The Christmas Sprites

August 14, 2006 10:29 PM

Midterm treats by The Christmas Sprites

The snow was piled just high enough. Running was easy and beside each door was either a few rubber tubes or sleds just waiting for whoever came out looking to go for a ride through the labyrinth.

The Labyrinth itself had undergone a small transformation beyond the covering of snow. Along one path the statues that were in the niches along it threw snowballs at passers by and the fountains had either frozen over, or, in the case of a select few, now sprouted water that was deliciously warm to sit by as a break from the chilly surrounds. \n\n
39 The Christmas Sprites Midterm treats 0 The Christmas Sprites 1 5

Tarquin and Danny

August 22, 2006 2:44 PM

Never too old by Tarquin and Danny

It felt like it was going to be a perfect Christmas. The row was long in the past, but it was still the first time since it that Tarquin was going to get to see Danny. The festively decorated school, the new found feeling of not having to hide, and the fact he was getting to spend Christmas - as one should - with the person he loved just made it seem... magical. If he was honest, he was glad his boss was losing her marbles and quite possibly hadn't understood his request, not realising that two men could be involved how he and Danny were. Or she might have missed the 'boy' half of the word, as he'd had a bit of a cough hit just as he said it. But he still had gone to his boss, told her who and what he was and not been fired. It was liberating.

As the first item on their agenda, Tarquin decided to take Danny for a walk through the gardens. They were always beautiful, but especially in the snow. Still a little shy and self-conscious, he was tentative to reach for Danny's hand, but as they walked along glove-in-glove, he became less concerned who might see. This, as he'd learnt the hard way, mattered more.

"Wow... I thought the Salem Paths meandered," Danny commented, as they wandered through the gardens. His eyes drifted from statue to statue, before landing on a sledge. "You've got everything," he added, eyes visibly lighting up at the prospect the sledge just seemed to be calling out.

"Shall we?" offered Tarquin.

"Are we allowed?"

"They might be intended for the students, but I wouldn't think that would stop you," he grinned, nudging the blond towards it. Danny sat, Tarquin settling awkwardly behind him on the rather-too-small vehicle. They'd just about got steady, when the thing took off, careering down the path in front of it, the two full grown men shrieking and laughing like delighted children. At a particularly sharp corner, Tarquin lost his balance, falling from the sledge. Unable to adjust quickly enough to the new weight, it turned over, dumping Danny in the snow only yards away.

Both still laughing, probably even more so now, Tarquin got to his feet and helped pull Danny up out of the snow.

"Definitely designed for children," he agreed.

Their laughter subsiding, they were unable to miss the crunch of feet on snow. Both turned, Tarquin trying not to feel self conscious and like someone was going to Know and that it would matter, to see who was approaching.\n\n
13 Tarquin and Danny Never too old 1464 Tarquin and Danny 0 5

Declan Chatterjee

August 23, 2006 11:45 PM

My kingdom for a map! by Declan Chatterjee

Declan had taken full advantage of his early arrival - his lesson plans were completed and waiting, and his classroom was up and ready for the imminent stampede of adolescents. In fact, he'd taken such good advantage of his early arrival that he was soon left with very little to do besides explore the grounds. He'd just finished peering around the greenhouses. Muddle, unfortunately, wasn't there; Declan had been interested in perhaps tag-teaming a lesson or two about how moon energies affected certain flora, but so far had been unable to pin down the professor.

That idea aborted, he'd headed for the much-lauded Labyrinth Gardens; after an hour there, he was ready to move on to the Quidditch pitch. ...Or would have been, in any case, if he'd been able to get out. Really. What a time for his lamentable sense of direction (or, rather, lack thereof) to kick back in.

He was just beginning to get truly frustrated when the sound of shrieks and laughter nearby caught his attention. Too deep for children, though...

Eager to get out of the aptly named gardens - they were lovely, but really, he was getting awfully cold - he hurried towards the sound, and rounded a nearby hedge just in time to see one laughing men help another to his feet. A sledge lay nearby, and seemed the obvious reason why both men were caked with snow.

They stopped laughing and turned towards him, apparently having heard his approach. He smiled apologetically, having the sudden inkling that he'd been interrupting something. "Sorry, gents - as you were," he said, heading back the way he'd come.

He hesitated, though, when he remembered why he'd gone running at the sound of voices in the first place.

"Um, actually... would you mind pointing me in the direction of the nearest exit? I seem to have... well... gotten lost...."\n\n
0 Declan Chatterjee My kingdom for a map! 11 Declan Chatterjee 0 5


August 23, 2006 11:47 PM

oops... (OOC) by Declan

Ignore Muddle references, please. This'll teach me to post while half-asleep.\n\n
0 Declan oops... (OOC) 0 Declan 0 5

Tarquin andDanny

August 24, 2006 11:43 AM

Cultured one, this one.... by Tarquin andDanny

OOC - heeheehee, I have print screened that. It was just too brilliant. I think it even eclipses my biggest moment of RP idiocy, which was referring to a character by completely the wrong name (unfortunately, I wasn't owning up to playing the character I did that as at the time, and referred to her by the name of one of my other characters!)

"Hey, it's ok," Tarquin called, as the other man seemed to head away. "'As we were' was fallen over in the snow, no desire to go back to that," he grinned, ignoring the raised eyebrow Danny gave to that comment. He could tell his thoughts were running along the lines of nothing being wrong with rolling about in the snow. Hopefully this guy, whoever and whatever he was, wasn't psychic.

"I can't help, I'm just a visitor," Danny admitted. "But Tarquin should be able to, if this isn't the first time he's ventured out of the library," he added. He gave Tarquin a pat on the back as he introduced him. There was something slightly more than mateyness to it. He wasn't deliberately trying to advertise that they were a couple, but even when just making friendly gestures, there was just something... slightly more to it. It was subconscious, and as far as he was concerned he hadn't done anything that would raise question about their relationship.

"Hi," Tarquin nodded, a little awkwardly, because he was shy of new people, and he wasn't sure what this person would think about the reclusive tendencies Danny had just highlighted. He still held out his hand for a friendly shake. "The main building's back this way," he indicated, "We'll take you. Should probably dry off a bit," he said, as this person seemed worried about inconveniencing them. "Are you knew staff, or visiting a friend?" he asked.\n\n
13 Tarquin andDanny Cultured one, this one.... 1464 Tarquin andDanny 0 5


August 24, 2006 1:51 PM

I try. by Declan

OOC: *sticks out tongue*

Much to Declan's relief, the two men weren't too averse to helping a hopelessly lost (and, therefore, ever-so-slightly pathetic) stranger out of the school garden. He smiled and nodded his gratitude, withholding most of his amusement at the blond's teasing of his shy companion. Not that Declan could find any fault in staying for a long time anyplace with books - he was, after all, a former Ravenclaw. And if it hadn't been for Michael, he would've turned completely nocturnal during his time spent working at the observatory outside of Hogsmeade. Tarquin... that would be the librarian, if Declan's mental list of staff wasn't completely off. It would certainly explain the blond's comment.

"Thanks," he said cheerfully as Tarquin said he would show him in; he took the librarian's hand and shook it. "Oh, sorry - I'm Declan Chatterjee. The new Astronomy professor," he introduced himself.

"And incidentally, I was hoping to run into you eventually," he said to Tarquin as he began to move in the direction the other man had indicated. "I have a few questions regarding books I plan on using for my class, and reckoned you'd be the person to talk to."\n\n
0 Declan I try. 0 Declan 0 5

Tarquin and Danny

September 01, 2006 1:58 PM

to say goodbye and I choke? by Tarquin and Danny

OOC *retorts in kind*

"Good to have you with us," Tarquin nodded politely, as Declan Chaterjee introduced himself and told them what he would be doing at the school. Of course he had no way of telling what this man was like yet, all he knew about him was that he'd managed to get lost (which wasn't uncommon with these gardens). But so far, he seemed nice. He could name several members of staff who would have looked down their noses had they found him sledging (and doing that rather badly) and would possibly have preferred to continue being lost than accept his help.

"Oh, sure - fire away," he encouraged, as Declan mentioned books for classes. He assumed he meant above and beyond the set texts, which were either down to the Headmistress, the teachers or a combination of the two (having not been involved, he wasn't sure which). Unless he wanted Tarquin to get in extra copies of them, or- There really were too many possibilities, when it came to books, to second guess the questions.

Danny smiled, mostly to himself, glad to see Tarquin chat so happily to his new colleague. He did worry about how few of the other staff his partner didn't seem intimidated by. Of course, it helped that this guy had got Tarq started on one of the three major loves of his life (the other two being Danny, obviously, and Oscar). The three of them tramped onwards, leaving dirty footprints through the snow (the sledge seemed to have made itself scarce, going to the nearest point from which it was meant to be able to be taken), the school still hidden behind the maze of hedgework. \n\n
13 Tarquin and Danny to say goodbye and I choke? 1464 Tarquin and Danny 0 5


September 01, 2006 3:08 PM

Some songs die for a reason, you know... by Declan

As the three men headed inside, Declan wondered briefly how to continue with his question. Tarquin certainly seemed nice enough, if a little... well, standoffish was too strong a word. Shy? Very polite, but the vibes he gave off weren't nearly as open as those of his companion. As Declan's question involved a very touchy matter in the magical world, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to put his trust in someone whose only impression was of extreme politesse.

Oh, shut up, he told himself firmly. You were never afraid of speaking up about this sort of thing before.

With a small mental nod - that may have shown a little physically, as well, though he wasn't really sure - Declan spoke up again. "Well, astronomy is really one of the only subjects in which Muggles are anywhere near wizards in knowledge - and in fact, in many ways, they surpass us. I'd like to supplement the existing texts with a few Muggle books. I was wondering if there was any protocol or precedent for this sort of thing, or whether I'd be better off announcing to the school board that I'm a flaming fag and anarchist intent upon, a, perverting the minds of all my students, and b, using it as a launchpad for my plans to assassinate the head of the Cabinet, just to get the pink-slip thing over with faster," he said, adding a small smile and shrug to the end just to let his companions know he was kidding. "...And that's about the long and short of it."

On second thought, he may have said too much. He always did have a habit of talking too much when he was nervous.

Fantastic. You remind me now?\n\n
0 Declan Some songs die for a reason, you know... 0 Declan 0 5


September 01, 2006 6:49 PM

As did the singer's voice by Tarquin

"Oh, no - it's best to keep all assination plots strictly under raps," Tarquin advised, causing Danny to grin. Tarquin's dead-pan, and at times plain warped, satirical sense of humour was one of the best things about him, but very few people got to see it. "I've heard researchers in Magical Breeding are actually this close to rearing a genuine scape goat, so if you can delay the attempt by a few months..." He normally wouldn't have gone off on one of his surreal rants with a stranger, the humour certainly wasn't to everyone's taste, but Declan had started it.

"As for the other things..." he said, considering very carefully what the other man had said. Declan had called himself gay. People bandied it around as an insult, so there was a chance he was just using it like that, implying a link between the corruption Muggle literature would have, in some parents' eyes, and the "corruption" of having a gay person around children. Whether he meant it because both ideas were ludicrous, or because he was comparing how some parents would feel to how he felt about the gay issue - or was just using the term to mean someone bad - Tarquin wasn't sure. If he was gay, he seemed to be comfortable enough to joke about it, though worried about it (along with his assination plans) making him an outcast. Tarquin wanted to reassure him, but a) didn't know if he actually was gay, or completely homophobic and b) given the context, couldn't really announce 'it's ok, we're a couple.' "... there's always a few stiff-collared types, who want to weed out anyone different from themselves. If half of them had their way, only Purebloods would be let in. I've kept my job," he shrugged, trying to drop it in casually, or like he was joking.

"I don't know... Do you set the main class text, or does the headmistress, or the governers? That should give you an indication of who the decisions are meant to come from. Of course, if it's you, you don't need to ask them. If it's them, then surely you - as an expert in the field, who's had their rubbish choice of book forced upon you - have the right to supplement it with material of your choice," he allowed himself another grin. "Although it would be contested and probably not allowed through," he said, more to himself, "someone should really forge a 'right to Muggle literature' act." \n\n
13 Tarquin As did the singer's voice 1464 Tarquin 0 5


September 01, 2006 7:21 PM

(thank Merlin) by Declan

"I've heard researchers in Magical Breeding are actually this close to rearing a genuine scape goat, so if you can delay the attempt by a few months..."

Declan stared briefly for a moment - that was a rather sudden about face from the politely distant librarian of thirty seconds ago - and then, much to his horror, actually snorted with laughter. "Oh, Christ, don't just spring something like that on a man - " he complained with a grin. "Good thing there's no food or drink handy. I have a habit of spraying, you know," he said very solemnly, though there was a wicked twinkle in his eye.

After Tarquin's next statement, though, Declan did have cause to become a little more thoughtful, though he kept the same cheery smile on his face as ever. He'd kept his job - was he referring to blood, or... something else? Certainly he'd just referred to the purebloods on the board, but there was something vaguely familiar about the very auras these two gave off - something Declan hadn't noticed in too many years. He glanced with discreet curiosity at the blond before turning his gaze back at Tarquin, who was still talking.

"Technically I set the texts, but I've been around enough to know that the Big Boys always have a finger in the pie; I'm sure they wouldn't approve of some of my choices." He turned his thoughts away from his walking companions and back to the subject at hand. "If you think it's not too deviant to get away with, I'd like to add the Muggle books; I've seen too many wizarding children raised to look down on Muggles. Really, they should be lauding them; we got the easy part. Muggles've had to make it up as they go since the very beginning. They've come up with some of the most ingenious machines - "

Suddenly aware that he'd somehow gotten onto a tangent, he stopped, threw the pair an apologetic smile, and spoke again with a little more restraint, and less of his usual unbridled enthusiasm. "As you can see, it's a bit of a passion of mine," he said, spreading his hands palm-upward helplessly. "Technomancy and all that. And you know," he added with another boyish grin, "you start a petition for that act, Tarq, and I'll be the first to sign it!"\n\n
0 Declan (thank Merlin) 0 Declan 0 5

Tarquin and Danny

September 02, 2006 8:59 AM

*secretly sort of almost thinks the song's kind of OK* by Tarquin and Danny

Tarquin cringed up inside as Declan simply stared at him for his 'joke'. He was more than relieved when Declan burst out laughing. Their senses of humour seemed right up each other's street. He loved Kiva dearly, and thought she was the kindest little soul, but he wasn't sure how she'd take to his jokes (unless they were about cats, of course - but when he said Oscar had ambitions of world domination, he wasn't kidding). He was glad he'd found someone with whom he could share a laugh.

"I completely agree," he nodded, as Declan talked about the ingenuity of Muggle technology, "I think part of the problem is that Muggle Studies is seen as such a doss subject - only taken by people from Muggle households who want an easy ride. I think it's a great subject though. It gives those from Muggle families the chance to learn what they would have learned at their schools - the science, technology and history of their people - and those from Magical backgrounds another perspective on the world.

"I mean, I know anyone who's not one is going to be highly biased, but the Purebloods shouldn't be released into the world thinking they're better than everyone. If you can't open their minds at school, where can you?" he asked rhetorically. "Consider me your partner in crime in getting in Muggle books," he nodded decisively.

"Sign me up too," Danny nodded, as the petition idea was applauded. "You know my views on Keats, and Shakespeare's sonnets," he grinned.

"Indeed I do, disgrace to fortune and men's eyes," he grinned, addressing Danny with the line from their favourite sonnet, number 29. It just seemed to fit them perfectly.

"Ah," Danny grinned, "Will, John and Freddie, the three greats." He doubted even the knew, not-hiding-his-sexuality Tarquin was going to call him an appalling stereotypical Queen and advocate the brilliance of Jagger in front of someone who was practically a stranger. He didn't mind. He wasn't asking Tarq to wave a banner around, just to stop trying to hide the banner in the back of the closet. He'd learnt the hard way that he couldn't let him go. He simply enjoyed being able to get away with praising Freddie Mercury without retaliation for once. \n\n
13 Tarquin and Danny *secretly sort of almost thinks the song's kind of OK* 1464 Tarquin and Danny 0 5


September 03, 2006 4:16 PM

*discreetly points and laughs* by Declan

Merlin, what a relief! Not only did Tarquin share a sense of humor with Declan's younger half-sister, Maggie - who was also his best friend since Michael's death, and who he missed sorely - but neither he nor his... companion?... seemed like pureblood snobs. Of course, Declan should talk - he was pureblooded, technically. But being raised by his witch mother and Muggle stepfather had given him a rather unique view for a boy of his heritage, and having to listen to his little sister be made fun of at school had finished off any hope pureblood morals had ever had in his forming mind.

"Personally," he said with a smile, "I think it should be policy that all purebloods have to spend at least a few months living as Muggles. No wands, no magic, no enchanted conviences - " he grinned again. That image was satisfying as all hell, really. It wasn't a feasible plan, he knew, given the innate corruption of the magical system - another of his secret obsessions - but it was a nice dream.

He did raise a mental eyebrow at the Shakespeare quotation. He wasn't nearly as up on his Shakespeare as he should be - or as much as Maggie would wish - but if he recalled the sonnet's main jist correctly, it had some interesting connotations... especially given the vibes he was already getting from these two. He couldn't withhold a small, knowing smile, and hoped desperately that neither noticed - especially if his assumptions were wrong.

"I've always been more of a Wilde man, myself," he said, then laughed at the inadvertent pun. "Oscar Wilde, I mean. Poor bastard... he was a brilliant man, though, wasn't he?" he asked rhetorically. "'We're all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.'" He made a soft sound of contentment deep in his throat at the very sound of the words as they approached what appeared to be an entrance to some wing of the school.

When Tarquin's blond... friend... spoke up, Declan took advantage of the moment. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name," he said, extending his hand.\n\n
0 Declan *discreetly points and laughs* 0 Declan 0 5

Tarquin and Danny

September 04, 2006 8:53 PM

*discreetly blushes* by Tarquin and Danny

"Controversial," Tarquin raised his eyebrows at Declan's suggestion. "I bet it would work though, like those teen brat camp things. They all hate it with a passion at first, but when they're forced to stick it out, they eventually crack and accept the way of life of the people in charge of the food. Funny that...

"It probably says a lot about me that your intended meaning was the first one I assumed. Though given the context..." he added with a shrug.

"You're preaching to the converted," Danny informed him, "His cat's called Oscar. And bloody acts like he'd declare his genius if he could talk," he added, under his breath.

"Talent," Tarquin corrected. It was one of the most misquoted pieces of Wilde - to the extent whether he wondered if there were two seperate occasions of declaration of different aspects of Wilde's personality. According to 'The Quotable Oscar Wilde' mini book (which Danny had given him for Christmas, and been read many, many quotations from) Wilde had listed his profession as genius and had had nothing to declare but his talent though, so it seemed more plausible that the misquote arose from that.

"Sorry," Tarquin said, as Declan asked Danny's name, "I'm not used to someone making me rabbit on, not to the extent where he can't get a word in." Fairly sure that - unless he was very naïve - Oscar Wilde wouldn't be one of Declan's favourite figures if he was homophobic (which increased the likelihood he'd meant the fag comment seriously), Tarquin decided to introduce Danny properly. Any doubt in his mind was removed by what they'd been through recently, and the thought of how Danny would feel, or react, if Tarquin avoided the issue at what was a perfect moment to come clean about him.

"This is my boyfriend," the two words ran together a little but were still intelligible, "Danny Fox." Strictly speaking, it was a slightly weird way to introduce him, as it was the sort of introduction you'd use for someone who hadn't, say, been walking along with you and chipping into your discussion, but rather had just joined you.

Danny was slightly taken aback by hearing Tarquin say it out loud to another human being (though admittedly, this guy was obviously as gay as they were - small world) but he couldn't deny how proud and happy it made him feel.

"No relation to the Quidditch coach here," he managed to add, as if this was perfectly normal, as he shook Declan's hand. \n\n
13 Tarquin and Danny *discreetly blushes* 1464 Tarquin and Danny 0 5


September 05, 2006 3:26 PM

this thread is the Idiot's Guide to Literary References... by Declan

"Fantastic!" he burst out when the blond mentioned Tarquin's cat. "It's not often you find another Wilde fan who has also been subjected to the plot for global domination by cats," he said with a grin, thinking of the rambunctious feline who was probably in the middle of ravaging Declan's slippers... again. At least living with Twitch had made Declan extremely proficient in all those little domestic charms. "My cat's name is nearly as erudite, though I guess I could blame that on Michael. Oh, and he's called Twitch," he added, realizing he'd forgotten that. One corner of his mouth quirked up into a little smile.

Declan made a nondescript demurring sound when Tarquin began to apologize about talking to much - truth be told, it was the best conversation he'd had since Maggie returned to Surrey.

He mentally congratulated himself a moment later, though, when Tarquin introduced his companion as his boyfriend, Danny Fox. Declan's ability to gauge people was a treacherous one - when it was right, it was dead on. But when it was wrong... well, those jobs in the Cabinet and at the American Aurory really hadn't lasted that long. It felt good to know that he was correct at least in this case.

Besides, these two really were awfully cute together, even though Tarquin was obviously not at ease with having their relationship publicly acknowledged as of yet, and Declan always had been something of a natural matchmaker. He liked seeing people happy, especially when they were happy and in love.

"Nice to meet you, Danny. You said you were just a guest here?" he asked conversationally, kicking through a deeper than usual drift of snow like a boy on his way home from school, with complete disregard for the cold dampness now soaking down into his socks.\n\n
0 Declan this thread is the Idiot's Guide to Literary References... 0 Declan 0 5

Tarquin and Danny

September 05, 2006 6:51 PM

And how to spot a gay staff memember by Tarquin and Danny

"Yeah, I've just come to stay for Christmas," Danny nodded. "It's hard to get time together when, of all the daft things to do, your partner picks a job where they live at school," he shook his despairingly. Though he supposed he wasn't going to get much sympathy for that career choice being mad from one of the Professors.

"You'll have to meet the Care of Magical Creatures teacher," Tarquin told Declan. "I'm not sure of her views on Wilde, but she definitely understands the cat part. Is Michael your other half?" he asked. True, he could easily be any male relation, but they were usually referred to by their status in the family - 'you could blame that on my brother, so-and-so' - or any male friend. It was worth a guess though. Anyway, in his own experience, anyway, it was boyfriends who gave cats.

He felt great. Danny was here, and he didn't have to hide about it, and he was getting on fabulously with his new colleague. They had so much in common, and he'd been able to find it out by having an actual, engaging conversation, where he hadn't managed to make a complete fool of himself, or make any dreadful faux pas!

13 Tarquin and Danny And how to spot a gay staff memember 1464 Tarquin and Danny 0 5


September 05, 2006 7:03 PM

Hey look! Six-legged instruction manual! by Declan

Declan was still grinning at Danny's obvious despair over the almost constant separation from Tarquin when the latter asked about Michael. Sure, Declan had set himself up, mentioning it like that - but he was so used to being around people who knew, that the sudden realization that Michael hadn't been an important facet of the world to everyone else was almost painful.

Realizing he was currently staring blankly at a clump of snow, and had been for the last few seconds, Declan quickly looked up and smiled again; the expression was genuine, but didn't quite reach his green eyes. "He was. He died a year and a half ago."

There. He'd said it. He'd said it, and no tears were forthcoming; that brief sting of moisture was just due to the surprisingly cold wind. He blinked once and any sign of excessive brightness in his eyes was gone. He smiled wider, not wanting to ruin the great conversation he'd been having with these two just because of his inability to let go of the past. "So, where's the exit to this damn thing, anyway?" he asked, peering past Danny at a shadowy spot in the hedge. It turned out to be a dead end, so he shrugged and looked back at the librarian and his boyfriend.\n\n
0 Declan Hey look! Six-legged instruction manual! 0 Declan 0 5

Tarquin and Danny

September 05, 2006 7:40 PM

Argh! Kill it! by Tarquin and Danny

"Oh. Gosh... I'm sorry. I-" Tarquin made several more half sounds before realising he probably should stop trying to talk. He scuffed at the snow slightly with his shoe, remembering how childishly Declan had kicked at it a minute ago. And now he was all miserable, and subdued, and it was Tarquin's fault.

He was relieved when Declan brushed it off. Ok, he wanted to get out and away from Tarquin, but that was understandable. Hopefully after he'd got himself feeling composed again, he wouldn't mind that Tarquin had said it, and they could be friends. He hadn't warmed to someone as quickly as he had to Declan in a long time, and he didn't want Declan to cool off just as rapidly. He really hadn't had any way of knowing. As Declan's back was turned, looking for the way out, Danny gave his boyfriend's hand a little squeeze.

"Um, this way," he said. There was a hint of anxiousness in his voice, like he was worried he could offend with his directions out, although he tried to get rid of it so he wasn't like a walking, speaking reminder of the mood he'd just created. "Y-you have to go against your instinct and turn away from the building, then it stares you- stares you in the face," he explained, indicating the way out of this horrible mess. \n\n
13 Tarquin and Danny Argh! Kill it! 1464 Tarquin and Danny 0 5


September 05, 2006 8:21 PM

Suicidal <i>and</i> homicidal? Poor Danny... by Declan

Declan smiled at Tarquin as the scruffy librarian made a few attempts at something conciliatory and apologetic, failing dismally. "Thanks," he said simply.

Tarquin still seemed to think he'd made a major misstep, though, at least judging by the tentativeness in his voice when he told Declan how to get out of the labyrinth. Declan's emotions twisted a little uncomfortably, and he wondered what he could do to put his new friend back at ease - and hoped that Tarquin realized that mentioning something he couldn't know wouldn't make Declan hate him forever.

"Well, that's symbolic," he said with another little smile. "And surprisingly logical, given what I've seen of the school so far." He turned just in the way that Tarquin described and saw the promised exit; instead of going through it, though, he glanced sidelong at the two men. "And Tarquin? Don't worry about it, please. Really, don't. I was raised playing rugby," he said, inserting a little lilt of laughter into his tone, "so I'm hardly going to shatter.

"Speaking of," he said, wondering himself how his mind made these insane leaps between subjects. "Know where a man can find a decent cup of tea?"\n\n
0 Declan Suicidal <i>and</i> homicidal? Poor Danny... 0 Declan 0 5

Tarquin and Danny

September 06, 2006 10:04 AM

It was Danny speaking - he hates spiders by Tarquin and Danny

"Thanks," Tarquin nodded, as Declan told him not to worry about it. He had been alert for some subtle sign that it was ok, and he'd got flashing neon (which was lucky, as the only other thing he'd have been able to decude from Declan's comments would have been that himself and Danny made an illogical introduction to school life). He was quite impressed with how Declan could make it offhand yet genuine, he knew if he'd tried he would have just got tongue tied. His face fell comically as Declan said he'd played rugby. "Ok, now I really am I scared of offending you," he grinned.

"Is there anything you two don't have in common?" Danny asked, as Declan requested a cup of tea.

A living boyfriend, Tarquin thought, but deemed rather too black, and just plain cruel to say aloud.

"Oh, Tarq looks little and weedy, but they tremble when he steps onto the pitch," he added teasingly. "Powered on tea," he explained, nodding at the librarian.

"Would you like to come to my office for a cup?" he offered Declan, and only a very, very tiny bit of his mind was afraid that he wouldn't want to. "We could call in on Kiva on the way, the Magical Creatures professor, and almost make a party of it. Plus she can protect me from your rugby moves." \n\n
13 Tarquin and Danny It was Danny speaking - he hates spiders 1464 Tarquin and Danny 0 5


September 09, 2006 9:56 AM

Better late than never... by Declan

Declan had to consciously smile and nod his head in response to Tarquin's comment - it wasn't that he was angry with the librarian, but some things just hurt so badly they distracted his thoughts to a ridiculous degree. He laughed in earnest, though, when Tarquin made a face, claiming true fear.

"I can name 476 constellations off the top of my head," Declan said, sending Tarquin a challenging little smirk. Sure, the librarian could probably - and rightly - kick his behind in any literary forum, but there was a reason why Declan was moving so quickly towards the upper echelon of BAMA, despite his relatively young age. Not even Michael could best his knowledge of the stars.

His smile brightened a little when he heard Tarquin played, as well, and somewhere in the back of his head, an idea began to form, spawned by the earlier conversation topic - i.e., pureblood brats and what to do with them - and this very Muggle sport. He stowed the thoughts away for later, and nodded gratefully in response to Tarquin's offer.

"That'd be fantastic, thanks," he agreed with a grin.\n\n
0 Declan Better late than never... 0 Declan 0 5