Carillon Arksington


All Time

Total Posts: 4
Total Threads: 4
Total Words: 1062
Longest Post: 319 words
Longest Thread: 17 posts

All Posts by Carillon Arksington

SA3: Paranoidal Tendencies written by on Pecari Commons (209 words)
SA2: Pretend I'm a migdet... No wait! I already am written by on Charms (314 words)
SA2: Hide me!!! written by on Charms (319 words)
SA2: They're GIRLS! What more could I say! written by on Library (136 words)
SA2: Yeah! written by on Library (152 words)
SA2: I could give you one.. written by on Library (220 words)
SA2: I have a good reason for going <b>POOF!</b> written by on Library (192 words)
SA2: Aren't they great? written by on Care of Magical Creatures (130 words)