Summer Collindale

Written By: Rhy

Summer Collindale

Character Information

Age: 12
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Mackenzie Brooke Smith

Student Demographics

Year 2
House: Aladren


SA 44

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 247
Longest Post: 247 words
Longest Thread: 1 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 6
Total Threads: 4
Total Words: 2834
Longest Post: 839 words
Longest Thread: 3 posts

Most Recent Post: It's for me on May 17, 2024

Physical Description

In her immediate family, Summer’s physical appearance sticks out, though not in a way that immediately marks her out as adopted. She just looks like she got all the recessive genes, being strawberry blonde, pale and freckled, to the rest of the family’s brunette and generally darker tones. How she looks or how others look isn’t of much of a concern to her. She smells like the rest of her family and sounds like the rest of her family, both in accent and in her tendency to sing, both of which are more important markers in her book. She often wears dark glasses, and usually carries a cane to aid her navigation, though she is excited to learn spells and potentially not need it any more. She tends to dress in bright colours and somewhat hippy style clothing, though as she grows older and forms more opinions on her clothing this may change. It’s one of (very few) areas that she is not strongly opinionated on, so long as it feels nice.