Hannah Laurent

May 28, 2009 9:40 PM

A Thank You (Tag: Oliver) by Hannah Laurent

Hannah sat on a bench in the Gardens, waiting to see if Oliver showed up. She had sent him an owl asking him to meet her here. Half of her hoped that he would and half of her hoped that he wouldn’t. She wanted to thank him for the pretty bracelet he had sent to her, but along with that would come the information to whether he had sent it as more of a friendship thing. For all she knew, he could have picked out something for all of his friends. Although, how many presents were bracelets? She was hoping it meant that maybe, just maybe, he liked her a little more than that.

In this vain hope, she had taken extra care into her appearance when normally she would have thrown on whatever was clean before throwing her long blonde hair into a ponytail. Luckily, choosing an outfit was much easier than it would have been last year thanks to the fact that most of her clothing was new. By the end of last year, her clothing had become rather snug due to the new body shape she was beginning to acquire. Even so, she still preferred the simpler. She chose a pair of jeans and a green v-neck to compliment the bracelet.

While she waited, Hannah could only think of how she should have brought a book or homework or something. She had been a little earlier than she had said she would be. Mostly out of nervousness. Now, she found herself with nothing to do. She crossed her legs, uncrossed them, and crossed them again. She fiddled with the bracelet around her wrist before smoothing out the imaginary wrinkles of her shirt. She fluffed out the hair that was left loose. She had actually taken the time to brush it until it shone down her back along with applying a minimal amount of makeup.

For the life of her, she didn’t understand why she spent time so much time on her appearance when Oliver was involved. It wasn’t like he didn’t see her in classes when she was less than perfect or better yet on the Quidditch pitch when she was glistening, because according to Addie girls weren’t supposed to sweat. She had rolled her eyes at that one. But the point still stood that she worried far too much about her appearance where he was concerned. She had never done this with Sam, but then she didn’t find him to be quite so attractive.

She really didn’t understand why when they had spoken to each other only a few times, but then why did anyone like anyone else? There was no logic or reason to it. She wished there was though, because then it would be much easier to tell if someone liked someone else. There would be a nice, easy-to-follow flowchart that would point to either a yes or no, but there wasn’t and there had been a time when she had considered using a magic eight ball. Breaking into her thoughts, she heard someone approaching. She looked up hopeful. “Hi.”
0 Hannah Laurent A Thank You (Tag: Oliver) 98 Hannah Laurent 1 5

Oliver Abbott

May 30, 2009 1:55 PM

You're Welcome? by Oliver Abbott

How was it that such a smiple task could be made much more complicated when you threw a pretty girl into the mix? A note arrived from Hannah, asking Oliver to meet her in the gardens. So he'd dithered for a ridiculous time in front of the mirror, wondering whether she liked the bracelet, whether she didn't, if she didn't want to stay friends, and all sorts of rubbish. Why couldn't she have just written what she wanted in a note like he had - spinelessly - by sending the bracelet via owl? Girls could be so cruel.

Almost on time, Oliver scuffed his sneakers along in the dust as he walked through the gardens. He had decided not to change out of his muddy green cargo pants, as they were clean on that morning and he didn't want to turn into some fool who worried about his clothes all the time (like Julian). But he didn't want Hannah to think he was a total scruff (he was often wearing his uniform when they usually saw each other, which automatically made him neater) so he pulled on a casual shirt and left it open over his white tee.

Thrusting his hands in his pockets so he wouldn't fidget (luckily he'd stopped getting sweaty palms whenever he talked to Hannah these days), Oliver saw Hannah and drifted over to meet her. She looked up, and she looked beautiful. Dear God, or Merlin, or anyone who was listening, Oliver pleaded to let this go well.

"Hey," Oliver replied, unable to stop the slightly geeking grin from spreading across his face, but he did manage to keep his hands in his pockets and prevent the nervous re-adjusting of his glasses. A quick glance at Hannah - hopefully fast enough to not be considered staring - let Oliver notice she was wearing the bracelet he'd given her. So far so good!

"It looks good on you," he said, nodding at the new addition. She wouldn't be wearing it if she was just going to give it back, was she? Of course not.
0 Oliver Abbott You're Welcome? 99 Oliver Abbott 0 5


June 13, 2009 5:28 PM

Being bold by Hannah

“It’s really pretty,” Hannah replied, twisting the bracelet around so that the light sparkled off of it more, which caused her to admire it all the more. Plus, it gave her time to think. She wasn’t really sure what else to say. They never seemed to talk all that much and she wondered why that was when it seemed like they liked each other well enough. They had gone to the Ball together, studied together, and now she had gotten a bracelet from him, but exactly what did that all mean? She supposed she would classify them as friends, but didn’t friends hang out more?

Well, maybe they were friends, but not close friends. He seemed to be better friends with Talitha and Lutece and suddenly, she found herself wondering what he had bought them. Though, she didn’t really want to think about it, but it just had to be something way better than a bracelet. And that maybe it was because of them that she and Oliver didn’t really hang out. Maybe they hated her, which the mere idea of made her angry, because she had no idea what she could have possibly done to make them dislike her so unless they had figured out that she liked Oliver.

And the only reason they would dislike her for liking Oliver is if they liked him too. At least, that’s how she looked at it, which brought about unwanted feelings of jealousy, but it was hard to picture someone not liking Oliver. Although, Addie had called her crazy when she had admitted to her crush, but then she didn’t think her sister had very good taste at all since she wanted to be friends with the snobby girls in her year. They obviously had very different views, but that didn’t mean that she was wrong and how could she ever compete with the other two girls if they did indeed like him? There was no way she could.

Just as quickly as the thoughts came, they disappeared in a mist of logic. She had hung around Sam and had never thought him more than a friend, but then he had thought of her as more. She also knew it had taken him a lot of courage to admit it, but at least they knew where their friendship and everything else stood. Maybe that was the only thing to do. Before she could talk herself out of it, knowing that if she did, she would end up regretting not doing it, she stood up and closed whatever space was between her and Oliver, more than closed as she leaned forward to kiss him. “Thank you.”
0 Hannah Being bold 0 Hannah 0 5


June 16, 2009 4:21 PM

Being appreciative of that by Oliver

It was very difficult to think of something to say. hannah was beautiful, but that was old news. Oliver found himself growing warm under the pressure of finding something to say, and being alone with Hannah. Again. If Julian could see him now he would be laughing himself silly. Okay, it was really time to think of something to say. Really, anything at all would do. Even a moment about the weather at this point would probably be well received.

Just as Oliver opened his mouth to speak, he hesitated because Hannah stood up (which was just as well, because he'd had no idea what he was about to say and it could have been something truly terrible about lobsters or something). But why was she standing? Was she leaving? No wait - she was coming closer. Woah, there was a kiss. The world didn't stop still exactly, but Oliver could tell there was something different about it.

"You're very welcome," he said in reply, and before she had time to change her mind or run away or anything else catastrophic, Oliver closed the distance between them again and kissed Hannah. Her lips were soft and his head felt light and why hadn't he done this earlier?

A short laugh later, and Oliver managed to gain some of that confidence his older brother had by the bucketful. "So there's something I've been meaning to ask you," he said with a quirky smile. he'd gotten this far, he might as well say what he'd not been saying for the past four years. "How would you feel about being my girlfriend?"
0 Oliver Being appreciative of that 0 Oliver 0 5


June 20, 2009 12:29 AM

Appreciating that you appreciate that by Hannah

Kissing obviously did very little for brain functioning as all it did was caused it to get rather cloudy. Her heart began to pound furiously in her chest though it felt like it was right next to her ears. But at the same time, it was as though every cell was perfectly still. It was the most amazing sensation in the world. She was a million times over glad that her first real kiss had been shared with Oliver. She doubted it would have felt like this with Sam, because of the differences in how she felt about each of them.

She knew that if she had kissed Sam, it would have been the first for both of them and it wouldn’t have been fair to him, because she wouldn’t have felt the same thing he had. Was this Oliver’s first kiss? Oh, if it was, she hoped that he felt the way she did at this moment. She had heard that sometimes after two people kiss it was possible that all chemistry would be lost. Maybe he had completely changed his mind? Okay, now she was just making no sense since he had just kissed her back, but then she supposed that crushes tended to make a person a little loopy.

Even if it wasn’t his first kiss (and she really didn’t want to try and venture as guess as to who was), she hoped that he had liked it as much as she had and that she hadn’t come off as too inexperienced. Although, given his next words, it was probable that he probably had, but she was more focused on a particular word. Girlfriend. Did she want to be his girlfriend? It was really a good thing that her mouth didn’t need to connect with her brain for this one as the answer was already spilling out of her mouth before she could even think about it. “Yes!”

Hannah’s cheeks tinged pink. Well, that was embarrassing. Trying to act more nonchalant, she said more calmly, “I mean, yes. Yes, I would like that.” There that sounded better. Or at least, she hoped so, because she didn’t think that he would want a stalker type girlfriend. At least, she thought that’s what she was now since that’s what his question had seemed to propose. She reached out and took his hand. “So, uh, we’re official right? Because if we are, I wouldn’t mind trying that kissing thing some more.” It was said in a sort of serious half joke as she offered a grin.
0 Hannah Appreciating that you appreciate that 0 Hannah 0 5


June 26, 2009 7:29 AM

Woot! by Oliver

Some first times really didn't mean anything. The first time Oliver ate chutney? He couldn't remember. The first time he'd fallen off his bike had long ago been merged with the many subsequent falls. But the first kiss? This was something he would probably remember. He didn't even need to embellish it - the labyrinth was as good a place to do it as any, and Oliver didn't think he could exaggerate how beautiful Hannah was even if he tried. There was no weird bumping of teeth or noses, neither of them had just eaten garlic - it was phenomenal.

Then it only got better. Oliver knew his smile widened into a goofy grin when Hannah uttered that magnificent word: Yes. Wow. Hannah was his girlfriend; his girlfrined! She looked pretty pleased about it too, which sent Oliver on the biggest natural high of his life so far.

"So, uh, we’re official right?," Hannah said then, taking Oliver's hand. Her fingers were warm, like her lips had been. "Because if we are, I wouldn’t mind trying that kissing thing some more."

Oliver thought his stomach was going to fall out. It did a strange jumping twist, which felt strange, but in a really good way. "Anything for you," he said, trying but failing to adopt a chivalrous air. Most of wit seemed to have been lost somewhere as almost all his thoughts dissipated being so close to Hannah. He dared to slip his free hand around her waist. This was fanstastic! Then he did as she'd asked, and tried that kissing thing some more.
0 Oliver Woot! 0 Oliver 0 5