Bobby Yu

Written By: Zhoubro

Bobby Yu

Character Information

Age: 17
Gender: Female

Student Demographics

Year 7
House: Aladren


All Time

Total Posts: 4
Total Threads: 2
Total Words: 1049
Longest Post: 340 words
Longest Thread: 6 posts

Physical Description

When playing a game of chess against Bobby Yu, you might look up to find a pair of dark eyes trained on you. Brown eyes that seem black at first glance, topped with expressive eyebrows and short spiky hair that goes in at least 8 different directions. The eyes don't look away, they just wait steadily for you to make your move. Once you do, the side of her mouth quirks up in a small but clear smile. You've fallen into her trap. She stands up to her full five foot one inch height to deliver the final blow.