Alexander Pierce

Written By: Nathan

Alexander Pierce

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: Male
Face Claim: Bryce Gheisar

Student Demographics

Year 4
House: Crotalus


SA 44

Total Posts: 2
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 941
Longest Post: 533 words
Longest Thread: 2 posts

All Time

Total Posts: 29
Total Threads: 19
Total Words: 12777
Longest Post: 890 words
Longest Thread: 12 posts

Most Recent Post: Likewise on Sep 17, 2024

Physical Description

Alexander has neat dark hair. His skin is pale from spending most of his time indoors. His teeth are straight and well maintained, though it's hard to tell because he doesn't smile a lot, and when he does, it's usually a small polite smile that doesn't show teeth. His clothes are of good quality and show no signs of heavy wear or dirt. While he has a very definite familial resemblance to his brother, Nicholas, they are fraternal, not identical, twins.

Preferred Classroom Seating Selection: Front and Center


Alexander is the eldest son of Thaddeus and Alicia Pierce. He has one brother, Nicholas, who is six minutes younger than him. This means Alexander is the smarter and wiser twin, because he will always have a six minute head start. Nicholas does not entirely agree with this assessment, unfortunately, and Alexander has learned not to speak of it, because it is much harder to get Nicholas to do what he wants him to do when his little brother is mad at him, but Alexander knows it is true.

Though Alexander was named for a great (the Great) military commander and conqueror, while Nicholas got named for the prominent alchemist and creator of the Philosopher's Stone, they were both born to a pair of Aladren Head Students who had run their school without any adult supervision for half a year, so Alexander figured, genetically, both twins were predisposed to both intelligence and leadership, and he thought higher of Nicholas than anyone else in the world - including Mother and Father - but Nicholas was still the little brother, and it was Alexander's duty to look out for him, and also tell him when he was being an idiot and what Alexander's *better* idea was.

He’s from the moderate sub-branch of the New Hampshire Pierces, which means he holds with most pureblood society ideals, except he knows gender bias against women being powerful members of society is just stupid, and he doesn’t think less of people with less than completely magical lineages (though it is certainly an advantage, if you do happen to come from a prominent family, and he has every intention of making use of that). His own Grandfather Bauer was a muggleborn, after all, though he doesn’t like to talk about that very much.

Highlights from Sonora

His first year at Sonora started difficult: he was sorted into a House other than his twin brother's. He had a bit of trouble adjusting to having his own room, but he did eventually come to tolerate it, and even see its advantages. He'd still rather share with Nicholas. Still, he did make friends with Nicholas' Aladren roommates, Quillan and Desmond, who shared at tent with him at the midsummer bonfire and actually enjoy chess. He also got along well with the other Crotalus in his year, Ida.

His second year, he immediately secured a date with Ida to the ball during the Opening Feast, and considers this very well played.