Kerri Stonehurst

Written By: GlidewellDear

Kerri Stonehurst

Character Information

Age: 12
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Joey King

Student Demographics

Year 2
House: Aladren


SA 44

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 374
Longest Post: 374 words
Longest Thread: 1 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 3
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 997
Longest Post: 374 words
Longest Thread: 3 posts

Most Recent Post: Charming. on Jun 24, 2024

Physical Description

Kerri is a short for her age, pixielike in appearance. Expressive eyebrows arch above hazel eyes and below pin-straight bangs. Her pointed chin is even with the ends of her sharp brown bob. She takes pride in being clever, and the right corner of her mouth raises into a smirk when she solves a problem.