Maisy Wigglington

Written By: GlidewellDear

Maisy Wigglington

Character Information

Gender: Female

Staff Demographics

Position: Care of Magical Creatures
Years Employed: SA42 - Present


SA 44

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 1008
Longest Post: 1008 words
Longest Thread: 1 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 4
Total Threads: 4
Total Words: 2737
Longest Post: 1008 words
Longest Thread: 17 posts

Most Recent Post: Puffskeins- Beginners on Jul 06, 2024

Physical Description

Maisy is a beautiful young woman. Her striking ginger hair is the first thing you notice about her, normally kept in a long fishtail braid swinging heavily behind her back. Her dark honey-colored eyes are so entrancing you almost don't notice the gashed scars across her face. Despite the disfigurement, she can always be found grinning as though she's just thought of the world's funniest joke.

Family & Friends

Magnus, her mischievous companion, is a Kneazle kitten with a propensity for exploring where he shouldn't.

Calin Darkhaven, a fellow dragon tamer.