Donovan Peters

Written By: GlidewellDear

Donovan Peters

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: Male
Face Claim: Robert Manion

Student Demographics

Year 4
House: Pecari


SA 44

Total Posts: 2
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 743
Longest Post: 424 words
Longest Thread: 3 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 28
Total Threads: 16
Total Words: 9593
Longest Post: 596 words
Longest Thread: 7 posts

Most Recent Post: Ordinary magic (Misty) on Jun 24, 2024

Physical Description

Donovan is an average boy in almost every way, average height, average weight, average nose length, average everything. He often wishes he were a bit more special, but he’s stuck here with dark brown hair (boring!) and straight teeth (also boring!). The only thing that’s interesting about him, looks-wise, is his bright green eyes that are flecked with gold. He can’t wait to get older so his mom will let him dye his hair, get a piercing, something!