Cissy Tarwater

March 03, 2007 11:00 AM

What a... nice... day by Cissy Tarwater

Cissy grinned at her book on the Dark Arts. Tormenting Red had gone very well. Red sure suspected her, even though the girl had no proof it was her (Cissy was the perfect poster-child for innocence when she was acting) since only Red had suspicions for her, which was stupid since Cissy had done nothing but feigned idiocy and innocence around her. Still, everything worked out well. That Caedence girl had been giving her dirty looks, but she knew nothing either.

Cissy would have to torment Red with the cockroaches later on. Next year, probably, since her mother wouldn't send her the pets. And as for Paul, she'd done a good job in making him bleed two days ago. He was probably having a hell of a time at his Quidditch game right now. Cissy hoped a Bludger hit him, putting him through worse pain. She'd heard her brother used the excuse of their cat when explaining his wounds. Hah, that idiot.

The puffskein was not able to be hers though, and Cissy had tried to steal it. Unfortuantly, that Professor K had hid them. But that was no big deal, Cissy knew you didn't always get everything you wanted. At least she'd gotten this far. She flipped another page in her book casually, grining at the horrible pictures presented. Once she got better with the wand, Cisy had to try this out on Red or her brother.

Those rashes looked so much more painful than the light itching powder her father could make. And they were pus filled, so much better. There was also a counter, but Cissy cared nothing for that. Smiling, she folded the corner of that page and snapped the book shut on hearing someone coming near. Opening her bag, Cissy casually slid that book into the bag and pulled another out. This time on Magical Creatures.

Much safer.

Putting that book to the side, Cissy closed up her bag and placed it against the tree to lean on. She opened the book to a turned corner, dragons. How nice. This was a very good spot for Cissy to start. So she began to read.\n\n
0 Cissy Tarwater What a... nice... day 0 Cissy Tarwater 1 5

Jaeven Dimitri

March 04, 2007 4:11 PM

Yes! Let's be friends! by Jaeven Dimitri

Jaeven was, as seemed the norm recently, quite muddy. How one got to be muddy in the middle of a desert was something that not many besides Jae had figured out. His formerly white t-shirt had a formerly rainbow peace sign on it. Now it was more brownish red than anything. The same went for the cargo pants. Jaeven's robes the gardens. He wasn't exactly sure where, although he usually found them eventually.

Today had been a good day. He had climbed all the way to the top of the statue with the clapping beak and he hadn't fallen off. And from there, he had seen a girl reading a book, only two rows across!

Jumping down from the statue, Jae climbed over one hedge wall and went around the other, skipping into the area where the girl sat. Peering over her shoulder, he saw she was reading a book on Comec!

"Hiya!" Jae chirped, looking down at her with happy green eyes, blonde dreadlocks bouncing about, earring glinting in the sun. In short, the first year looked like some sort of demented hippie hybrid...or someone from Colorado. "I'm Jae! I'm in Pecari. Are you, too? I thought I saw you in the common room once! Do you like Comec? I love Comec! It's madcoolamazingness! I have a kitty. Her name is Jenny. I have a sloyka, and he's Todd. They're asleep right now, so I decided to play without them. Do you have a kitty? Did you get to keep your sloyka from Comec? Who're you?"

Jae stopped to take a breath, still grinning crazily.\n\n
0 Jaeven Dimitri Yes! Let's be friends! 104 Jaeven Dimitri 0 5


March 06, 2007 6:22 PM

Can we... not? by Cissy

Cissy restrained herself from raising her eyebrows at the muddy boy when he came by. Why this boy was playing in the dirt, Cissy had no idea. But she knew that he was far too old for such (being in her year, she knew since he was also in Pecari). The blue of her eyes instead just turned back to the book.

"Hello," she stated nonchalantly. Another look up from her book made her see that not only did this boy have dreadlocks. But he also had an earring. Which made it very hard for Cissy not to cringe in disgust, tell the boy he was insane, hex him, then walk off laughing. Yes, that took so much restraint, Cissy could barely stand it. She had to train her eyes back to the book and pretend there was no odd boy with stupid dreadlocks and an earring. Yet still talk to him politely without killing him. Making her feel like she was talking to air.

"I'm Jae! I'm in Pecari. Are you, too? I thought I saw you in the common room once! Do you like Comec? I love Comec! It's madcoolamazingness! I have a kitty. Her name is Jenny. I have a sloyka, and he's Todd. They're asleep right now, so I decided to play without them. Do you have a kitty? Did you get to keep your sloyka from Comec? Who're you?"

So very hard not to hex. Cissy had already forgotten his name. But who cared, she never cared for names anyway. In her mind, he was already dubbed "the pirate boy" because that was what he reminded her of. One of those pirates she saw in pictures, that she always thought looked stupid and how it was odd that they actually terrorized people. Like... couldn't you do that looking normal? Cissy did. But this boy was even weirder. Who ever saw a pirate smile like that or talk like that. It was so hard not to hurt him.

"Yes I'm in Pecari," she sighed cooly. "If you saw me in there, then I think you shouldn't even have to ask. Afterall, who else can get into Pecari? An Aladren? I think not." She shook her head. Well, Cissy almost knew how to get into Aladren. She just didn't know which book to touch. Paul, the idiot, remembered everything. And he was able to get in there without even being told his first year. That stupid Paul, Cissy hated her brother even more than pirate boy and red put together.

"And what in hell is 'Comec'?" Cissy asked. Here a bit of her spite was able to come out. That of a confused person with a hot temper. Which was actually not as bad as if Cissy really asked that question without her true malice. She also wanted to add that if she found that kitty and puffskein she ram them into the concrete after she made his life hell. But here Cissy restrained herself again.

"Cats are... fun... I suppose," Cissy muttered. Needing to say something. Yes, cats were fun. If you knew how to torture them right. Like that Lussni, Paul's stupid cat. He was such fun to torture. Cissy didn't like that Paul hid him away. Cissy couldn't have her fun. "Cissy Tarwater," she muttered. She needed to get away from this boy. "And I'm a little busy if you don't mind."\n\n
0 Cissy Can we... not? 0 Cissy 0 5


March 12, 2007 8:50 PM

Not sure there's much of a choice here by Jae

Jae tilted his head to the side as the girl with the book responded back. "I don't know if Aladrens can get into Pecari," he said. "I know the owls can get there, though. Mika sent me one last week! Well, I sent him one first. But it still counts!"

He liked meeting new people. Even though he had seen the girl in Comec, he thought, and maybe some other classes too. Jae had not spoken to her yet, though. Her book looked really interesting. About to ask what it was about or what she was reading it for, Jae stopped dead as the girl Said A Cussword. There were some boys at school who had said similar things, and the boy's bathroom had quite a few cusswords written in various places, but girls never said cusswords. Ever. Because they knew it was bad, just like Jae knew.

"You said a cussword," Jae pointed out, offended. "That's bad. My aunts say that you should never, never say cusswords."

He ignored the rest of what Cissy told him. She should apologise for being mean before anything else happens. Jae waited, hands stubbornly folded across his chest.\n\n
0 Jae Not sure there's much of a choice here 0 Jae 0 5