Ethan Valentine

July 22, 2010 6:49 PM

First day back and it's already come to this by Ethan Valentine

Ethan brushed his longish hair from his eyes and glanced down at the book in front of him. He wasn't really reading it, though, just pretending. His eyes were actually scanning the area, making sure that the area of the Labyrinth he had chosen was deserted. After several tense minutes no one had been seen or heard and Ethan decided that it was quiet enough. He pulled a bag from his pocket that he had charmed to be unable to open unless his wand was used. This was a very useful charm if one happened to be surrounded by people who have their own wands to use and wouldn't think of ever using someone else's. Like at Sonora.

The bag was carrying things of a delicate nature that Ethan really didn't want other people finding out about. Not even Elliot knew he had brought this stuff from the muggle world. In the bag was two packs of cigarettes that Stevie's friends had given him. Ethan looked around him again and once he accepted that it was safe, pulled his wand out and opened the bag before sticking his hand inside; he needed to relax.

It happened to be his and Elliot's first full day back at Sonora and it had been stressful. Despite Eavan pushing them to continue their schoolwork and the eventual owls from the Sonora staff that included homework assignments and consolatory notes, they had fallen behind. They both had lost their concern for school for a while. It was understandable, considering what they had been through. They were orphans. All four of them, and Eddie wherever he was. Ethan and Elliot, being the only Valentines still underage, were shipped off to Seattle to live with their Aunt Selene. It wasn't so bad, actually. Selene was a full witch and had married a successful full wizard, so she had gotten her share of her inheritance that was joined by their uncle's family money. Plus, their cousin had a lot of cute friends that Ethan got to enjoy for the few months they were allowed to mourn in Seattle before coming back to Sonora to try and finish the year.

Of course now that they were here, they were far, far behind everyone else. And they weren't good to start off with. At least he was pretty sure Elliot was in the same boat as he was. He hadn't spoken to his twin since they were dropped off the evening before. They had grown apart since their dad had died. All Elliot did was write things down. Ethan was hurting;anyone could tell. His hair was now almost shoulder-length, he was wearing dark clothes, and smoking.

Speaking of which, he lit the tip of the cigarette with his wand and inhaled deeply. As he exhaled, his body slumped in relaxation as though his bones had been pushed out along with the smoke. This was better, he thought as he brought it to his lips again and sucked in. All the sadness and pain he felt seemed to melt away in a dull haze. Much better.

He wasn't even halfway through with it when he dimly heard the sound of footsteps on the stones just beyond where he was sitting. Panic swam through his head as he tried to decide what to do. Finally, he snubbed out the smoke and shoved it into his bag, and then shoved the bag inside his pocket just in time to see someone turn the corner. He picked up the book he had brought with him and looked at the person as innocently as he could.

“Hi?” was the only thing he could think of saying.
0 Ethan Valentine First day back and it's already come to this 138 Ethan Valentine 1 5

Charlie Abbott

July 30, 2010 12:46 PM

You could get expelled for that by Charlie Abbott

The sun was shining, birds were singing, and it looked like Charlie was going to be able to stay with Dmitry in the summer. Just for a couple of weeks, but at least she could fill her time back home in Chicago with ballet lessons until her feet bled. Perhaps it was sadistic of her, but Charlie was kind of looking forward to that. Her practises with Lita seemed to be getting fewer and fewer as Charlie spent more time on Quidditch, and with Dmitry. She hadn't planned it, but that's what seemed to have happened. Perhaps next year she would be able to pick it back up again...

It was a beautiful day, and Charlie was having one of those rare moments with nothing to do. She didn't take Astronomy, whereas Dmitry, Athony and Daniel all did, and were currently in that class. She couldn't find Lita, so with nobody else of interest to talk to, the fourth year decided to take a stroll round the grounds. Her white gypsy skirt and blue strapless top suited the weather perfectly, and her dark brown hair was kept back from her face in a daisy barrette.

the Crotalus had been aimlessly wondering for quite some time before she came across another person. She rounded a corner to see Ethan Valentine - a student who'd been away from school for such a long time that it had caused much speculation until the reason for his absence had been confirmed. "Oh, hello," Charlie repied. She offerred a small smile, but didn't want to be too cheerful. Ethan's dad had died, for crying out loud - she didn't want to be Miss Cheerful round him.

"I didn't know you were back," she said, taking a seat next to him, tucking her skirt under her. Then, being that close, Charlie smelled something unpleasant and familiar. One couldn't grow up in a hotel and not know the smoke of cigarettes, especially when her own brothers had been known to smoke them 'in secret' from time to time.

"Have you been smoking?" Charlie asked outright, part shocked and part impressed that he would break the school rules so blatantly. "You can totally smell it," she clarified.
0 Charlie Abbott You could get expelled for that 0 Charlie Abbott 0 5