortable. There was the mug, displaying the quotation ‘With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?’ - it had been years since Danny had given it to him, but he still remembered the little note that had come with it ‘I promise you all four, forever,’ and the mug had indeed been accompanied by a large bouquet, a very nice edition of ‘Wuthering Heights’ and a cheese selection - and there was the packet of Early Grey to go with it. There was the framed photo of him and Danny on their wedding day, although the bottom corners were obscured by pictures of a young woman with curly brown hair and a young blond man which he had tucked into the edge of the frame. Maybe it was silly, given that he’d still be seeing his husband every day, but he still liked having his family looking out from his desk at him whilst he worked. With all these items placed on his desk, he was unpacked. The only items remaining in his bag were his personal books, which he would read if things got quiet, and the usual paraphernalia of quills, parchment, and emergency chocolate.

His first duty of the day was to put up the sign up sheet for library monitors - the kids who wanted to help out throughout the term. He had been a little unsure about the scheme at first, but as he preferred to live off campus, the help was actually very useful. There were plenty of charms and things that could have helped him out too, but it was good for the kids to have things to put on their personal statements in the future, to prove what useful and constructive members of society they were, so he continued to ask for volunteers.

He had not yet had the summons from Selina with the dreaded words ‘emergency staff meeting,’ and was in a relatively cheerful mood. He quietly hummed to himself, smiling to himself when he realised that it was ‘I wanna dance with somebody,’ that had got stuck in his brain. He pinned up the notice, and returned to his office, leaving the door open in case anyone wanted him.

Student Helpers

Students who wish to help out in the library may sign up below. The two roles available are:
Monitors (advanced and intermediate only): checking books in/out, assisting students, organizational tasks and errands.

Assistants (all ages): organising/reshelving, and other tasks as directed by the monitors.
Please sign up with your name and year below. Speak to Librarian Fox-Reynolds if you have questions.

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Zevalyn Ives

January 22, 2018 10:38 AM
This year, Zevalyn thought she was nearly caught up to her actual yearmates. She was dropping academic help, and she was officially listed as a fifth year now, just as she ought to be for being fifteen years old today on September first. (She'd be sixteen tomorrow, so she was probably still older than everyone else in her year, but at least she was in the one she'd have been in if she started when she was supposed to.) So she expected to have a little more spare time this year for extra curricular activities.

The one extracurricular most Aladrens worth their sorting went for was the library helpers. This year, Zevalyn wanted to join them. So while the Orientation was going on, she had gone to the library - there was still some review she needed to do to be completely caught up - and had chosen a table not too far from the bulletin board, so she saw when the librarian came out and put up the sign-up sheet.

After he returned to his office, she came over, and read the details. She doubted she had enough time, even now, for a full monitor position, and she hadn't helped before so she didn't really know the ropes that well anyway, so it would be assistant for her.

Zevalyn Ives, 5th year, Assistant

She felt pretty proud writing that she was a fifth year now, when last year she'd had to put down third. She was where she was supposed to be. She smiled as she headed back to her study table.
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Dorian Montoir

February 06, 2018 7:56 AM
Dorian was a fairly regular visitor in the library, between it being the meeting place for the Club of Tongues, and his natural tendency to be a bit of a bookworm, and Jehan’s strong encouragement of that tendency… He probably spent more of the waking hours at his voluntary disposal there than anywhere else, except perhaps for his and Jehan’s little green music room in MARS. He liked the library. It was calm and quiet, and it smelt of nice books and happy memories.

He had decided over the summer that he needed more philosophy in his life. Poetry was excellent for explaining feelings but it rarely dealt with thoughts, and they were deeply important too. The study of what people thought about thinking seemed a worthy pursuit, and he was on a quest for suitable books when he noticed the sign up sheet for library helpers. He was familiar with their existence, having spent so much of his time in their domain last year, but last year everything had been new and dramatic and scary, at least until the point where it had become fun and wonderful and distracting. Between those two sets of emotions, the thought of being a library assistant hadn’t been given much space to develop, but now he consisdered the idea. He thought it might be nice to give a little back - he certainly made enough work for people with the number of books he checked out. And so he added his name to the list.

Dorian Montoir, second year, assistant

He’d tell Je later and see if he wanted to do it with him. For now though, he had books to find…
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Tess Whittaker

February 13, 2018 2:18 PM
Tess liked helping out in the library. It was a nice environment to be in, and somewhere she sometimes went to study, as well as using the resources available there. As such, she felt she ought to give something back, and signing up to help out the librarian fitted the bill perfectly. True, she was starting advanced classes this year, so would perhaps be a little busier, but being a sixth year meant there was less pressure, although she would still try her best in class and whilst doing her homework. She was also still running baking club, but that was a fairly relaxed thing to do. The prairie elves were so helpful that there was little extra prep to do, just finding the recipes. Admittedly she was also prefect, but was confident in her ability to do all these things. None of them were designed to take up all her free time, and she enjoyed being busy and doing different things.

As an advanced student, she decided to sign up to be a library monitor this year.

Theresa Whittaker, sixth year, monitor

It was strange to see her name written next to the words ‘sixth year’, although in quite a pleasing way. Although it was a reminder that she didn’t have too much longer left at Sonora, being one of the older students was quite satisfying. After five years at the school she felt completely at home here, had a great group of friends, a wonderful boyfriend. Could life get any better?
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