Librarian Nicchi

October 07, 2016 10:24 PM
Amelle was a little bit happy to be returning to Sonora once again after the relatively dull summer that she had had. There was one evening in particular that was interesting that had to do with Isis, but that wasn’t necessarily a fun thing for her to be a part of. It was a situation that she knew little about and she was highly doubtful that she had actually done any help, but she was glad that Isis felt comfortable enough to come to her anyway.

Aside from that, Amelle really hadn’t done much. She sang on occasion with her friends, went out a few times, and at the end of the summer, spent a couple of days in Staten Island with her parents. Amelle absolutely loved her parents, but they were quite overwhelming and often demanded more from her than what she was ready to give. She supposed that was a stark contrast to Isis from what she had gathered, but everyone had their family issues.

But now she was back at Sonora, basically her home, and ready for a new year in the library. Sure her job could be rather boring when she just sat around all day while the majority of the student body was in class, but there were people here that she cared about and who cared about her. Plus, she was really looking forward to seeing Rory and meeting the newest staff member whom Amelle had heard was actually younger than her! Finally, she wasn’t the youngest any longer.

The feast was over and although Amelle didn’t get a chance to talk with Rory or her friends, she was still happily content with her evening. There was just one last thing that she really needed to do before she went to bed that night. The Library Helper Sign Up. Amelle grabbed the familiar sign up and posted it on the board for all to see.

The sign read:

Students are encouraged to help in the library during the school year. There are two roles that are available and two coveted roles that will be awarded to specified individuals (if the numbers allow for this).

Library Monitors (Only Intermediate and Advance Students may apply for this role)

The Monitors help to check books in and out of the library, organize the books in the stacks, answer any questions that fellow students may have, and complete occasional errands that may be needed.

Library Assistants (Beginner Years can only apply for this role, but all other years are also able to apply for this role)

This role has fewer responsibilities than the Monitor. Their role consists of returning books to their rightful place in the stacks and assists the Library Monitor with whatever duties that needs to be filled.

The two coveted roles that will be elected to the individuals by the Librarian are the Head Monitor roles.

The two students who are granted this title will have the first choice in their work schedules and be Lead in deciding what duties each Monitor and Assistant will have for that day (should they so choose to do so), as well as other duties that may come about that the Librarian feels they are the best choice for.

Please note that only two Advanced students will be elected as Head Monitors and it will be based on their experience, responsibilities, and relationship with others. The Librarian will make the announcement to who was chosen when the final work schedule is posted.

If you are interested in either of these roles, please sign your name, the year you are in, and the role that you are requesting. Prior experience will be considered for the role of Monitor. For any questions, please see Librarian Nicchi for assistance.

OOC: This sign up will be posted for 2 weeks RL time. After this time, a ‘work schedule’ post will go up with a list of what everyone is doing.
6 Librarian Nicchi Library Helper Sign Ups! 32 Librarian Nicchi 1 5

Chaslyn Brockert

October 21, 2016 4:52 AM
Just because she had gotten Head Girl didn't mean for a second that Chaslyn could slow down and relax. She couldn't remember the last time she'd done such a thing actually. Possibly it was so long ago that she'd been too little to do much but eat, sleep, cry and go to the bathroom. Two of those things were rather luxuries at this point, one she wasn't supposed to do but couldn't stop at times, and the final of which, well, she was certainly allowed to make time for because the alternative was unacceptable. Not to mention embarrassing and gross. Still, she felt guilty if she took too long and always brought something with her to study just in case.

Mother's reaction to her getting Head Girl was as she expected-practically non-existent. That was how it had been when she'd gotten prefect as well. Congratulations from all her other relatives and nothing from Mother but a letter reminding her of the importance of doing well on CATS,to practice her activities, and that she should be starting a club. This time was a letter reminding her the importance of RATS, to practice her activities and that she needed to be starting a club.

Sometimes, she wished Mother would just say that she was proud of her and that she loved her, but it never came. Only when Mother was trying to paint Amity as a failure, a disappointment and a bad daughter did she ever seem to mention Chaslyn's accomplishments with anything like pride. She was only praised by Mother when it was at her sister's expense. It had been that way their whole lives. She felt awful about it, but she had to settle for that. That and not being yelled at.

So obviously, not signing up for library duties this year was not an option. She had to do it and she had to be Head Monitor. In fact it was more important to be Head Monitor this year than it had been last year because if the position was revoked, it would mean that Chaslyn had not done a good job, and Mother would be furious. She didn't even like it when Mother was furious with Father or Amity or Phillip or Aunt Alice, she certainly didn't like when Mother was furious with her .

She placed her name on the list for the last time.

Chaslyn Brockert, seventh year, Monitor
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