Lysandra (Lyra) Dreseller

Lysandra (Lyra) Dreseller

Character Information

Age: 11
Gender: Female

Student Demographics

Year 1
House: Pecari


SA 44

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 566
Longest Post: 566 words
Longest Thread: 3 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 566
Longest Post: 566 words
Longest Thread: 3 posts

Most Recent Post: That just means you can try something new! on May 25, 2024

Physical Description

Lysandra (Lyra) Dreseller stands out with her untamed, curly auburn hair that often falls wildly around her shoulders, framing a face that's constantly smudged with dirt from her latest adventure. Her large, expressive green eyes glint with mischief, always darting around in search of her next escapade. Lyra's fair skin is dotted with freckles, a testament to the countless hours she spends outdoors, defying any rule that tries to keep her inside. At eleven years old, she's of average height for her age but carries herself with a confidence that makes her seem taller. Her build is wiry and athletic as a result of climbing trees, jumping fences, and exploring every nook and cranny she can find. She often dresses in a haphazard mix of clothing, often mismatched and stained, favouring practicality over fashion. Her favourite outfit is a pair of well-worn jeans, a faded graphic t-shirt featuring a dragon, and scuffed sneakers that have seen better days. She usually has a few scratches or bruises on her limbs, badges of honour from her latest escapades.