Victor Dupree-Whitney

Written By: Amelle Nicchi

Victor Dupree-Whitney

Character Information

Age: 26
Gender: Male

Student Demographics

Alumnus (SA28 - SA34)
House: Pecari


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Physical Description

Victor looks like the perfect mix between his parents. His face shape is square like his fathers with high cheek bones, slightly fuller lips, and bright blue eyes like his mother. His blonde hair mimics that of his father but will likely grow darker as he grows older much in the same way of his dad and will make him look even more like his mother. Because he resembles much of his mother, Victor can be seen as more of an attractive male the older he becomes. At the age of eleven, Victor is like most other boys his age, he is scrawny and doesn’t have much height to him. But with every year and with the help of sports, he will grow into himself quite nicely by the time he reaches of age. His clothing is from top designers, but tends to stay in the tee shirt and jeans categories. He only dresses up when he absolutely has to and thankfully his parents give him that leisure.