Yale Adams

Written By: Nathan

Yale Adams

Character Information

Age: 11
Gender: Male
Face Claim: Model

Student Demographics

Year 1
House: Aladren


SA 44

Total Posts: 3
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 1721
Longest Post: 1046 words
Longest Thread: 3 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 3
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 1721
Longest Post: 1046 words
Longest Thread: 3 posts

Most Recent Post: Am I in the right place? on Jun 20, 2024

Physical Description

Yale is a tidy young man, with his nails always clean and trimmed. They might have just a little too much shine to be natural, though he'll deny it if asked if he's wearing polish. His skin is tanned and his dark hair hangs longer than most boys' cuts. His clothes are preppy and it's pretty clear just by looking at him that his parents have money. He has Resting Troubled Face, though he's usually not as worried as he looks.


Yale is a quiet kid, preferring to spend most of his time with his nose in a book (he prefers mysteries), though being in a real and actual school of magic might make him take a bit more interest in his immediate surroundings. His parents are both lawyers, so he learned early on in life that his statements needed to be clear, logical, and without loopholes. He'd also learned to choose his battles, and negotiate for compromises.


Yale is an only child. He'd chafe under his parents' expectations for him if they were home often enough to enforce them, but they worked long hours at the office and brought their cases home with them. They'd make time to help him with his homework if he needed it, of course, but he usually didn't, and the praise for being smart and independent made him feel good. There had been a few butting of heads here and there - whether or not he got a hair cut, whether or not he'd go to summer enrichment classes, etc - of which he won some (the haircut hadn't happened, thank goodness) and he lost some (the summer classes were basically his babysitter while his parents worked and there'd been no getting out of them), but overall he felt he had a pretty good home life. He had the best stuff, nice clothes, great vacations, and parents that wanted the best for him, even if their five year plans for him were rarely made with his input.

He grew in Connecticut, altogether too close to Yale University for a kid named Yale not to be teased about it. Luckily though, he went to a private school where most of the students had parents with similar expectations and aspirations for their offspring, even if most of those parents had the sense to give their kids normal names like Thomas and Geoffrey. (Yale had once tried to tell people his name was 'Al' but he'd forgotten to answer to it, so that hadn't really worked.)