Adam Whitney

April 21, 2008 8:02 PM
Adam left the Cascade Hall barely touching his food. It wasn't that he hadn't tried to eat, Merlin knew how much he enjoyed his food, but he had started coughing halfway through lunch and Adam had decided that today wasn't his day to eat ravioli. So, instead, he had set down his fork and wandered out into the Saturday afternoon sun.

The month of September was coming to an end soon and Adam felt as though his life was at a complete standstill. Summer hadn't gone exactly as he had planned. Dalila and him and fought. He had told her the truth about everything and she hadn't liked what he had to say. Not that he could really blame her for that. It wasn't as though he had let out easy on her. But, he couldn't lie about any of it either. The breakup had been for the best. For both of them. He hoped that eventually, Dalila would reach that conclusion as well.

He knew that he was the complete jerk in the situation. He would never deny that. And, there was a good chance that people might end up hating him because of how he ended the relationship. Or, for that matter, how the relationship started. He cared for Dalila, that would never change, but he wasn't in love with her and he didn't think that would ever change. It had been hard to admit such a thing to himself let alone to Dalila, but it was only fair that he told her so that she didn't continue wasting her time with him on a future that wasn't meant to be.

Adam had been hoping that this new year would help distract him from everything, but instead he felt his mind wander more and more during his spare time. Things that he would rather not think about. Thoughts about people that only hurt in the long run. Possibilities that would never come. These thoughts were endless and often left Adam feeling drained. It was due to these reactions that Adam and grown to be rather legarthic in life. Not caring about anything. He didn't see the need to pretend anymore.

It was all pointless.

He had been walking through the Labyrinth for a bit and was growing tired. Taking a seat an available bench, Adam leaned over and placed his head in his hands. He knew that if someone saw him, they would immediately think something was wrong with him, but he actually felt this position was the most comfortable one to be in.

Eyes closed, breathing easy, body relaxed. Adam felt good sitting on the bench. It was calming. Almost as though he could really forget everything. Well, at least until he felt the weight of another being sitting down beside him. Adam lifted his head and looked over only to wish he hadn't. "Hey Princess." He greeted sounding more casual than he thought he could.
6 Adam Whitney Enjoying the sun... sort of. (Nic) 69 Adam Whitney 1 5


May 10, 2008 9:02 PM
If their eyes hadn't been closed, Adam's eyebrow raise at her response would have been noticed. But, instead, they continued to play a nice recital with their mouths. That was just fine with him. He preferred her preoccupied anyway. If he hadn't kissed her, he was almost worried that she might have become angry with him and then they would do their little dance all over again. Now, he wasn't going to say that he didn't enjoy seeing Nicoletta angry, because he did. He loved how her lips pouted when she scowled or the color that came into her cheeks when she was pissed at him. He had seen it happen quite a few times and every time he usually always wanted to push her a little more just to see what would happen next.

Of course, it was those fights that had gotten between them and eventually ended their relationship the first time around (among other things), which is precisely the reason why he wasn't going to give her the time to get angry with him. At least, not right after they started their relationship and not over something he was only joking about. Well, sort of joking about. When they were fourteen, Adam really had wanted to rip out his hair when he was dealing with her. Her rules. The fact that she had wanted him to only want her and yet, she had been engaged to someone else and how, to her, that was okay. How she had been one of the priviledged and believed they deserved it. He couldn't stand it and even though he hated everything about it, he still couldn't keep himself from walking away from her. At least, not until that camping trip.

Adam grinned when she finally retorted only to be pulled back into a kiss again. She was still as physical as ever, which was just as well for him. He would have asked exactly what she meant by that, but really didn't need her to say the words. Action spoke louder than words anyhow. She pulled away again and started to feel around his face. He watched her in amusement for a moment. Obviously, he had grown up since the last time they had hooked up, but he didn't think he had changed enough for her to need to remember every detail of his face. "Just so you know, I won't be having this whole 'Trophy Boyfriend' thing with you again. I have a brain. You can't just have me for my body." He was completely joking, of course and his hands proved just that much as they had copied what her's had done over his face...except not over her face. "Hm...impressive. They've grown."
0 Adam We have a habit of going in circles. 0 Adam 0 5


May 11, 2008 11:52 PM
Shock. She was flabberghasted over his words. She couldn’t believe that they had been together for a total of only like five minutes and already he was taking liberties. Granted, it wasn’t exactly a new relationship and it wasn’t the first time that roaming hands had come about. The first time had been in the beginnings of their what she hoped wasn’t going to turn into an on/off relationship. At that time, she had quickly cooled down the relationship.

Pleasure. Recovered from the shock, she tried to keep her expression masked into one of perfect seriousness, which was difficult given the situation. “I do make sure to take all of my vitamins and drink lots of milk.” Unable to ignore the welcomed feeling, she closed her eyes for a moment in an attempt to regain control while subconsciously leaning forward. Once she felt she had done so, she opened her eyes, her lips formed into a pout. “But I want to show off my trophy. Everyone will be jealous. He’s amazingly gorgeous and has this tendency for making my knees go weak.”

Embarrassment. Her face flushed at her blatant admittance. It had been half of a joke, but that was just the thing, it had mostly been true. No other male had ever been able to produce that type of reaction within her. She wondered how much of it was based off of her feelings for him versus physical attraction. She knew it had to be both. After all, if she didn’t find him good looking, she never would have kissed him in the library, but there were lots of good-looking boys that she didn’t have this type of feeling for, which is where she figured the love aspect came into play.

Guilt. Love and attraction were a lethal combination for a girl of sixteen. She wanted to continue, but now was not the time, not when anyone could come across them. Not when Dalila or Earl could come across them. She felt horrible for both. She knew she wasn’t responsible for Dalila, but she knew the pain of not being with whom one wanted to be with. As for Earl, she was responsible for that. It didn’t matter that she had been honest from the start about her feelings for someone else. She had made the decision to try to lose herself with him, to lose her pain, and in doing so had only caused it. She bit her lip. She wanted to talk to him before anyone knew about her and Adam. She didn’t want to have it rubbed in. It seemed cruel not to be the one to tell him.

Acceptance. No, she wasn’t going to feel horrid about her relationship with Adam. She wasn’t going to let such feelings taint it. If she did, then she would feel the need to hide the relationship, which was exactly what had cost her the relationship the first time. Adam loved her and she loved him. There was nothing wrong with that. There was nothing wrong with showing how they felt about each other. She wanted to hold his hand down the hall, hug and kiss him. It wouldn’t be right if she couldn’t and to be honest, she didn’t want to not do any of those things. Her mind settled, she cupped her hands around the back of his neck and kissed him. Her lips trailed to the sensitive area of his jaw, right under the ear, before whispering, “Adam Whitney, you are utterly dangerous to the female population.” The after thought was, 'Especially me.'
0 Nic We seem to be doing better. 0 Nic 0 5


May 12, 2008 7:43 PM
Okay, so she wasn't batting his hands away as she had done the last time. That was good. She didn't necessarily look too pleased about it, but she didn't look angry either. That was definitely a step in the right direction. Still, he wasn't about to press his luck either. He waited patiently for Nicoletta to make a reaction to both his words and his hands and, thankfully, didn't need to wait very long for it to come.

"I guess it's true what they say then." Adam quipped. "Milk really does do a body good." His amused look returned as she responded, both verbally and otherwise, to his jesting. She was still quick with her wit. Something that he had always enjoyed from her, but something they hadn't really been able to share because they had always been tiptoeing around one another.

He remembered last Christmas how careful they had been around one another. Maybe that had been the start of the breaking point for the both of them. Each in relationships, but not completely committed to them as they should have been. Adam had felt completely guilty for spending the time that he had with Nicoletta, but he couldn't stop spending it with her. He had been compelled to be with her. He hadn't any right, but it never stopped him from looking for her. From looking at her. He chuckled for a moment. He never really considered himself good-looking by any means. Not that he had a negative outlook of himself. He just never really gave it much thought before. "Alright, well, you can use me on occassion, if you want me that much."

This felt nice. The joking. It was a good sign, wasn't it? The fact that they had managed to get through this conversation with very little fighting. At least, not enough arguing to potentially ruin whatever they currently had going at the moment. Adam finally moved his hands away from her chest and instead, wrapped them around her waist as she returned to kissing him. He didn't know how they were going to get through the rest if they continued on like the way they currently would. Not that he was about to saying anything to that effect. Instead, he looked rather please as she down his jaw and then whispered in his ear.

"Dangerous, you say?" Adam commented, his eyebrow raising slightly at those words. His face still close to her's, he grinned. "Maybe I should try my luck? Thanks for the lip practice, Princess, I think I'm ready to take them all on now." He waited for her to react to his words. Waited for it. And, just as he saw it come to her, Adam's grin grew wider as he closed the distance and kissed her for a long while. When he finally pulled away, his lips felt numb, but his grin remained. "Maybe not, I could still use some more practice. Besides," Adam leaned back against the bench and ran a hand through his darkening hair. "your feistiness is a total turn on."
0 Adam Loads better, really. 0 Adam 0 5