Grim Noir

Written By: Turtle

Grim Noir

Character Information

Age: 11
Birthday: Approximately Dec. 12
Gender: Androgynous
Wand: Ebony
Face Claim: Model (edited)

Student Demographics

Year 1
House: Crotalus
Best Class: DADA


SA 44

Total Posts: 3
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 788
Longest Post: 295 words
Longest Thread: 4 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 3
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 788
Longest Post: 295 words
Longest Thread: 4 posts

Most Recent Post: Home? on Jun 12, 2024

Physical Description

Grim has dark black hair kept in a choppy bob, which regularly falls into their blue-grey eyes. In fact, everything about Grim is blue-grey somehow. Even their skin, pale and ashy, seems more dead than alive, and their regularly purple splotched eyes - a symptom of low iron and low exposure to sunlight - don't help dispel the notion that they may just be a walking corpse.