Melanie Dusk

Written By: Luna Rose Black

Melanie Dusk

Character Information

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Wand: Cypress wood with a phoenix feather core, 12" and a surprisingly swishy flexibility

Student Demographics

Alumnus (SA36 - SA42)
House: Teppenpaw
Best Class: Defence against the Dark Arts


All Time

Total Posts: 5
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 1198
Longest Post: 298 words
Longest Thread: 11 posts

Physical Description

Tall and slim with long, straight black hair and dark eyes. She has a heart-shaped face. She has pale skin and she wears her hair in a fishtail plait that reaches her waist. She looks delicate and light. Her eyes are framed by long lashes and she wears small silver earrings.

Life after Sonora

She wants to be Head of the DMLE