Krisalyn Brockert

Written By: Allegra Brockert

Krisalyn Brockert

Character Information

Age: 11
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Kyla Deaver

Student Demographics

Year 1
House: Aladren


SA 44

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 2401
Longest Post: 0 words
Longest Thread: 1 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 2401
Longest Post: 0 words
Longest Thread: 1 posts

Most Recent Post: Where's Liesl? on Jul 24, 2024

Physical Description

Krisalyn has long blonde hair and blue eyes. At four feet, eight inches, she is tiny, much shorter than her siblings at the same age.. She tends to dress in frilly or sparkly clothing, always skirts or dresses and never pants because her mother would never let her as unsurprisingly her mother does not think pants are ladylike. It has never been an issue as she tends to like pretty things, and while she now questions this ideal in general, she genuinely likes girly things, including the kind of clothing her mother finds acceptable.