Librarian Amelle Nicchi

November 19, 2015 7:23 PM
Amelle’s summer had been wonderful, stressful at times, but wonderful. She had completed her degree in Counseling by completing her Internship. It was a degree that was only useful if she could find a job that was available to her. Those were limited. And, for the moment, she enjoyed her current position at Sonora. Even with the ridiculous hours, it was quiet and peaceful. At least completing her degree meant her parents would be off her back for a while.

On top of that, she spent her summer mostly in New Orleans with some of her old college friends. While there, she was able to perform with them on stage. It was so thrilling and it was definitely not something she ever thought she was capable of doing. At most, all she ever did was Karaoke with some of her close friends. And that was only a small part of her amazing summer. The rest wasn’t really something appropriate for her to discuss or really think about. Still, she held her smile for a while after the Welcoming Feast had finished.

Duties first before bed. Sign ups for her helpers definitely needed to be put up. The longer she waited on this, the longer her days were going to be. Thankfully, she only had to recycle her sign up from the prior year since nothing had changed.

The sign read:

Students are encouraged to help in the library during the school year. There are two roles that are available and two coveted roles that will be awarded to specified individuals (if the numbers allow for this).

Library Monitors (Intermediate and Advance Students may apply for this role)

The Monitors help to check books in and out of the library, organize the books in the stacks, answer any questions that fellow students may have, and complete occasional errands that may be needed.

Library Assistants (Beginner Years can only apply for this role, but all other years are also able to apply for this role)

This role has fewer responsibilities than the Monitor. Their role consists of returning books to their rightful place in the stacks and assist the Library Monitor with whatever duties that need to be filled.

The two coveted roles that will be elected to the individuals by the Librarian are the Head Monitor roles.

The two students who are granted this title will have the first choice in their work schedules and be Lead in deciding what duties each Monitor and Assistant will have for that day (should they so choose to do so), as well as other duties that may come about that the Librarian feels they are the best choice for.

Please note that only two Advanced students will be elected as Head Monitors and it will be based on their experience, responsibilities, and relationship with others. The Librarian will make the announcement to who was chosen when the final work schedule is posted.

If you are interested in either of these roles, please sign your name and the role that you are requesting. Prior experience will be considered for the role of Monitor. For any questions, please see Librarian Nicchi for assistance.

OOC: This sign up will be posted for 2 weeks RL time. After this time, a ‘work schedule’ post will go up with a list of what everyone is doing.
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Gia Donovan

November 26, 2015 10:50 AM
Gia was so excited to be back at Sonora. One reason is because she was getting to see her friends again after a long summer away from them and it meant that she wasn’t alone as much anymore (she probably could have had some friends in Seattle if Jax would let her. He was worried about everything and the more secluded they were as a family, the better he felt). Gia loved being a part of Pecari because it was always bustling with noise. But the other reason she was excited to return to Sonora was the fact that she was going to be in Intermediates this year.

It was going to be more work and everything, but it also meant more complicated spells and learning of darker creatures. Gia loved the dark arts. Not because she wanted to be a Dark Witch, but because knowing it, she could understand it better and protect her brother more. Werewolves were considered ‘dark’ creatures, right along with Vampires, but Gia didn’t believe that at all. They were people who had something different about them and nothing more. She wanted to learn what she could so that when the time came, she would have evidence to prove they weren’t bad at all.

One way she was able to access information was working in the library. It was an easy choice to make and Gia absolutely loved doing it the year prior. So, when the sign ups went up and she remembered to check, Gia found the sheet waiting for her and a few names already listed. What surprised her was that they were all for the monitor job. Even Jack and Barnaby. That didn’t seem very fair to the Librarian and Gia wondered where all the Beginner signups were.

Feeling like she needed to be fair and had several more years to make her way up the latter, Gia wrote her name down, deciding to stay an assistance, at least for another year.

Gia Donovan, Third Year, Library Assistant
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