
Written By: Grayson Wright


All Time

Total Posts: 26
Total Threads: 15
Total Words: 13524
Longest Post: 920 words
Longest Thread: 15 posts

All Posts by John

SA28: I've heard Pecaris are supposed to be flexible. written by Grayson Wright on Magical Arts Room and Sports (322 words)
SA28: Here's hoping it isn't worse than today. written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (548 words)
SA28: In theory, that should work well for both of us. written by Grayson Wright on Library (265 words)
SA28: Yeah, pretty much. written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (596 words)
SA27: But surely it couldn't all end in tears? written by Grayson Wright on Transfiguration (355 words)
SA27: Must every tale condemn me for a villain? written by Grayson Wright on Aladren Commons (270 words)
SA27: Eh, I'd say you have a decent case for doing so, actually... written by Grayson Wright on Aladren Commons (563 words)
SA27: On to even worse things? written by Grayson Wright on Aladren Commons (400 words)
SA27: I don't think it was the best year for either of us. written by Grayson Wright on Aladren Commons (368 words)
SA27: Except last year, apparently. written by Grayson Wright on Aladren Commons (276 words)
SA27: Of my trunk or of giving me acknowledgment? written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (437 words)
SA27: In my trunk. Thanks for the acknowledgment, though! written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (353 words)
SA27: I often do as well. written by Grayson Wright on Transfiguration (356 words)
SA26: I wish tonight. written by Grayson Wright on Labyrinth Gardens (592 words)
SA26: I wish I may, I wish I might. written by Grayson Wright on Labyrinth Gardens (364 words)
SA26: But you agree you are occasionally incorrect? written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (737 words)
SA26: Depends on how you define 'doomed', doesn't it? written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (609 words)
SA25: It could all go downhill at any moment, though. written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (313 words)
SA24: Great minds think alike. written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (681 words)
SA24: We'll have fun, fun, fun 'til they take our cauldrons away. written by Grayson Wright on Potions (809 words)
SA24: Eh, I'll probably give in to curiosity eventually. written by Grayson Wright on Labyrinth Gardens (402 words)
SA24: I think we're both better off as humans. written by Grayson Wright on Labyrinth Gardens (540 words)
SA23: One of my favorite things to do. written by Grayson Wright on Transfiguration (672 words)
SA23: Difficult, but rewarding. written by Grayson Wright on Transfiguration (920 words)
SA22: Responsible, courteous, considerate... written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (867 words)
SA22: And we're such very sensible fellows. written by Grayson Wright on Cascade Hall (909 words)